Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2447: , The country of supernatural powers!

"Purgatory King?!"

"Really the King of Purgatory!"

"Purgatory King, you are so brave, you dare to come to our country of supernatural powers!"

"You killed our leader and want to annex our country of supernatural powers. Today, you don't want to leave here!"

Several opposing elders roared when Ye Fei and his party arrived.

At this moment, Krossell stood up and said respectfully: "Prince of Purgatory, you are here."

"Crossell, I asked you to take charge of the country of supernatural powers, why have you caused so much trouble?" Ye Fei said with a smile.

"I'm really sorry, Lord Purgatory, I am incompetent!" Croceil said with ashamed.

"Okay, don't blame yourself, this can't be all to you."

Ye Fei patted Krossell on the shoulder, then pulled the chair away and sat down in his seat.

He glanced at all the elders present indifferently, and asked indifferently: "I came here today and I have a few questions to deal with.

First, who on earth hurt my brother? "

The elders saw that Ye Fei actually sat down without permission, and as soon as they came up, they were so frustrated that they all froze.

"Purgatory King! I was the one who beat me, what do you want?!"

"I'm the one who beats people, how can you drop them? Do you want to stand up for you?!"

The third elder Bogut and the fifth elder Colmore both slapped the table and yelled.

The bodies of the two shook at the same time, releasing coercion.

The third elder Bogut was good at lightning powers, so his whole body began to emit lightning, like several lightning bolts surrounding him.

The fifth elder Colmore was good at fire-type powers. When he got angry, his skin became red, and his hands were burning with flames.

A group of elders saw that the third elder Bogut and the fifth elder Colmore showed their skills and took the initiative in momentum, and they couldn't help showing their complacency, wanting to see what Ye Fei would do.

However, Ye Fei looked at the three elders and the fifth elders indifferently, his expression was very calm, and he was not frightened by the aura of the two at all.

"Since you two admit it, then I will save much trouble."

Ye Fei looked at the two of them and said lightly: "Now I give you a chance to survive, kneel down and apologize to my brothers.

If your attitude is sincere enough, then I can consider letting you make a living..."


Elena also stood up and snorted coldly.

The third elder laughed in anger, staring at Ye Fei coldly, and said: "Young man, don't think that you are the purgatory king, the top ten kings of this world, just think that everyone is going to take orders from you!

Your identity and title should be taken to another position to show off. It doesn't work for us!

We think you have a bit of prestige in the world, so we give you a face, just a lesson of your subordinates!

Don't be arrogant in front of us, we didn't kill these guys, we are considered kind! "

Ye Fei's face became colder and colder, and said: "I will give you three seconds to consider, either kneel down and apologize or die, you can choose..."

"Let us apologize to these guys, it's impossible, you don't have to think about it!" Third Elder Bogut roared angrily.

"Yes, that's right!"

The fifth elder Colmore also echoed, "It is impossible to apologize!!"

Ye Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with these two guys, but started to count down by himself.


"Purgatory King! Do you really dare not kill people?!"

"If you really dare to do it, today, you would never want to leave our country of supernatural powers!!"

Seeing that Ye Fei's arrogance was so arrogant, the third elder and the fifth elder became even more angry when they didn't even listen to their words.


But Ye Fei ignored these two guys at all and continued the countdown.

"Smelly boy! Shut up for me!!"

The third elder roared, and then looked at each other with the fifth elder.

Immediately, the two swooped and attacked Ye Fei at the same time.

"Electric burst punch!!"

"Flame Palm!!"

The three elders and the fifth elders punched one and the other punched.

I saw that an electric fist and a flaming palm attacked and killed Ye Fei's chest at the same time!

The two attacked at the same time, with ferocious aura, which shocked all the elders in the conference room.

However, before the two of them approached, Ye Fei suddenly raised his hand, and the power of the double burst of sword intent was displayed instantly!

Shoo! !

I saw two golden light twinkling sword intents roaring out, with a ruthless force of killing!

The terrifying coercion was released instantly, making everyone present feel frightened, as if sitting here is not a young man, but a real king, dominating the power of life and death!

The third and fifth elders saw that Ye Fei suddenly made a move, and his sword intent was unparalleled, and their hearts were awe-inspiring, so they quickly put away their attacks and turned to defense!

"Electric shield!!"

"Fire barrier!!"

I saw that an electric shield and a flaming barrier appeared in front of the two of them, trying to block Ye Fei's two sword intent!

Boom! !

In an instant, the two major defenses, the electric shield and the flame barrier, were like two bubbles, directly penetrated and destroyed!



The three elders and the fifth elders were shocked, and they were dumbfounded.

They wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

Puff puff! !

Only two piercing sounds were heard!

The three elders and the fifth elders were full of horror on their faces, but their bodies stood there stiffly!

Soon, a blood hole appeared in the heart of the two of them, and blood was constantly pouring out!

The two of them raised their hands with difficulty, opened their mouths, and wanted to talk, but their hearts had been pierced, and they felt that their power was instantly emptied. They could no longer speak at all. They just thumped and fell. To the ground!

All the elders present looked up and saw that the wall behind the third and fifth elders had also been punched through two holes, and they could clearly see the outside!

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces, and their hearts were beating wildly, as if they were about to suffocate!

The three elders and the fifth elders are very powerful abilities, but Ye Fei just raised his hand, breaking the defense of the two, and beheading the two instantly!

This kind of sword intent, this kind of strength, is simply powerful against the sky!

Boom! !

There is another loud noise!

All the elders were shocked again!

I saw that the thick conference room placed in the middle had two cracks directly, and then it collapsed and torn apart in an instant!

For a while, all the elders present trembled all over, staring blankly at what was happening before them, completely speechless!

Especially Crocell, looking at Ye Fei like a god-man!

The last time he was on the Lost Island, he already felt that Ye Fei's strength was very powerful and terrifying, but when he saw it today, he discovered that Ye Fei's strength seemed to have improved a lot, becoming even stronger!

With a gesture, two elders were beheaded, which is simply incredible!

As for Victor and other purgatory knights with swollen noses and swollen noses, they were so excited at this moment that they wanted to shout out!

This is the king they have been following, unmatched and powerful!

As long as the brothers of the temple are bullied, they will definitely get back again!

With such a boss, even if they give everything, it is worth it!

In an instant, the whole meeting room was quiet, and the needle dropped!

Everyone's eyes looked at Ye Fei again, and they all changed!

Those elders who supported Krossell looked at Ye Fei in awe, thinking that if the purgatory king is so powerful, if the temple can really become the backer of the kingdom of supernatural powers, it would be a great thing!

Moreover, the Seventh Elder Condeli and the Tenth Elder Florence, who had always opposed Crocell, had their eyes fluctuating, and their hearts began to shake!

As for the Great Elder Waynes, he looked gloomy and looked at Ye Fei coldly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Fei put the expressions of everyone in his eyes, then leaned back in his chair, and said indifferently: "The first thing has been handled, so now, let's take care of the second thing.

Originally, if you talked hard and didn't fight against my brother, if you didn't want to take refuge in our temple, then forget it.

But now that things have reached this point, now, you have no choice in the kingdom of supernatural powers, and you must take refuge in our temple..."

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