Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2453: , Looking forward to a miracle!

"Black Magic Light Shield!!"

Elena raised her arms and released all the dark energy in her body!

I saw that a huge black-red light shield, like a building, was parallel to the earth, like a flying disc, and swept toward the direction where the missile fell!

cough! !

The place passed by this huge shield of light was like a gust of wind, and the air trembled!

In the blink of an eye, this giant light shield blocked the position where the missile fell!

Boom! ! ——

Another earth-shaking explosion sounded!

The black and red light mixed with the firelight bloomed in all directions, and the thick smoke seemed to form a mushroom cloud, spreading in all directions!

Crocell and others on the Mag Santa Tower, as well as all the people behind the island, had their hearts beating wildly, their hands clenched, their teeth clenched, and they were staring at the left and right directions in the air!

They want to witness the appearance of miracles with their own eyes!

Ye Fei and Elena also stood in the air, looking at the location where the missile fell, and they were not sure whether they succeeded.

After all, it is much harder to stop a missile than to kill a person, and no error can occur.

Once there is any mistake, it will cause a devastating blow.

It took four or five minutes for the two heavy smoke to disperse.

I saw that the defenses played by Ye Fei and Elena were destroyed, and the two missiles had also exploded in the air.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei and Elena looked at each other and smiled.

As for everyone on the island, thunderous cheers erupted, and tears filled their eyes with excitement.

Some people hugged each other, lamenting the rest of their lives.

"Mom, are these two brothers and sisters Superman?"

A little loli who was held by her mother blinked her big jewel-like eyes, and said something milkily.

"Yes, they are supermen! They are the supermen who saved all of us on the island of Bliss!"

The mother replied moved with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, I will protect everyone like my brothers and sisters in the future!"

Little Lori's big jewel-like eyes shone with firmness.

"Okay, Jenny, I look forward to that day!"

The mother kissed little Lolita on the cheek and smiled.

At this time, in the air.

Ye Fei coldly glanced at the six warships on the sea, and said: "Elena, blind defense is no use! We must take the initiative to destroy their missile launch system and kill them all!"


Elena also had cold eyes and nodded.


Ye Fei waved his hand, and stepped on the golden giant sword, like a golden streamer, swept in the direction where the battleship was docked.

Elena quickly spread her wings and followed.

At this time, the battleship at sea.

All American fighters are completely stupid.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have imagined that someone could actually block their most advanced Tomahawk missile in the U.S.!

This is simply not something human can do!

Snapped! !

Furman directly smashed the night vision telescope in his hand to the ground, his chest undulating with anger!

"FUCK! BITCH !! these two **** **** !!"

Furman clenched his fist tightly, and said angrily: "Aren't they able to block missiles? I have six warships and 20 or 30 missiles. I can fire together to see how they block!!!"

"Mr. Furman, absolutely!"

Waynes hurriedly stopped Furman.

"Why not?!"

Furman said coldly.

"Mr. Furman, if all twenty or thirty missiles are launched, everything in the entire island of Bliss will be destroyed!

At that time, even if we conquer the kingdom of supernatural powers, it will be just an empty shell, and it will become meaningless! "Waynes said, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

He didn't want to finally become the leader of the country of supernatural powers, but in the end he could only be a polished commander.

"Then what do you say?!" Furman said irritably.

"Mr. Furman, how about this... Let's leave here temporarily, and we will come back when the Purgatory King and Elena leave the Isle of Bliss.

At that time, without the protection of the purgatory king and Elena, those guys can only surrender to us. "Waynes said.

Furman frowned and said, "I rushed here all the way, but was forced back by two guys. How does this make us American fighters face?!"

"Mr. Furman, this is just a stopgap measure!"

Waynes accompanied the smiling face and said: "Moreover, the purgatory king and Elena are so powerful, if we don't leave again, I'm afraid they will kill all of us!"

Furman thought for a moment, and felt that what Waynes said was reasonable.

He took a deep breath, then waved a big hand, "Retreat!!"


However, Furman's voice had not yet fallen, and a burst of screams suddenly came over.

"what happened?!"

Furman was shocked, and quickly turned his head and looked around, and saw that Ye Fei and Elena had come over and were killing people.

For Ye Fei and Elena, these heavily armed fighters are no different from ants. Every time they attack, a large number of people can be killed or injured.

Elena's Black Demon Lightwave pierced all the chests and hearts of these warriors, and those who died could not die again.

Ye Fei's action was even more direct, and every time a sword went down, a large swath of headless corpses fell to the ground.

Although these fighters thought about resisting, resisting was useless at all.

This is a unilateral slaughter.

In just a few minutes, all three or four hundred soldiers on the other five warships were killed by Ye Fei and Elena.

On the battleship, in the sea, there were corpses everywhere, and blood flowed across the sea, staining this sea area red and pungent.

After killing the people on the other five battleships, Ye Fei and Elena came to the sky over the middle battleship.

The two stood still in the air, looking down coldly.

Furman, Waynes, and more than a hundred warriors on the battleship all looked at Ye Fei and Elena, who were like gods and men.

They didn't even know when Ye Fei and Elena came here, how could they be so fast?

Moreover, the speed of this killing was too fast. More than three or four hundred people died in just a few minutes?

Ye Fei stared coldly at the white middle-aged man who was protected by a group of fighters, and said indifferently: "You are Furman, right?"

"Yes, I am Furman!"

Fuhrman suppressed the fear in his heart, held his chest out, and said: "I am a senior general in the United States, you can't kill me!

If you dare to kill me, our US military will never let you and your temple go! ! "


When Ye Fei heard it, the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a mocking smile.

"why are you laughing?!"

Foreman saw Ye Fei laugh for no reason, and his heart suddenly became lost.

He didn't understand why he moved the backstage out by himself, but this guy was not afraid.

"I laugh at you for ignorance, stupid..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, and said, "Do you really think that the Miguo chose to fight our temple for your death? You think too much of yourself, right?

You, the United States, have always been bullies and fears of hardship, do you think I don’t know?

If you, the United States, were going to war against our temple, it would have been a war long ago, why wait until now?

Don’t you know that I took over your Area 51 base in the US, and I destroyed the headquarters of your Delta Force.

But why didn't you, the United States, go to war against me? The reason is simple, because you are afraid, you are afraid of losing!

And our temple is never afraid of powerful enemies! If you want to fight, we will naturally accompany you, but the key is do you dare? "

When Furman heard this, his heart trembled, and his brows frowned.

Yes, Ye Fei was really right.

Although the U.S. hated Ye Fei and the temple, it never dared to go to war.

For one thing, the temple's sphere of influence is too large, and the network of connections is too large. If it starts to fight, it will be very detrimental to the United States.

Secondly, the temple is full of lunatics and demons who are not afraid of death. Once they fight, they will definitely lose both sides, so the U.S. dare not do it lightly.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you..."

Ye Fei smiled coldly and said, "Are you apology or do you want me to do it?"

"Fire!! Fire!!"

Fuhrman gave the order directly without saying a word.

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