Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2448: , Surrender!

With that, Ye Fei glanced lightly at all the elders present, and said, "Well, do you have any comments?"

All the elders present are you looking at me and I looking at you, there is no first time schedule.

After all, the third and fifth elders just died, they don't want to follow in their footsteps.

"What's the matter with you, is this just succumbing?!"

When Grand Elder Waynes saw that the situation was wrong, he immediately yelled, "I already said that the purgatory king is a big monster who kills people without blinking!

If we succumb to him, our country of supernatural powers will definitely not end well!

Don't be afraid of him, as long as we join hands, we don't have to be afraid of him!

No matter how strong he alone is, there is nothing we can do with so many of us! "

However, even if Waynes said that, the elders present still did not express their views.

Seeing that everyone present had no objection, Ye Fei was the only one who had been fanning the flames in the middle and felt very puzzled.

He turned his head to look at Waynes, squinted his eyes, and said: "Waynes, you have repeatedly opposed the kingdom of supernatural powers to take refuge in our temple, and let other elders join forces with you to oppose me. What is your intention?"

"I should have asked you this! What is your intention?!"

Waynes said angrily: "You put it nicely, let us take refuge in your temple, so that we can be sheltered!

However, in my opinion, you are clearly relying on your own strength and **** to take advantage of our country of supernatural powers!

But all of us here are the prestigious elders of the power nation. How can you, a junior, be able to control it at will? ! "

Ye Fei said in a funny way: "You don't want to buckle me indiscriminately. When did I say I want to control you and use you as my own?

Moreover, I am not forced to seek refuge in the temple. It is your volition, okay? "

"Yes, the purgatory king is right. I am willing to take refuge in the temple!" Krossell shook his voice.

"Crossell, shut up! You are not the leader of the power country now, you have no power to determine the future of the power country!" Waynes yelled at Crossel.

"I don't have power, do you have power?"

Krossell snorted and said, "Is it possible that you, the great elder, are not dead, and you want to be the leader of the kingdom of supernatural powers?"


Waynes seemed to have been stepped on his tail, his face flushed, and roared: "Everything I do is just for the future of the kingdom of supernatural powers!"

"Is it?"

Crocell sneered and said, "I hope so..."

Waynes snorted coldly, ignored Crocell, but looked at Ye Fei and said, "Prince of Purgatory, don't think I don't know what you are thinking about!

Nowadays, the prestige of the temple in the entire underground world has greatly increased, and many resources have been plundered by you, which has already aroused the anger of everyone!

Coupled with the fact that a mysterious alliance of gods is staring at you, you must also know that your temple is now in a difficult situation!

If you conquer our country of supernatural powers, I'm afraid you just want us to be cannon fodder to defend you against those powerful enemies, right? ! "

When all the elders in the room heard it, they felt that it made sense, so they began to doubt Ye Fei's motives to subdue the kingdom of supernatural powers.

Ye Fei just sneered, and said in a shock: "Waynes, you are imposing your own ideas on me!

Our temple has developed to this day, and it is all our own brothers who worked hard together. How can we let other people help?

With the strength of you people, it is difficult to protect yourself. Do I, Ye Fei, still need your protection? "


Waynes snorted coldly and said: "Purgatory King, your strength is indeed very strong, but are the other people in your temple as strong as you?

In the end, those people in your temple do not need other people's protection! "

"Time will prove everything, and I am too lazy to talk to you!"

Ye Fei's patience has been exhausted. He glanced at everyone present and said: "Now, I give you two choices, either surrender or die, you can figure it out!"

"Don't surrender to this kid! As long as we join hands, he can't do anything to us!" Waynes hurriedly said loudly.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Crossell responded.

The door was pushed open, and a power warrior ran in and said with a flustered expression: "Chief, dear elders, it's not good, something has happened!!"

"What's the matter?"

Crossell was stunned for a moment and said: "Say something slowly!"


The power warrior nodded and said: "Boss, now there are six warships approaching our Bliss Island!!"

"Who is it?" Crosell quickly asked when he heard it.

"All the stars and stripes of the United States are erected on the battleship!" the super soldier replied.


Krossell was startled and said: "Why do Americans come to our country of supernatural powers? What is their purpose?!"

"The leader, the commander of the US, Furman said just now that they only came here for one purpose, and that is to make our country of supernatural powers surrender to the US!

If they don't surrender, they will open artillery and bomb our island of Bliss! "The power warrior said with a trembling voice.


When Crocell heard it, his face changed.

"The Americans are too arrogant! Want us to surrender to them?!"

"Damn Americans! Want to control our country of supernatural powers, we fought with them!!"

"How do you fight this? They have launched six battleships. Once the guns are fired, the entire island of Paradise will be destroyed!!"

The elders present were panicked. You said a word to me, but there was no way to deal with the warships of the United States.

Ye Fei frowned, very speechless.

Unexpectedly, the matter here was not resolved, and the Americans suddenly came out again.

Although there is no leader in the country of powers, everyone wants to annex the country of powers, but the hands and feet of the Americans are too fast, right?

However, Ye Fei had a doubt in his heart.

He looked at Crocell and said: "Crossell, logically speaking, if there are no people from your country of abilities to lead the way, the warships of the United States will not be able to enter.

But why is the U.S. warship coming in now? "

When Crocell heard this, he immediately reacted, and said, "Could it be that the **** was mentioned?!"

"It may be, but it is also possible that the Americans came in through other means.

But anyway, the top priority now is to stop the Americans from attacking! "

Ye Fei's face sank, and said, "Crossell, is your ability state-owned anti-missile system?"

Krossell reluctantly said: "The purgatory king, our country of supernatural powers has always been indisputable in the world, plus, with the misty formation set up by the first leader, no one can break into our country of supernatural powers.

Therefore, we have not prepared destructive weapons, nor have we established defensive measures..."

When Ye Fei heard this, he was speechless and said: "You are too naive, do you really think your abilities are powerful enough to resist modern weapons?

Even if the weapons are not prepared, there are no defensive measures. I really convinced you! "

The elders present were speechless.

They have always had nothing to do with the world, and have been living on the island of Bliss. For so many years, nothing has happened.

Therefore, they feel that they do not need modern weapons and defensive equipment.

"Purgatory King, you said, what should we do now?" Crocere asked.

"Now, what we can do is to negotiate with them and ask them not to fire as much as possible, so as not to injure other people on the island." Ye Fei frowned.

"But, the Purgatory King, they even entered the warship this time. They must be determined to surrender our country of supernatural powers!

What if the negotiation fails? ! "The second elder Adolf said.

"If the negotiation fails, you can only kill the offender!" Ye Fei said coldly.

"Then what if they fire a cannon?" another elder asked.

"Then stop their missiles!"

Ye Fei replied.

The elders present felt that Ye Fei was crazy.

Want to stop the missile, how is this possible? !

Ye Fei didn't explain anything to them, but said: "Go, let's go to the top of the tower first!"

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