Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2442: , Let go!

However, just as Ye Fei landed on both feet, the avenue made up of golden swords at the back also disappeared!

Ye Fei was about to run over to take a look at Elena's situation. Suddenly, the entire island shook!

Rumble! ! ——

I only heard a loud and earth-shattering noise continuously rang!

Ye Fei turned around and looked around, and saw that the huge energy ball that had been pierced by his own "kendo", but had not been destroyed, slammed directly toward a two- to three-hundred-meter-long mountain!

As for the place where the giant energy ball ran over, a whole forest collapsed, and several low mountains behind the forest were directly knocked down, collapsed, and razed to the ground!

As for the ground, a deep and long trace was crushed, as if it was pushed by a dozen bulldozers side by side at the same time!

The earth and stones on the ground were also chopped into coke by the lightning above the energy hanging ball!

Next second.

boom! ! ! ——

Another burst of earth-shattering explosion resounded!

That giant energy ball completely collided with the mountain!

At the moment of impact, the energy light ball burst out with a dazzling black-red light, dazzling!

Coupled with the thick dust rolling in front, Ye Fei couldn't even see what was going on ahead!

A series of violent energy shock waves were mixed with countless boulders, impacting in all directions!

A part of the energy shock wave and the boulder hit Ye Fei's direction!

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!"

Ye Fei thought of Elena who had passed out in a coma behind him, so he directly played a defensive sword intent!

I saw that thousands of golden swords formed a huge round golden shield, blocking Ye Fei and Elena!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Bang bang bang! ! ...

A series of energy shock waves hit the sword and shield, and the huge stones like meteorites hit, and there was a frantic tremor on the sword and shield!

However, because the defense of the sword and shield is powerful and unparalleled, these countless energy shock waves and boulders just slam the sword and shield into continuous shaking, but they did not break it!

Therefore, Ye Fei was finally relieved.

The roar, the sound of collapse, and the explosion sounded continuously.

Shock waves hit the sea, turning the sea up, like a curtain of water covering the sky and the sun!

Blocks of boulders smashed into the sea, making a muffled sound, as if countless torpedoes were thrown!

This devastating destruction lasted more than ten minutes before it subsided completely.

When the sea breeze passed, the dense dust in the distance was slowly blown away.

When Ye Fei looked around, the whole person went stupid.

I saw that a mountain of several hundred meters high, one thousand meters in front, had disappeared and was completely flattened!

And the mountains on both sides of this big mountain were also affected, and half of it was blown up, as if a big piece was gnawed away by some huge monster!

Ye Fei took a deep breath and looked back at Elena, who had recovered to her original condition. He couldn't calm down for a long time.

How much energy did Elena released just now to blow up a mountain at once?

This is too scary, right? !

Moreover, Ye Fei faintly felt that Elena should not use the energy in her body, but just released some energy indiscriminately.

The key is that the woman released some energy indiscriminately and flattened a large mountain. If all the energy were released, I am afraid that the entire Star Island would be blown up.

Ye Fei couldn't imagine that scene.

Even if Ye Fei was arrogant, he didn't feel that he would release all his power and sink an island.

And, fortunately, Elena was the energy released on Star Island. Although it was very destructive, there were no casualties.

If Elena came to this on the Lost Island, even Ye Fei could not guarantee that there would be no casualties.

When he thought of this, Ye Fei felt a chill on his back.

It seems that before Elena can control the energy in her body, she must not use it indiscriminately, otherwise, once she loses her sanity, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, because of this, Ye Fei became more curious about Elena's life experience.

Who the **** is Elena?

Who are his parents?

Ye Fei can only be sure that the woman's parents are definitely not ordinary people.

Otherwise, Elena would not have such a powerful bloodline strength and physical fitness.

Is it true that a woman’s parents are not evil?

But how is this possible? There are no real demons in this world.

Ye Fei shook his head and didn't think about it anymore, but ran over and checked Elena's body.

Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Elena was only consuming too much strength, causing her body to collapse, and it was not a major problem.

Later, Ye Fei hugged Elena, and then used "Yu Jian Qianli" again.

When a golden giant sword appeared in the air, Ye Fei hugged Elena and jumped up, then stepped firmly on the giant sword and flew towards the Lost Island...

When Ye Fei arrived at the Lost Island holding Elena, he did not immediately return to the castle, but jumped off the golden giant sword with Elena and came to the shore.

At this time, the people on the shore gathered around, and when they saw Ye Fei's unconscious Elena, everyone still had a look of horror, complexity, and incomprehension in their eyes.

Although Elena is usually very kind to them, but not long ago, Elena really wanted to kill them.

Who will be afraid of this, okay?

"Purgatory King, what happened to the Lord Elena?"

An old man with white hair and beard asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Yes, Lord of Purgatory, what a good girl your Excellency Elena is usually, but why did she be like a demon just now?"

An old lady also asked.

Others also raised their own questions, mostly asking why Elena became like this.

Ye Fei took a deep breath and said loudly, "Everyone, I hope you can forgive Elena's unintentional mistake this time.

Elena is still the original kind Elena, please believe that Elena really didn't intend to hurt everyone.

The reason why she became the same as just now was completely controlled by a terrifying force in her body, so she lost her sanity.

She became the same as just now, and I was also very sad and distressed. I think that after Elena woke up, she would be very sad and sad when she thought of what she did to everyone today.

So, I hope everyone can forgive Elena, don't treat her as an outlier, don't exclude her, please everyone! "

With that, Ye Fei bends deeply towards everyone present.

Who said that the king was cold-blooded and ruthless, who said that the king would not bow his head?

Elena is her own woman, and Ye Fei is willing to bear the mistakes her own woman has committed.

Seeing that the purgatory king, who has always been arrogant, bowed his head to them, everyone present felt flattered, and some were directly frightened.

"Purgatory King, can't use it, can't use it!"

"Yes, Lord Purgatory, we won't blame Her Excellency Elena, we believe she was unintentional!"

"Yeah, isn't it just ruining a few houses? As long as people are okay..."

"We all believe that Elena is a good girl, and we won't blame her..."

For a while, all the people present showed smiles, choosing to forgive Elena.

Although the island was damaged, at least there were no casualties, which is already thank God.

"thank you all!"

Ye Fei smiled slightly, then hugged Elena off the shore and ran towards the castle.

After returning to the old castle, Ye Fei came to Elena's room and gently put the woman on the bed.

Ye Fei sighed while looking at the pale, very weak woman.

I don't know if a woman wakes up, she will remember what happened just now.

If she still remembers, she will definitely blame herself, it will be very sad.

Ye Fei exhaled deeply, shook his head, and then took out the Bianstone needle and began to treat Elena.

Although Elena was not in serious trouble, she was still damaged by the energy of the sacred stone to a certain extent.

After the injection, Ye Fei covered the quilt for Elena, kissed the woman on the forehead, then sat on the chair beside the bed and waited quietly.

Ye Fei looked at the unconscious Elena with a soft look, and said softly: "Elena, I must get better soon..."

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