Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2450: ,too naive!

Crocell slammed his fists at Waynes!

Boom! !

Two punches blasted out, the air trembled, a fire and an electric shock, like a mad snake, swept towards Waynes, the power is terrifying!

"The Atmospheric Shield!!"

Waynes stood there quietly, just raising his hand.

I saw that the air in front of him condensed into an invisible shield, directly blocking Crocell's two punches!

Bang bang! !

Two muffled thunders sounded!

Crossel's two punches didn't hurt Waynes at all, but the "Atmospheric Shield" that Waynes beat out was shocked and retreated!

"Elders, please follow me to kill the traitors!!"

Krossell steadied his body and yelled at the seven elders present.

"Okay! Kill this traitor first!"

"This traitor must be killed!"

"This traitor, for his own selfish desires, has fallen into disregard for the safety of all the people in the country of supernatural powers. It is absolutely hateful!"

The seven elders all came up and stared at Waynes.

"Just because you guys want to kill me, it's just a delusion!"

Waynes sneered, then raised his arms and shouted: "The Prison of Atmosphere!!"

Suddenly, there was a strong fluctuation in the air on this side!

"Everyone, get out of the way!!"

The second elder Adolf knew Waynes' moves very well, so he immediately reminded him aloud.

Three elders reacted and quickly followed the second elder Adolf to dodge.

But Krossell and the other three elders were trapped in the "Atmospheric Prison" and couldn't get out at all.

Moreover, because the "Atmospheric Prison" blocked the air inside and outside, with the passage of time, Crocell and the three elders would suffocate to death.

Krossell and the other three elders also knew the horror of the "Atmospheric Prison", so they performed their stunts and wanted to open the cage.

However, Waynes seemed to be prepared for a long time, and he waved his hand several times in a row to make the "Atmospheric Prison" stronger and indestructible!

With the power of Crossell and the other three elders, it is impossible to break the cage from inside!

"Waynes, you bastard!"

The second elder Adolf was trembling with anger. "We have been working together for so many years, and we have already felt like brothers and sisters! Do you really want to kill us?!"

"Since you don't want to listen to me, what's the use of keeping it?" Waynes said with a smirk.


When the second elder heard this, he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

"Second elder, don't talk nonsense with him, this guy Waynes has already been inspired by profits, let's just kill him directly!" An elder said coldly.

"Okay! Do it!"

The second elder didn't say much, and directly issued the order.

"The Wind Rage!!"

"Frozen Gun!!"

"Particle Energy Cannon!!!"

"Vine entanglement!!"

For a time, the second elder and the other three elders all performed their stunts and attacked Waynes.

I saw that bursts of fierce wind swept through, the sharp ice guns roared, the cannonballs formed by particles and the green vine whips all headed towards Waynes!

"Hmph, even with this strength, I dare to do something with me, I really can't help it!!"

Waynes sneered and raised his arms.

I saw, invisibly, the two atmospheres were mobilized!

The air was pulled by the force, whirring, and then Waynes slammed his hands in the middle!

"Atmospheric rolling!!"

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Only heard bursts of energy bombing!

A wave of energy impacted in all directions, bright and colorful, shining the entire night sky!

The attacks made by the four elders were directly crushed by two fierce, full of several tons of air pressure, and it would not hurt Waynes at all!

The four elders were shocked. Obviously, they did not expect the strength of the elder to have become so powerful!

After all, on weekdays, everything is peaceful in the country of supernatural powers, and they don't understand where the strength of the elder has grown!

When they saw it today, they felt the terrifying part of the great elder's strength!

Immediately, Waynes raised his arms and shook his voice: "Atmospheric cannonballs!!"

Boom! !

The atmosphere condensed and formed two invisible cannonballs, directly blasting at the two elders!

Because Waynes awakens an atmospheric power, his attacks and defenses are invisible, making it hard to defend against!

The two elders didn't have time to react. They were directly hit by atmospheric shells, and their bodies flew upside down and fell heavily into a place more than ten meters away!

At the moment when they fell to the ground, the two elders opened their mouths and spouted a mouthful of blood.

Although it would not die, but the injury was not light.

"Hahaha, all of you are rubbish! rubbish!!!"

Waynes laughed loudly, then raised his arms again, and blasted two atmospheric cannonballs at the second elder and the eighth elder.

Boom! !

However, as soon as the two atmospheric artillery shells blasted over, I saw a figure teleporting over, blocking the two elders and the eighth elders!

Bang bang! !

Two muffled noises sounded!

The two atmospheric artillery shells were directly blocked by the infuriating giant sword in Ye Fei's hand!

"Purgatory King!!"

Seeing Ye Fei's help, the second elder and the eighth elder expressed gratitude in their eyes.

"If you have anything to say later, solve this guy first!"

Ye Fei replied, and then directly raised the infuriating sword in his hand and slashed it towards Waynes!

Huh! !

A sword fell, bringing out a sharp and violent sword intent, as if to break everything in front of you!

"The Atmospheric Shield!!"

Waynes also knew that Ye Fei was very powerful, so he immediately played an invisible shield!

However, the next second.

Click! !

A crackling sound rang!

The "Shield of the Atmosphere" that Waynes played was like a piece of paper, and it was directly broken open by Ye Fei with a sword!


Waynes refreshed, and hurriedly rolled towards a awkward roll next to him, only then did he avoid the golden light blade that fell down!

"Boom" with a loud noise, a deep crack was cut directly where Waynes was standing just now!

This crack continued towards the front, and a crack of thirty to forty meters long appeared on the top of the tower!

Seeing this scene, Waynes was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Fei to have such a terrifying power with any sword!

Except for Elena, the other elders were dumbfounded!

They clearly felt that Ye Fei just swung a sword casually!

Such a random sword can cause such a large amount of destructive power. If it is a serious sword, I am afraid the power will be even more scary!

"You ignorant and ignorant fellows, wait to be bombarded with missiles!!"

Waynes put down a cruel word, and then the next one suddenly accelerated and jumped directly under the tower!

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, didn't understand what this guy wanted to do, and thought he wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the tower!

But in the next second, when Ye Fei was surprised, the moment Waynes jumped down, there seemed to be an invisible atmosphere under his feet that dragged him down, and after it was launched like a rocket, he "coughed" toward the beach. The battleship swept over!

"Damn, want to run?!"

Ye Fei roared, and slammed a sword towards Waynes in the distance!

"Remote points to the stars!!"

call out! !

A sword pierced out, and saw a golden light like a shooting star, slashing across it, as fast as lightning!


Waynes, who had already swept a kilometer away, screamed in pain!

Although he avoided the vital part, he was still pierced in the arm by the sword Ye Fei just now, and the blood rushed!

Waynes turned his head and stared at Ye Fei fiercely, and then quickly accelerated the speed of escape, disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, and went to a battleship at sea!

"It's quite fast..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes. He wanted to chase after him, but when he thought that Crocell was still trapped in the "atmospheric cage," he gave up his intention to chase.

Anyway, the Americans and the traitor Waynes who came here tonight, don't even want to leave alive.

When Ye Fei turned around, he saw several elders and Krossell working together inside and out, bombarding the "atmospheric cage", but it didn't have much effect!

Ye Fei was also speechless for a while. It seems that these guys have been at ease for too long, with such average strength, even breaking a cage so hard.

If you let the leaders of the previous generations of supernatural powers know, I am afraid that your disciples will be so angry that they will vomit blood, right?

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