Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2443: , Destruction!

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

It was another sunny morning.

The sea breeze is blowing, the blue sea is full of waves, and the waves are beating against the golden beach.

The entire lost island is full of vitality, beautiful as a picture scroll, like a fairyland on earth.

At this time, in a room on the second floor of the Lost Island Castle.

On a bed lay a beautiful western woman.

The woman has long amber hair, delicate features, and her complexion is like a creamy white jade, which seems to be shining under the sun.

The woman's figure is not particularly hot, but it is just right and full, even if it is covered with a thin quilt, the attractive arc outlined by the graceful figure is quite eye-catching.

This woman is Elena who has been in a coma for three days.

At this time, the room was quiet.

But suddenly, the thick eyelashes of Elena's eyes quivered slightly.


At this moment, Elena suddenly screamed and woke up abruptly, sitting up directly with her blue eyes like sapphires wide open.

Hearing the movement in the room, a purgatory knight guarding outside rushed in and asked in a panic: "Your Excellency Elena, what's wrong with you?!"

Elena held her forehead, took a few breaths, and said: "I...I'm fine..."

With that said, Elena raised her head and asked: "How long have I slept?"

"Your Excellency Elena, you have been in a coma for three days." The purgatory knight replied respectfully.

"Three days?!"

Elena's face changed, and then hurriedly asked: "Where is the king, did he leave?"

"Wang is helping everyone build houses in the small town."

The purgatory knight smiled slightly and said, "Your Excellency Elena, do you need me to call the king back?"

"no need."

Elena shook her head and said, "I'll go over by myself in a while. You can withdraw first."


The fiend knight nodded, then exited the room and closed the door.

After the door was closed, Elena sat on the bed for a while, and soon, a painful expression appeared on her face.

She remembered everything that happened before she went into a coma.

He caused devastating damage to the Lost Island, he almost killed the people on the island, and he fought the king like crazy...

Although these things were all the mistakes she made after losing her mind, Elena couldn't forgive herself at all.

Even though I didn't mean it, I did cause damage to the lost island and harm to the people on the island.

Thinking of this, Elena's eyes were red, and tears couldn't stop streaming down.

The Lost Island is my home, and the people on the island are just like my family.

But she destroyed her homeland and hurt her family. How could this not make her feel sad?

Elena took a deep breath, wiped away her tears, her eyes showed firmness.

Since you have made a mistake, you should take the initiative to admit your mistakes and apologize to everyone, instead of assuming that nothing happened.

Thinking of this, Elena got up and changed her clothes, and then left the castle.

On the way to the town, Elena saw that the people on the island were busy.

Some are moving broken rocks, some are moving broken trees, and some are replanting trees.

There are pits and pits everywhere, and a mess everywhere. Although a lot has been repaired, there are still signs of serious damage.

Thinking that these were all her own mistakes, Elena felt very self-blame and sad.

She thought that everyone would hate herself, hate herself, and be unwilling to pay attention to herself.

However, what makes Elena puzzled is that everyone has a very friendly attitude towards themselves, and there is no disgusting or disgusting look that is serious.

Moreover, everyone seems to have forgotten what happened three days ago, they just care about whether their health is better.

Elena continued to walk towards the town, but her heart was full of doubts.

Obviously you made a mistake, but why is everyone still so friendly to yourself?

With full of doubts, Elena came to the town.

More than a dozen houses in the town were damaged and everyone is repairing them.

When Elena walked down the street, everyone greeted her enthusiastically and greeted her.

This makes Elena a bit at a loss.

After walking forward for a few minutes, Elena looked up and saw that on the house, Ye Fei had a towel on his neck, a cigarette in his mouth, and a hammer or nail in his hand, helping everyone to repair the house together. .


Elena yelled.

Hearing the sound, Ye Fei turned his head, and when he saw Elena standing underneath, his eyes were full of surprises.

Ye Fei hurriedly jumped off the house, threw the tools in his hand into the toolbox, and squeezed out the cigarette butts, walked over, and said, "Elena, when did you wake up and how do you feel?"

"Wang, I'm fine."

Elena shook her head, and then said in a puzzled way: "Wang, why do I feel that something is wrong with everyone..."

"What's wrong?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, and said, "What's wrong?"

Elena's eyes darkened, and said: "Obviously these are all caused by me, and it has also caused everyone's harm.

But instead of hating me, everyone is as kind to me as before..."

When Ye Fei heard it, he immediately understood. It seems that the woman must have remembered what happened three days ago.

He petted Elena's head and said with a smile: "Silly girl, who is not a sage, who can do nothing?

You used to be so good to everyone, even if you accidentally make a mistake, everyone will naturally forgive you, but how can they blame you?

Besides, you didn't intend to destroy the island and hurt everyone, right? "

"But that being said, since I have committed a mistake, then I should apologize to everyone and compensate everyone for their losses." Elena said stubbornly.

Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "Elena, I have already compensated you for the loss you caused to everyone, and I apologized to everyone on your behalf, and everyone forgave you."


Elena shook her head, and said, "What's the point of apologizing for me, you don't have any sincerity. I should apologize to everyone personally, so that I can feel better in my heart."

"Haha, Elena, why didn't I find that you have such a cute side before?" Ye Fei laughed.

"What? I'm serious." Elena said flatly.

"Good, serious, serious."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Elena, what do you want to do?"

"I want to apologize to everyone myself." Elena said.


Ye Fei nodded and said, "Then I will accompany you and apologize to everyone."


Elena nodded, a smile finally appeared on her face.

So, in the following time, Ye Fei accompanied Elena from house to house and apologized to everyone living on the island.

It is precisely because of this that everyone took a higher look at Elena.

If we say that three days ago, everyone was willing to forgive Elena because of Ye Fei’s status and status, but today, everyone was moved by Elena’s sincerity, so I also sincerely forgave Elena’s carelessness. By the way.

It was not until noon that Ye Fei and Elena returned to the castle.

Because of the apology, Elena felt better at last.

After returning to the castle, Ye Fei wanted to make sure of one thing, and said: "Elena, try changing the fighting form. Remember, don't release too much energy.

I don't want to see you become irrational, and your six relatives don't recognize you, chasing me to fight or kill. "

Elena nodded, then clenched her fists, releasing a little energy.

Although the woman only released a little energy, Ye Fei still felt a palpitating dark energy.

Compared to before, Elena's strength has indeed been qualitatively improved, staying in the realm of being a small person from the dust, and also tending to be stable.

In just half a minute, Elena's face changed, her long amber hair turned into a silver hair, and her eyes became scarlet.

What made Ye Fei even more surprised was that a pair of black and red light wings still appeared behind Elena.

Ye Fei swallowed his throat, and asked nervously, "Elena, have you lost your mind?"

Elena blanked her eyes and Ye Fei said, "Nothing!"

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