Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2449: , Raise your hand to kill!

"Okay, Lord Purgatory, please come with me!"

Krossell nodded, then led Ye Fei and his party, left the meeting room, and walked to the top of the tower.

The elders in the conference room don't know what to do now, they can only regard Ye Fei as the backbone and follow on to the top of the tower.

Soon, Ye Fei and his party came to the top of the tower.

I saw that six warships were parked one nautical mile from the island of Paradise.

The six battleships lined up in a row, exuding an icy light under the shining of the moonlight, like six steel monsters, exuding a breath of terror.

The elders present had never seen such a battle, and each of them was trembling with fright.

However, Elena and Victor are also used to seeing such scenes, so they are very calm.

At this time, the people on the island also knew that an intruder had broken in, so everyone was fleeing frantically.

The originally peaceful and harmonious Bliss Island has become chaotic at this time.

Ye Fei's face became cold and said, "Crossell, quickly order to let the super fighters and police on the island evacuate the people in an orderly manner, and let the people evacuate to a safe place on the island!"


Crocell nodded, and then hurried to call.

After the phone call, the superb warriors on the island and the police all acted and began to evacuate the people on the island in an orderly manner and evacuated to the rear of Bliss Island.

"Purgatory King, what shall we do next?" Croceil asked.

"The next step is to get in touch with U.S. Commander Furman and start negotiations!"

Ye Fei replied.

When Crocell was about to ask how he could contact Furman, a call came to his cell phone.

He quickly connected the phone and said, "This is Croselle, who are you?"

"Haha, hello, Chief Crocell, I am the commander of this operation, Furman..."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Croselton was shocked, and quickly covered the microphone, and said to Ye Fei: "Purgatory King, it is Furman calling!"

"Turn on the speakerphone and listen to what he wants to say." Ye Fei replied.

Crocell nodded, and then turned on the speakerphone.

"Furman, our country of powers and your country of the United States have never overlapped. What do you want to do this time with a warship coming to our country of powers?!" Crosell said angrily.

"Hehe, what I want to do, you should be very clear, why do I need to say it again?

This time, we came here just to take over the kingdom of supernatural powers.

Therefore, I now give you twenty minutes to consider, as long as you are willing to surrender to our country, then everything is easy to say.

If you are not willing to surrender, then our Tomahawk missiles will fall on your island...

If too many people die by that time, you will become the biggest sinner in the kingdom of supernatural powers?

You'd better put away the idea of ​​stubborn resistance, no matter how powerful your abilities are, it will not be able to withstand our most advanced Tomahawk missiles! "

Furman's playful voice came.

"You bastard!!"

Croceil roared and said: "You have committed a large number of crimes in the United States, are you not afraid of causing international conflicts?!"

"What are you talking about? Contradiction? Hahaha... You are just an organization in the underground world. Don't really think of your country of supernatural powers as a country.

What's more, not many people in this world know the existence of your country of supernatural powers..." Fuhrman said with a laugh.


When Crocell heard this, he was blown up with anger.

What Furman said is correct. In fact, apart from the underground world, few people actually know the existence of the kingdom of supernatural powers.

Therefore, the United States also knew this and dared to send warships to provoke unscrupulously.

"Crossell, instead of having a pointless argument with me here, you should think about it with the other old guys in your country of supernatural powers, what on earth should you do..." Furman said lightly.

Ye Fei snatched the phone directly from Krossell, and said coldly: "You are the commander this time, Furman, right?"

"who are you?"

Furman asked suspiciously.


Ye Fei replied lightly.

"You are the King of Purgatory?!"

When Furman heard it, his voice suddenly increased by a few decibels.

"Yes, I am the King of Purgatory, and one of the people most hated and hated by your U.S. military..."

Ye Fei smiled coldly, and said faintly: "Now you'd better hurry up and drive your broken battleship out of Bliss Island, otherwise, you don't even want to leave alive by then..."


Furman laughed wildly and said: "The purgatory king, no matter how strong you are, you can only do nothing to deal with the advanced Tomahawk missiles of our country!

I advise you not to be nosy, otherwise, I will let you taste the taste of our missiles! "

"It seems that you really don't want to leave, right?" Ye Fei asked lightly.

"FUCK! What are you, why do you order me?!"

Furman roared and said: "You only have 20 minutes to think about it. After 20 minutes, if you don't give me a perfect answer, then I will let you stubborn guys be buried in flames!!"

With that, Furman hung up the phone directly.

Hearing Furman's words, the expressions of Crocell and the elders who were present fell.

The Americans did not give them a choice at all, nor did they give them a way out.

"Prince of Purgatory, what do you think we should do now?" Crocell asked hurriedly.

At this time, Grand Elder Waynes stood up and said: "What else can I do, of course I can only surrender!

As long as we surrender to the United States, our country of supernatural powers can live in peace! "

"Elder, what do you mean by this?!"

Crossell stared at Waynes coldly, and said, "Do you want our country of supernatural powers to become a running dog of the United States?!"

"Submission to the United States is much better than submission to the temple!"

Waynes smiled, with a fanatical expression on his face: "The U.S. is now the most powerful country in the world. As long as we rely on the U.S., then we will have the most powerful backing!

If we take refuge in the United States, the United States will definitely support us!

The living standards of the people in our country of supernatural powers will be greatly improved, and there will be endless glory and wealth! "

"Waynes, what the **** are you talking about?!"

The second elder Adolf shouted coldly: "Everyone knows the American people's ambition to dominate the world. The reason they want to subdue our country of supernatural powers is just to use us as guns!

Let us take refuge in the country of America, which is a disaster for our country of supernatural powers! ! "

"Yes, absolutely can't take refuge in the U.S.!!"

"Rather than being enslaved by the Americans, it's better to fight with them!!"

"I would rather die than follow!!"

The elders all yelled one after another, even the Seventh Elder and Tenth Elder who had been standing by Waynes did not agree to Waynes's actions.

"Are you joking?"

Waynes sneered and said, "What are you using to fight other people's missiles? Do you use this little power of yours?

Don't be kidding, under the American missiles, any force is useless! "

"Elder, you have been talking to Americans, what do you mean?"

Crocell asked coldly: "Could it be that you sent someone to bring in the Americans?!"

For a while, everyone else also looked at Waynes, their eyes filled with doubts.

Waynes' expression changed a bit, and then he smiled coldly: "No matter, I don't want to play it anymore.

Yes, that's right, the Americans were brought in by me... Today, the strength of our country of supernatural powers is not as good as before, and all forces are eyeing us.

If our country of supernatural powers wants to survive in the underground world, we can only find a strong backing.

And the United States is our choice, so, everyone, you should abandon those unrealistic fantasies.

Don't think about making senseless resistance, you can't stop the American missiles..."

"It's no wonder why the American warships came in smoothly, it turned out to be your ghost!!"

Crocell stared at Waynes, and said angrily: "You traitor, I'm going to kill you!!"

With that said, Crossell rushed directly towards Waynes!

He is a supernatural being who has awakened the lightning and fire elements, so when he lifted his hands, the two hands condensed a ball of lightning and a ball of flame respectively...

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