Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2454: ,That's too late!

Da da da! ! ...

More than a hundred soldiers fired at the same time, a shuttle of bullets, like a dense rainstorm, poured towards Ye Fei and Elena!

In Furman’s view, even if Ye Fei and Elena’s strength are stronger, there are more than 100 fighters and more than 100 guns on their side, and at such a short distance, these two guys absolutely It is unstoppable and can only be sieved.

However, the next second, what made them frightened was that this intensive bullet rain could not penetrate the defenses of Ye Fei and Elena!

Ye Fei and Elena had long known that Furman would order the shot, so they had already started their defense!

Therefore, although this dense bullet rain seemed fierce, it was like a drizzle to Ye Fei and Elena, and it was directly blocked!

Ye Fei's body exudes a faint golden light, and Elena's body is exuding a black-red light. The bullet didn't get close to the bodies of the two, and it clanged on the deck!

Seeing this scene, Furman and a group of soldiers were frightened stupid!

Ye Fei sighed lightly and said, "Forman, it seems that you want me to do it myself..."

"Shoot me! Keep shooting! I don't believe they are really invulnerable!!"

Furman shouted in horror.

Suddenly, more than one hundred soldiers raised their guns and fired at Ye Fei and Elena again.

"court death!!"

Ye Fei gave a cold shout, flipped his wrist, and swung a sword!

Huh! !

A golden blade of light flashed away!

Puff puff! ! ...

In an instant, the heads of the dozens of soldiers in the front were directly separated from their bodies!


"Devil! Devil!!"

The remaining soldiers screamed in horror and wanted to escape.

However, this is at sea, and they have no way to escape.

At this time, Waynes knew that there was only a dead end to stay here.

So he grabbed Furman by the shoulder and whispered: "Mr. Furman, go!!"

"Good good!!"

Furman nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, Waynes raised his left hand directly, and a strong air pressure directly took Waynes and Furman into the air, and then fled towards the distance as if riding a rocket.

"Want to run! There are no doors!!"

Ye Fei yelled, and then confessed: "Elena, these guys will be handled by you, I will kill those two guys!"


Elena nodded and agreed.

Immediately, Ye Fei stepped on the Golden Sword and chased in the direction where Waynes and Furman fled!

Although Waynes and Furman escaped quickly, Ye Fei pursued them faster!

In just a few breaths, Ye Fei caught up!

Seeing Ye Fei blocking the front, Furman and Waynes both trembled in terror and trembled involuntarily.

Under the shining of the moonlight, Ye Fei's face turned bright and dark, really like a cruel demon, staring at the two of Waynes and Furman.

When Ye Fei's gaze was fixed, the two of them felt that their hearts were chilling.

This guy is not a human at all, but a devil!

"Do you think you can still escape?"

Ye Fei asked faintly, like a devil's whisper.

"Elder Waynes, kill him! Kill him!"

Furman hurriedly called to Waynes.

He is in a high position, with power and wealth that ordinary people can't imagine, he naturally doesn't want to just die like this.

Waynes also knew that now he had no choice but to do his best to fight Ye Fei.

Only if they win can they have a chance to leave.

If you lose, there is only a dead end.

Thought of this.

Waynes directly raised his arms, controlled the atmosphere, and then the two groups of air pressure condensed into two invisible shells, and blasted towards Ye Fei!

"Atmospheric Cannonball!!"

Boom! !

Two muffled thunders sounded, and these two invisible atmospheric artillery shells blasted directly at Ye Fei's chest!

Although Ye Fei couldn't see it, he could feel the power of the two atmospheric artillery shells, so he just lifted the sword and directly brought the two atmospheric artillery shells to the sky!

This so-called atmospheric shell can't get close to Ye Fei's body at all!

"Give me to die! Die to me!!"

As if going crazy, Waynes continued to shoot several atmospheric cannonballs at Ye Fei!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

However, Ye Fei was too lazy to block, so he stood quietly in the air, letting these atmospheric artillery shells bombard himself!

However, what made Waynes tremble was that these atmospheric shells could not cause any harm to Ye Fei at all, so they were crushed!

Then, Ye Fei swung a sword casually toward the front!

The sword light flashed!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Two explosions resounded in the air, shaking this sea area!

The atmospheric shells that Waynes played had been completely destroyed by Ye Fei's sword!

"Atmospheric rolling!!"

Seeing that Ye Fei had easily resolved his "atmospheric cannonballs", Waynes did not hesitate to raise his arms directly, gathering the air pressure on the left and right sides of Ye Fei crazy!

Huhuhu! ! ...

Under the frantic squeeze, the atmosphere made a sharp whistling sound, as if playing a flute!

When the atmosphere was compressed to an extreme point, Waynes' arms slammed together!

Bang bang! !

Two frantically condensed air pressure slammed Ye Fei's body, like two iron mountains weighing several tons, and two low muffled noises erupted!

Waynes thought that Ye Fei would be crushed into meatloaf by this, but what shocked him was that, besides a shake of his body, Ye Fei directly blocked the crushing of the atmosphere!

Ye Fei raised his arms to resist the squeezing of the two atmospheres, and said, "Old guy, I have to say that you are crushed by the atmosphere very fiercely. If my body is not strong enough, I will really be crushed by you." Into meatloaf.

It's a pity that your atmospheric power is still too weak to cause any harm to me..."

"Don't drive me crazy!!"

Seeing Ye Fei's arrogant look, Waynes didn't slap the anger in his heart. He waved his arms again!

A surging air pressure frantically surged, and the sea water was affected, tumbling, and a huge wave was set off!

Afterwards, this air pressure was directly blocked by Ye Fei's front and back, up and down, and left and right, ready to crush Ye Fei into meat foam!

Boom! !

Boom boom boom boom! !

Six consecutive crashing sounds sounded like thunder in the sky!

The pressure of each air pressure has reached several tons, and the total pressure of the six air pressures is more than a dozen tons!

If you change to an ordinary person, or even a warrior with a good level of cultivation, under the pressure of more than ten tons of air pressure, your body will be directly crushed into meat!

However, when Ye Fei started practicing, he focused on the forging of his body!

As of today, Ye Fei's body has already been strengthened from the skin to every blood and cell, and the strength of his body has already reached an incredible realm!

Therefore, although this level of impact made Ye Fei numb all over, it would not crush Ye Fei!

"This... how is this possible?!"

It was the first time that Waynes saw anyone able to withstand a dozen tons of air pressure under his control.

The general master, just a few tons of air pressure, the body will be crushed to an explosion, but Ye Fei abruptly withstood a dozen tons of pressure, but his body is safe and sound!

Damn it!

Really hell!

"This guy is too abnormal, I'm afraid I can't beat him..."

Waynes took a deep breath and spoke to Furman.

Furman swallowed his throat and said, "Since you can't beat it, then go quickly!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Waynes also knew that it would be useless to fight further, so he turned around and prepared to flee.

But at this moment, Ye Fei lifted up to the sky and shouted, his arms slammed!

A golden light flashed in the air, and a terrifying coercion spread in all directions!

Only a loud noise was heard, and the six powerful air pressures were directly shattered by Ye Fei's body!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

There was another series of bombing sounds, and a column of water formed by the sea rose up into the sky, like a god's punishment coming to the world!

"You, you, you... how could you..."

Waynes was completely stunned, a little incoherent.

Although he knew that his "atmospheric crushing" could not kill Ye Fei, he could still hold Ye Fei for a while, but he didn't expect Ye Fei to break free so quickly.

"I said, you all have to die tonight!!"

Ye Fei's eyes burst with golden light, and then with a sharp sword, he swung it towards Waynes and Furman!

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