Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2444: , The king is affectionate!

When Ye Fei heard this, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. "Elena, how do you feel now?"

Elena shook her hands, her scarlet eyes gleamed with coquettish light, and said: "Wang, I feel that I am in a good state now, better than ever.

Moreover, I feel like there is a very powerful force in my body, I want to vent and release..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Elena, then you slowly increase the energy in your body, remember, slowly increase, don't increase too much at once.

If you feel uncomfortable, stop quickly. "


Elena nodded, and then slowly began to increase her energy.

When Elena increased her energy by about ten times, although she did nothing, the air around her began to flow rapidly, as if a cyclone formed in place.

"Now, how do you feel?" Ye Fei asked nervously.

"I think I can improve." Elena replied.

"Okay, go on."

Ye Fei nodded.

Then, Elena increased her energy tenfold.

When the energy increased to twenty times, the entire castle began to vibrate gently.

Feeling the obvious vibration, Ye Fei took Elena's hand and said: "Go, let's go out and try."

Later, Ye Fei took Elena to the outside of the castle.

"Elena, how do you feel now?" Ye Fei asked again.

"Wang, I'm fine, I feel I can improve." Elena replied.

"Okay, then you fly into the air to increase your energy. Remember, don't increase too much at once." Ye Fei reminded.


Elena nodded, and then suddenly spread her wings, her light body flew directly to the height of 20 to 30 meters in the air.

Immediately, Elena continued to increase her energy.

When Elena increased the energy ten times higher, she saw that Elena's body directly released a terrifying dark energy, like a storm.

Shattering! !

I saw that the big trees within a few hundred meters of the area began to shake, and the stone sculptures in front of the castle also began to shake.

Elena feels that her body is okay, so she continues to improve her energy!

Forty times... Fifty times... Sixty times... Seventy times...

But when it rises to eighty times...

Rumble! !

The ground with a radius of one thousand meters shook with it!

Immediately afterwards, I only heard the sound of "Ka Ka Ka"!

The huge stone sculptures closer to Elena have cracks, and they seem to break at any time!

After that, Elena increased her energy again, up to ninety times...

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Click! ! ...

The stone sculptures around Elena were all shattered, and the earth was torn apart by this powerful energy, and cracks appeared!


Just as Elena was about to continue to ascend, she suddenly let out a scream, and the black-red light surrounding her became more and more intense.

Her pupils became more and more scarlet, and the veins on her hands, neck and face began to agitate.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was shocked, and quickly shouted: "Elena! Enough! Stop! Stop!!!"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Elena was stunned when she was on the verge of collapse, using her remaining sanity to quickly stop the increase in energy!

Immediately, Elena hurriedly dissipated the energy, floated to the ground, and returned to her previous appearance.

Elena took a few breaths, cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"Elena, how are you, are you okay?" Ye Fei asked nervously.

Elena shook her head and said, "Wang, I'm fine. Fortunately, you stopped me in time.

I clearly felt that my thinking was a bit uncontrollable, and the energy in my body was almost uncontrollable..."

Thinking that Elena almost lost her sanity just now, Ye Fei also got into a cold sweat, and said: "Elena, then you must remember that an increase in energy to ninety times is your current limit.

As long as you can't control your thoughts and the energy in your body, you can never increase the energy to more than ninety times, understand? "

"Wang, I understand."

Elena also felt lingering in her heart, so she nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Ye Fei and Elena walked into the castle together and asked the servants to prepare lunch.

While eating lunch, Elena asked: "Wang, when are you leaving?"

Ye Fei took a sip of the red wine and said, "Since you are all right, I have already ordered the reconstruction work here, so I will leave this afternoon."


Elena nodded somewhat disappointed.

"Well, Elena, don't do that."

Ye Fei smiled slightly and said, "As long as the trouble is resolved, I will spend more time with you in the future."


Elena nodded, and said nothing more.

After all, she also knew that Ye Fei's responsibility was too great now, so she was unwilling to add obstacles to men.

However, at this moment, a figure hurriedly ran in from outside.

"Wang, Sir Elena, Captain Victor has something to see!"


Elena stunned for a moment, and said in a puzzled way: "Isn't he supposed to discuss the merger of the power kingdom into the temple with Krosel in the power country? Why did he come back so soon?"

Victor is now the head of the newly appointed Infernal Knight, as for Krossell, he is the second leader of the kingdom of abilities.

Previously, after the death of the Dark Adjudicator, the No. 1 leader of the country of powers, Ye Fei asked Krosel to take over the country of powers, and also asked Elena to send someone to the country of powers to talk to Krossel. The merger of large organizations.

Ye Fei thought that the matter had been dealt with, but now, it doesn't seem to have been.

"Your Excellency Elena, the commander said that when discussing the merger of the two organizations with Krossell, they were blocked. I don't know exactly what happened," the purgatory knight replied.

"Let Victor in."

Ye Fei said something.


The fiend knight nodded, and then left gratefully.

After a while, Victor came in with a few purgatory knights.

Ye Fei and Elena looked up, only to find that Victor had injuries on their bodies, and their faces were blue and purple.

"Farewell to my king, Lord Elena!!"

Victor bowed their heads respectfully.

Ye Fei waved his hand, frowned slightly, and said, "Victor, who hurt you?"

The tall and majestic, blond and blue-eyed Victor lowered his head slightly, and respectfully said: "Report to my king that we were injured by several elders of the presbytery of the country of supernatural powers!

It's because of the lack of strength of your subordinates that you are embarrassed! "

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Look up and tell me, why do the elders of the kingdom of supernatural powers beat you?"

Elena also looked at Victor with a puzzled face.

Victor raised his head and shook his voice: "King, we are on the order of Your Excellency Elena to go to the country of powers to discuss with the leader of Krosel about our country of powers and the temple.

However, half of the elders in the elders of the power country did not agree to this matter, and they did not agree with Crocell as the leader of the power country.

Therefore, the subordinates fought with the elders. However, those elders are all powerful supernatural beings who have been famous for a long time, and the methods are endless, and we can't defeat them.

Those elders let us get back and let me bring you a word..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The old guys said that the temple wants to annex the kingdom of powers, and there are no doors, and the kingdom of powers will definitely not be led by a demon leader." Victor replied.

"The devil boss? Are you talking about me?"

Ye Fei smiled, and then said coldly: "Originally, if those guys are good at talking and don't fight against you, they don't want to take refuge in our temple, then forget it.

But now, I've changed my mind... Didn't they say that I am the devil leader, then if I don't do something that the devil should do, it seems a bit sorry for them.

I have decided that if anyone dares to prevent us from subduing the kingdom of supernatural powers, I will kill whoever. I want to see how powerful those so-called elders are..."

Speaking of this, Ye Fei's eyes flashed murderously, and his face was gloomy.

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