Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2451: , Helpless!

Ye Fei curled his lips and didn't think about that much anymore. Instead, he said in a shocking voice, "Everyone get out of the way, I'll break this cage!"

Seeing that Ye Fei was about to take action, several elders stepped aside.

Immediately, Ye Fei directly raised his sword intent to a state of double explosion, and then slammed his sword on the "atmospheric cage"!

With a loud "bang", the "atmospheric cage" fell apart!

The four Crocelles were saved immediately and gasped for breath.

"Thank you Lord Purgatory!"

"thanks, thanks!"

Krossell breathed in the fresh air, and thanked Ye Fei again and again.

"Okay, thank you or whatever."

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "The top priority now is to find a way to stop the American missiles..."

"Stop the missile?!"

Krossell's face was startled, and he said, "Purgatory King, are you kidding? How can the missile be stopped?!"

"Yes, Lord Purgatory, although your strength is very strong, everyone can see it.

However, if you want to stop the missile, you can't do it at all! "The second elder Adolf also swallowed his throat and said.

The other elders looked at Ye Fei in shock, and felt that Ye Fei's ideas were crazy.

How can human power stop the missile, isn't this a foolish dream?

"If you can't do it, it doesn't mean we can't do it."

Ye Fei faintly replied, then looked at Elena, and said: "Elena, I will remember to increase the energy to the maximum, and then play defense, understand?"


Elena nodded.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ye Fei gave an order, and directly Li Chen Dacheng's power and sword intent were displayed.

I saw thousands of golden swords suspended in the air, and then formed a golden giant sword!

Immediately, Ye Fei leaped slightly, stood firmly on the golden sword, and swept forward!

Seeing this scene, Krossell and all the elders present were dumbfounded, and they were directly stupid!

They feel that their brains are not enough, where do so many golden swords come from, how can the purgatory king still fly with his sword? !

Just when everyone was shocked, I saw that Elena shook her fists and immediately changed into a fighting form!

Elena's long amber hair turned into a silver hair, and her blue eyes became scarlet!

Moreover, behind her was actually condensed black and red wings of light!

The whole person looks full of darkness and evil spirits, very enchanting!

Under the shocking gaze of everyone, Elena spread her wings, and her body flew directly, and swept in the direction of Ye Fei!

"My God, are they still human?"

The second elder Adolf swallowed his saliva, and said: "One flies with a sword and the other flies with wings... Isn't this incredible?!"

"Even if the Purgatory King and His Excellency Elena are very strong, it is beyond our imagination.

But how can they stop the missile? "

An elder still didn't think Ye Fei and Elena could do such a thing.

"Now we have no other better way..."

Krossell took a deep breath and said: "We can only pin our hopes on the Purgatory King and His Excellency Elena. I hope a miracle will happen..."

The other elders all nodded, and said nothing more.

However, they don't think a miracle will happen, so everyone is prepared to sacrifice.

At this time, in the high altitude one kilometer away from Mag Santa.

Ye Fei and Elena stood still in the air, staring coldly at the six warships on the sea.

"Elena, are you ready?" Ye Fei turned his head and asked with a smile.


Elena had never done anything so crazy, so she was still a little nervous.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Elena, believe in your own strength. It is enough to use your strength to fight with me at the time."


Hearing Ye Fei's words, Elena nodded vigorously, with more confidence in her heart.

At this time, on the deck of the battleship in the middle one nautical mile away from Paradise Island.

A tall and burly middle-aged white man with a height of about 1.9 meters and two stars on his shoulders is observing the situation of Paradise Island with a night vision telescope.

This middle-aged white man was the commander of this operation, Furman.

Beside Furman, there were a few well-armed, tall soldiers standing.

At this time, Waynes wrapped gauze on his arm and walked out of the cabin.

Furman heard the sound, put down his binoculars, turned his head and smiled and asked: "Elder Waynes, how is your injury?"

Waynes waved his hand and said, "Mr. Furman, my injury is not serious."

"Hehe, that's good."

Furman chuckled and said: "In the future, the country of supernatural powers will be handed over to the elders to manage. You are the bridge of friendly communication between the country of supernatural powers and our country, so you must not have an accident."

When Waynes heard it, he felt the importance of himself in the hearts of Americans. With a smile on his face, he suddenly smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Furman, as long as you can help me suppress these naive guys. Go down, I will become the leader of the country of supernatural powers by then, and I will definitely be loyal to you, the country of America!"

Furman laughed loudly and said: "Elder Waynes, these ignorant guys will undoubtedly die tonight!

Later, I will order people to launch missiles and kill them all in the flames! "

"But, Mr. Furman, the Purgatory King is here today, and I am worried that the plan will change..." Waynes said worriedly.


Furman snorted coldly, and said, "What is the purgatory king? No matter how strong he is, he will be just one person after all!

He is not a god, and it is undoubtedly fantastic to block the most advanced Tomahawk missile in our country! "

"That's true, it seems that I am worrying too much."

Waynes smiled, and then asked: "Mr. Furman, when do you fire the gun?

After all, those stubborn guys would definitely not agree to surrender, so it would be meaningless to wait any longer. "

Furman nodded, and then asked a soldier next to him: "Bell, how long has it been now."

"Nineteen minutes have passed now!" the soldier replied loudly.

"Oh, it's already nineteen minutes... then let them live another minute..."

Furman nodded, and then said to Waynes: "Elder Waynes, for the victory of this plan, we have a toast!"

With that, a soldier brought two glasses of champagne.

Furman took two glasses of champagne, handed one to Waynes, then touched the glasses, and then drank the wine in the glass.

"Sir, twenty minutes have passed!"

At this time, a soldier reported the time.

Furman grinned, slammed the cup in his hand to the ground with a "pop", and then shouted: "Fire!"

The voice fell.

After a while, only two muffled thunders were heard, and the two Tomahawk missiles shot directly in the direction of Paradise Island!

Two Tomahawk missiles crossed two high parabola under the night sky, dragging two flame tails, like a meteorite outside the sky!

When these two Tomahawk missiles flew to the island of Bliss, they changed their directions precisely and dived in the direction of Mag Santa!

These are two genuine missiles instead of throwing two metal bumps!

The speed of the missile launch and the power of the explosion are quite terrifying!

If the two missiles are allowed to fall, the entire Mag Santa and the surrounding buildings will be ruthlessly destroyed!

Those on the island who moved to the back of the island saw this scene, and their faces showed a look of despair!

They have lived on the island for so many years and have been peacefully together, but how do you know that today there will be a devastating disaster waiting for them.

They are terrified, angry, and unwilling to what the Americans are doing, but they are helpless.

Even if they are different from ordinary people, they all have supernatural powers, but when facing the bombardment of missiles, they feel that they are so small and pale.

What is the use of their abilities?

They can't do anything, and they can't change much. They can only watch the missile fall and pray silently in their hearts that a miracle will happen.

But, will miracles really happen?

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