Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2452: , Foolish dreams!

Just as all the people on the island were so desperate, they could only wait to die, only to see that a man and a woman were standing in the air about a kilometer away from the Mag Santa Tower!

The man stepped on a golden giant sword, holding a golden infuriating giant sword in his hand, a faint golden light radiated from all over his body, as if a **** descended!

The woman stretched out the wings of light, dressed in a black leather jacket, outlined a perfect figure, with a silver hair fluttering in the air, like a fallen angel in Western legends!

Seeing this pair of men and women standing in the air, like gods, the eyes of the people on the island showed extremely expectant expressions!

At the top of Mag's Sacred Tower, Victor's several fiend knights, Crocell and the seven elders stared at the front closely, with complex expressions on their faces.

"Can the Lord of Purgatory and Elena really block the missiles?"

"I hope so, otherwise, this will be a devastating disaster for us on the island of Bliss!"

Several elders murmured with fear on their faces.

"Sword intent triple explosion!"

At this moment, Ye Fei saw that the two Tomahawk missiles had been approaching infinitely, and directly released the power of Li Chen Dacheng's true energy and the sword intent of the triple explosion!

The golden light on Ye Fei's body became more and more intense, and the golden flames of his pupils burned more and more vigorously!

Every muscle in his body swells and swells like steel, full of infinite power!

A majestic and unparalleled, as if the coercion of a king over the world was released, everyone on the Mag Sacred Tower was shocked!

Krosel and several elders discovered at this time that they once again underestimated Ye Fei's strength!


At this moment, Ye Fei shouted directly, waved the huge sword of infuriating energy in his hand, and struck a missile that was only a hundred meters away from him!


A sword fell, and a huge, 100-meter-long golden light blade was like a golden mad dragon, slashing down in anger, as if to split the world!

boom! —

Accompanied by a violent tremor, Ye Fei directly split this missile in half!

The explosion sounded, a group of raging flames burned in the air, and a wave of madness rushed out wildly, shocking Ye Fei and Elena back tens of meters away!

"It's blocked! It's really blocked!"

"A miracle! This is nothing short of a miracle!"

"No! This is a miracle!"

Everyone on the Mag Santa yelled excitedly!

The people who evacuated to the back of the island also witnessed this scene with their own eyes. All of them burst into tears and cheered loudly!

At this moment, everyone on Bliss Island's worship and awe of Ye Fei reached the extreme!

"Elena, the second missile is coming, stop it!"

Seeing that the second missile was coming soon, Ye Fei quickly reminded him loudly.

Elena nodded suddenly, then raised her arms, and the energy in her body instantly increased ninety times!

A group of dazzling black and red light bloomed on her body, making everyone amazed!

The dark and evil energy radiating from her made everyone terrified!

Krossell and several elders thought that in the temple, only the purgatory king could be regarded as the top powerhouse!

But now they knew they were wrong!

As one of the demon kings under the seat of the purgatory king, Elena is not only superior in wisdom, but also not much weaker than the purgatory king in combat power!

"Black Demon Light Wave!"

I saw that a black-red light wave that was several times stronger than the human body directly impacted, and the target was directed at the second missile!

Boom! —

In an instant, this shock wave collided with the second missile, and there was a shocking explosion!

The flame burns and the smoke billows!

Although some of the surrounding tall buildings were affected and many gaps were punched out, at least the second missile was stopped!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't contain the excitement in their hearts, and shouted loudly!

At this time, the battleship at sea.

Furman, Waynes, and all the soldiers on the battleship also witnessed the scene where Ye Fei and Elena blocked a missile!

Everyone felt their heart stagnated for a second, and their faces were full of incredulous expressions!

How can anyone block the missile?

How the **** is this possible? !

Everyone can't believe it, but the facts are in front of them!


Furman was flabbergasted with anger, and he was almost mad, "These two guys are just human beings, not gods, how can they stop the missiles?!"

"It seems that we still underestimated the strength of the Purgatory King and Elena!"

Waynes clenched his fists and said cruelly: "Mr. Furman, these two guys can block the missiles, then we will launch a few missiles in succession to see how they can block them!"

"Well, your suggestion is good!"

Furman looked ahead with a grim look, and then shook his command: "Four warships that haven't launched missiles are all firing at me! Fire!"

"Yes, sir!"

A subordinate responded, and then quickly contacted the people who controlled the missile systems of the four warships.

Not after a while.

Boom boom boom!

With the sound of four muffled thunders, four Tomahawk missiles were shot out at the same time!

After these four Tomahawk missiles flew to Bliss Island, two blasted towards Mag Santa, and the other two swooped towards the rest of the island!

This time, the U.S. fighters changed their attacking position and prepared to fully bloom, just to make Ye Fei and Elena unstoppable!

The people on the island hadn't been excited for a while before they saw four more missiles fired over!

Suddenly, everyone's hearts mentioned their throats, and their faces turned pale in fright!

"It's really despicable! These guys are starting to spread their blows!"

Ye Fei roared and said, "Elena, speed up, absolutely can't let the missile fall on the island!"


Elena nodded and agreed.

Immediately, Ye Fei and Elena did not wait where they were, but took the initiative to attack and skimmed over two of the missiles shot towards Mag Santa!


Ye Fei yelled wildly, holding the sword in both arms, drew a bright arc under the night sky, and then struggling to smash the missile that came from wildly!


A sword fell, like a golden skyscraper crushed down!

In an instant, Ye Fei cleaved out this golden blade of light and collided with this missile, causing an earth-shattering explosion!

And Elena, at the same time, fired a "dark devil light wave" towards the second missile!

When the two missiles exploded in the air, Ye Fei and Elena immediately dispersed again, rushing to both sides, ready to block the third and fourth missiles!

However, even if the speed of Ye Fei and Elena is faster, it is too late to rush over at this moment!

The two Tomahawk missiles have begun to dive down, and they are very close to the city buildings on the island!

One hundred meters!

Ninety meters!

Eighty meters!

Seventy meters!

The missile is still falling rapidly, and it is about to fall just now!

At this moment, everyone on the island felt that their breathing was about to stagnate, and they felt as if they were quiet all around!

They watched this scene with their eyes wide open, and they couldn't imagine the scene after the missile fell!

"Oh shit!"

Ye Fei was extremely angry, he knew that it was too late to catch up!

Therefore, he directly increased his sword intent by dozens or hundreds of times!

"Sword intent triple explosion! Emperor sword and shield!!"

Accompanied by Ye Fei's shocking cry.

In an instant, thousands of golden swords appeared in the sky, as fast as lightning, shooting in the direction where the missile fell!

In the blink of an eye, this tens of thousands of golden swords have already approached the missile!

Immediately, the tens of thousands of golden swords were quickly reorganized, forming a huge circular sword and shield, like a scorching sun, blocking it below!

boom! —

The missile slammed into the sword and shield, bursting out a thunderous roar!

The golden light and red flames burst out, forming a huge ball of light, which pierced people's eyes and caused short-term blindness!

"Black Magic Light Shield!!"

On the other side, Elena couldn't catch up with the missile, so she hurriedly shot out a powerful light shield to stop the missile from falling!

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