Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2438: , The mystery of the **** stone!

Ye Fei gritted his teeth abruptly, and directly roared: "Four-fold burst of muscle strength!!"

Immediately, Ye Fei grabbed the other end of the sacred stone and pulled it hard!

Click! !

Because Ye Fei's strength was too great, he only heard that the floor made of alloy began to sag downward, and he might be stepped on and cracked at any time! !

The instruments, bottles and jars placed on the surrounding experimental benches also began to vibrate!

However, what shocked Ye Fei was that he still couldn't tear it apart!

The sacred stone seems to grow in Elena's hands!

Ye Fei didn't dare to continue to pull, he was afraid that Elena's entire arm would be pulled off!

The feeling of being too powerful to make Ye Fei sweat profusely.

If I knew this would happen, I shouldn't let Elena just try to absorb the energy of the **** stone!

what to do?

How can I do? !

If we continue, Elena may really explode because of too much energy in her body!

Just when Ye Fei was desperately trying to figure out a solution, he saw that the **** stone in Elena's hand had completely turned into a black stone, and it fell to the ground with a bang!


All the energy in the **** stone was absorbed by Elena! !


Elena's expression is very painful, and a ghastly dark energy surrounds her!

With one arm, a fierce and violent force came out of her body like a scourge!

boom! ! ——

The powerful dark energy rushed out wildly, shocking the entire laboratory!

Bang bang bang bang! ! ...

Boom boom boom boom! ! ...

A burst of explosions sounded in the laboratory!

This dark energy directly smashed all the instruments and all kinds of bottles and cans in the laboratory!

Zi Zi Zi! ! ...

Electricity flashed wildly, sparks flew, and the lights in the laboratory began to flicker!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei's face changed drastically, but he didn't know what to do!

Immediately afterwards, Elena slammed the wings of light behind her, and her body flew directly like a rocket into the sky!

With a loud "bang", Elena was stunned, relying on her physical body to directly penetrate the ceiling made of alloy in the laboratory!

Immediately after hearing a burst of explosions, Elena continued to fly upward after breaking through the ceiling of the laboratory, piercing the wall above the laboratory!

Ye Feifeng looked at it last time, and felt his scalp numb!

A black hole appeared above, as if it had been pierced by a steel electric drill! !

Ye Fei couldn't imagine how much energy had accumulated in Elena's body to give her such a terrifying destructive power? !

However, Ye Fei didn't have time to think about it at this time, he didn't even know what Elena wanted to do!

So Ye Fei quickly pressed several buttons on the wall of the laboratory to activate the laboratory self-protection device!

"The self-protection device is activated!!"

"The self-protection device is activated!!"

A mechanical sound rang in the laboratory.

As soon as the device is started, all the instruments in the laboratory are shut down, and the electric current and sparks also disappear!

Immediately, Ye Fei rushed out of the laboratory, took the elevator up, and then rushed out of the castle like a gust of wind!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

As soon as Ye Fei rushed out of the old castle, he heard waves of frantic bombing not far away!

The purgatory knights, nether guards, and dark soldiers around the castle are all scared!

"Isn't that your lord Elena?!"

"What's the matter with Elena? Why does it seem to have lost her mind?!"

"I feel as if there is a demon hidden in your lord Elena's body, it's really terrifying!!"

The people around the castle couldn't help but exclaim.

Because they saw Elena pierce the top of the castle with their own eyes and fly out!

Ye Fei didn't have time to explain to them, but rushed in the direction of Elena Fly!

At this time, the energy absorbed in Elena's body was so much that the woman lost her mind and fell into a state of rampage!

If you can't stop it quickly, I'm afraid the entire lost island will be destroyed by her!

After all, Elena just said that the energy of a **** stone is like a nuclear bomb, and its power is enough to sink an island!

Looking at it now, Ye Fei didn't think there was any exaggeration in these words!

At this time, Elena was moving at high speed over the Lost Island, her hands constantly shooting black and red light waves toward the bottom!

The power of this black and red light wave is very terrifying. The forests on the island were completely broken, the mountains were also knocked down by the impact, the boulders were flying, the smoke and dust and billowing!

Elena has also punched deep pits on the ground!

At this moment, Elena seems to have really become a demon, completely deprived of her sanity, and frantically engaged in destruction!

Seeing that Elena was heading towards the small town on the island, Ye Fei was shocked!

"Elena! Elena!!"

Ye Fei yelled loudly, but Elena continued to destroy Ye Fei as if she hadn't heard Ye Fei's yelling!


Never let Elena go to town!

Elena now has nuclear bomb energy in her body. If she goes to a small town, all the buildings in the town will be destroyed by her, and everyone will be killed by her! !

Thought of this.

Ye Fei didn't dare to hesitate any more, and directly released Li Chen Dacheng's true energy and sword intent!

"The double burst of sword intent!! Yujian Qianli!!!"

Ye Fei burst into a shout.

I saw thousands of golden swords suddenly appeared in the sky!

The golden swords immediately gathered to form a golden giant sword, suspended in the air!

The giant sword is in the sky, shining with bright golden light under the shining of the sun!

Immediately, Ye Fei leaped abruptly, jumped onto this golden sword, stood firmly on the golden sword with his feet, and then swept in the direction of Elena!

This is the sword skill Ye Fei learned on Star Island this week. You can use the gas to form, use the power of sword intent to support yourself, and fly in the air!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Ye Fei had already appeared in front of Elena, directly blocking Elena's way to the town!

"Elena! Wake up!!"

Ye Fei shouted loudly.

At this moment, Elena stood still in the air, the wings of light behind her were constantly dancing, her long silver hair was dancing in the wind, and her beautiful face was expressionless, exuding a cold breath!

The woman's scarlet eyes are very cold, and her body is surrounded by a burst of black and red energy, eerie, terrifying, and powerful!

She stared at Ye Fei coldly, exuding a strong hostility!

Ye Fei was so familiar with this look.

In the past, Elena would lose her mind and become hostile to him when she transforms into a combat form.

Unexpectedly, now that a woman has lost her mind because of absorbing too much energy.

It seems that women should not be able to fully control the power in the body, so they lose their reason and lose their mind.

"Elena! I'm Ye Fei, don't you remember me?!" Ye Fei shouted anxiously.

But Elena's face did not fluctuate.

"Black Demon Light Wave!!"

Accompanied by a sharp shout, Elena directly raised her hands and hit two black and red shock waves!

Boom! !

Two shock waves across the sky, with a powerful meaning of destruction, like two cannonballs, they blasted towards Ye Fei!

Ye Fei's heart trembled, and he didn't expect Elena's strength to increase so much at once!

Therefore, Ye Fei can't afford to think too much, and directly release the sword intent again!

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!"

I saw that thousands of golden swords appeared in the sky, forming a circular sword and shield, like the golden sun dazzling!

Bang bang! !

Two black magic light waves hit the sword and shield fiercely, making two loud noises!

However, although the power of the Black Demon Lightwave was great, the sword and shield only shook strongly, and was not penetrated!

However, even though Elena's attack was blocked, the sword and shield had already cracked. If it were to be repeated a few more times, it would probably break directly!

With just one blow, Ye Fei saw that Elena's current strength has undergone a qualitative change from the past!

If I said that Elena's strength was only the realm of Vientiane Xiaocheng, now she has suddenly risen to Lichen Xiaocheng!

This increase in strength is quite terrifying!

After all, it is very difficult for the Chinese martial artist to raise the cultivation base from Vientiane to Lichen!

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