Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2439: , The original appearance!

However, Elena broke through to the realm of Lichen Xiaocheng by absorbing the energy of the **** stone!

There is only one possibility, that is, Elena's physique and bloodline are absolutely human!

Moreover, Elena has actually absorbed the energy in the **** stone, even if the current state of excitement is over, Elena can still retain most of the energy of the **** stone!

If Elena absorbs the energy of another divine stone, what realm will a woman grow to?

It is possible that a woman's strength will reach the Lichen Dacheng, or even surpass the Lichen realm!

Ye Fei swallowed his throat and shook his head. Now is not the time to think about it!

If Elena can't control the energy in the body well and keeps running away, it will be harmful and unprofitable to continue to absorb the energy of the **** stone!

At this moment, Elena saw that her attack did not work, her eyes flashed with scarlet light, coquettishly dazzling!

Moreover, Ye Fei actually saw a sense of excitement in Elena's eyes!

What the hell? !

Does a woman think she has a good strength and want to fight with herself?

Yes, it must be so.

After all, a woman has just absorbed the energy in the sacred stone, and there must be an inexhaustible force in her body.

Now that someone is fighting with her to let her vent the explosive energy in her body, she will of course be excited.

As a result, Elena raised her hands again, and once again shot two black magic waves toward Ye Fei's sword and shield!

Boom! !

Two bombing sounds!

After the second wave of attacks, the golden light of the sword and shield dimmed a lot, and the cracks on the sword and shield became more!

"Bloodthirsty Ghost Claw!!"

Seeing that the second wave of attacks failed to break Ye Fei's defenses, Elena screamed and rushed directly towards Ye Fei!

Swish! !

She shook her claws violently!

I saw two huge black demon claws suddenly appeared in the sky, and several red marks were drawn in the air, as if the air had been torn apart!

Next second.

Only heard a "boom" sound, the sword and shield were directly torn to pieces by Elena's two demon claws!

The sword and shield were destroyed, turned into dots of golden light, and disappeared into the air!

Wow! !

The violent power shook out, and he stunned Ye Fei directly back more than 20 meters away!

Ye Fei flew out, shaking his body a few times in the air, but fortunately, there was a golden sword supporting him, so he didn't fall down!


Ye Fei took a breath, and said to his heart, this destructive power is too powerful, right?

When fighting against the priest before, the priest could not easily destroy his defense.

But Elena broke through her defense with just three moves...

Could it be said that the current Elena is stronger than the sacrifice to the gods?

No, this is too scary, right?

Seeing that Ye Fei's defense was broken, Elena smiled coquettishly, and then flashed, passing tens of meters, and approaching Ye Fei instantly!


Elena screamed and waved her claws at Ye Fei.

Swish! !

Seeing two demon giant claws grabbed towards him, Ye Fei's face changed drastically!

No matter how strong one's physical body is, no matter how strong the Zhen Qi defense is, I'm afraid I can't stop Elena's current blow, right?

Therefore, Ye Fei rushed to avoid Elena's attack!

However, as soon as Ye Fei avoided the attack, Elena quickly raised her arms and shot two "Black Demon Lightwaves" towards Ye Fei!

"The body of sword intent!!"

Because he couldn't kill Elena, Ye Fei directly displayed the body of sword defense!

Bang bang! !

Two muffled thunder sounds!

Although the two black magic light waves hit Ye Fei, they were blocked by Ye Fei's sword intent!

Therefore, Ye Fei was only shaken back more than ten meters, but did not suffer any harm!

But at this time, in the sky, the fight between Ye Fei and Elena has attracted everyone on the island!

When the people on the island found that Ye Fei and Elena were fighting in the sky, they were shocked and shocked!

However, everyone was puzzled again, a little bit wondering what was going on.

"What's the situation, why did the purgatory king fight with Elena?"

"That's right, can it be said that the two are competing against each other?"

"No, how do I feel that Lord Elena wants to kill the purgatory king?"

"Could it be that the two have turned against each other? But it's not right. Isn't the Lord Elena the woman of the Purgatory King?"

The people below all started talking.

At this moment, Ye Fei couldn't help feeling extremely anxious when seeing the people on the island surrounded him!

"Everyone, get out of here! Hurry up!!"

Ye Fei shouted loudly at the bottom.

Hearing Ye Fei's shout, everyone was a little confused, and they didn't understand why Ye Fei wanted them to leave.


Seeing that everyone was still, Ye Fei shouted again.

Although some people didn't know what happened, they still obeyed Ye Fei's words and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, Elena raised her arms directly towards the sky!

"Hei Yao has fallen!!"

In an instant.

I saw that clusters of black and red energy filled the sky like black rubies, like stars in the sky!

Feeling the devastating energy in it, Ye Fei was frightened suddenly, shouting loudly: "Elena stop!"

However, Elena didn't listen to Ye Fei's words at all, but directly waved her arms down!

Wow! !

The air trembled!

The sky full of black and red energy fell directly towards the people below!


"what is that?!"

"Run! Run!"

The people below also felt the aura of danger, and they fled in fright.

However, even though the Purgatory Knights, Nether Guards, and Dark Soldiers run very fast, most of the people below are very ordinary people, and they can't run fast at all!

If these energies fall down, I am afraid there will be no one to live!

Ye Fei didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and shouted.

"Sword Intent Triple Explosion!! Emperor Sword and Shield!!"

Suddenly, I saw that above the height of 30 to 40 meters from the people below, thousands of golden swords combined into a huge circular sword and shield!

Because Ye Fei displayed the triple explosion of sword intent, the sword and shield became more solid and heavy!

The sword intent is stronger, and the defense is stronger!

Even if it is a real missile, Ye Fei is confident to block it!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The black-red energy cluster that resembled the sky full of stars fell down, and there was a sound of earth-shaking explosions!

The sword and shield received a strong impact and shook wildly!

Although the sword and shield blocked Elena's blow, the violent waves of air rushed wildly in all directions!

Boom boom boom! !

Happiness! !

A large area of ​​houses and woods have collapsed a few hundred meters away!

One can imagine how terrifying the power of Elena's attack!

If it really landed on the ground, none of the people below would be alive!




The people below were frightened and screamed constantly!

They simply can't understand, the Lord Elena, who is so kind and like an angel on weekdays, why are they killing them now?

Ye Fei looked at everyone's desperate and horrified eyes, and his heart was very painful!

However, now he doesn't know how to explain it to everyone!

After all, the most important thing now is to let Elena vent the excess power in her body and restore her normal state!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei felt that he couldn't continue fighting here!

Place must be transferred!

Ye Fei took a deep breath and said loudly to Elena: "Elena, if you want to fight, I will fight with you!"

With that, Ye Fei scattered the sword and shield directly, and then turned around and stepped on the golden giant sword, like a golden streamer, swept towards the direction of Star Island!

Elena thought that Ye Fei wanted to "escape", so she let out a sharp sound, spread her wings directly, and chased Ye Fei!

Ye Fei, who had already swept a kilometer away, turned his head and saw that Elena was really chasing him, and he was relieved!

Only by chasing it can the safety of the people on the Lost Island be guaranteed!

Star Island is a subsidiary island of the Lost Island, separated by two or three nautical miles.

But Ye Fei stepped on the golden giant sword, and after only a few breaths, he passed two or three nautical miles and reached the sky above Star Island!

However, as soon as Ye Fei's front foot arrived, Elena had already caught up!

For Elena's inhuman speed, Ye Fei was amazed again!

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