Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2455: , Do you dare?

Huh! !

A sword swung out, like a golden thunder, with a force of destruction!

"Atmospheric Shield! Strengthen!!"

Waynes also knew that Ye Fei's strength was terrifying, so he directly condensed a thick "atmospheric shield" to resist Ye Fei's attack!

Only heard a "bang" explosion, Ye Fei's sword directly broke through Waynes' defense!

Useless... Attacks are useless, defenses are useless!

Waynes felt despair for the first time!

As the great elder of the country of supernatural powers, he is an outstanding person with atmospheric supernatural powers, and he has never failed!

But today, I actually have Waterloo in front of a young man who is less than 30 years old!

This is a great shame to him, and he cannot accept it!

"Could it be that your strength is only so small?"

Ye Fei looked at Waynes with a joking expression and asked.

"Purgatory King!! I want to kill you!!!"

Waynes was completely furious, he suddenly raised his arms, and a more surging and majestic atmosphere began to surge!

Wow! !

I saw that a strong air pressure directly brought the sea water into the air, and then it crazily compressed and condensed, forming a thick and solid water block!

Moreover, this water block is slowly expanding...

In just half a minute, Ye Fei looked up and saw a huge water curtain that covered the sky and the sun appeared above him!

The key is that this is a water curtain condensed by atmospheric compression, and it weighs at least tens of hundreds of tons!

When dozens of hundreds of tons of seawater hit people, people will feel pain, but after these dozens of hundreds of tons of seawater are compressed into water, it is harder than steel!

If this is suppressed, how can ordinary people bear it?

"The sky is falling!!"

Waynes let out a loud roar, and pressed his arms down.

Huh! !

The entire thick water curtain like a city wall smashed directly towards Ye Fei below, as if the sky had fallen!

Because this heavy water curtain is too heavy, the speed of pressing down is also very fast, Ye Fei wants to avoid it, it is too late!

Therefore, Ye Fei had to give up avoiding, but slammed his sword towards the thick water curtain!

call out! !

A sword pierced out, and the golden sword intent was like a violent golden dragon, rushing towards the top in anger!

"The sword dominates the world!!"

Boom! ! ——

The crazy explosion sounded across the entire sea, and people from thousands of meters away could hear it clearly!

A golden figure penetrated through the water curtain!

With just a sword, this heavy water curtain was penetrated!

Moreover, after the water curtain was pierced through, it cracked directly and turned into pieces, falling into the sea, making the sound of "boom boom boom" muffled thunder!

"Atmospheric prison!!"

Upon seeing this, Waynes immediately raised his arms, forming a square cage with the atmosphere, directly trapping Ye Fei!

"Entering my atmospheric cage, you never want to come out easily!"

Waynes sneered and said something, then turned around to leave with Furman.

"You too value yourself..."

Ye Fei said lightly, and then slammed his sword out.

With a loud "click", this so-called "atmospheric cage" was directly destroyed by Ye Fei.


Weinston was frightened insane.

The proud "collapse of the sky" that I displayed by myself did not work, nor did the "atmospheric cage" work!


Run quickly! !

Waynes no longer has the confidence to fight, and there is only one thought of "running" in his heart!

"Playing with you for so long, it's time to go to hell..."

Ye Fei said indifferently, then with a sharp sword, he swung it towards Waynes and Furman!

"no, do not want!!--"

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die!!!"

Waynes and Furman yelled in horror at the same time.

Just when Waynes and Furman felt that they were going to **** in the next second, they only heard a thud!

This sword was directly blocked!

Ye Fei looked up and saw a steel warrior wearing a black metal armor and a metal helmet, holding a circular metal shield in his hand, and spitting flames at his feet, blocking Furman and Waynes. Front.

Soon, three more steel warriors flew over from a distance, everyone wearing the same black armor.

"Hehe, it turned out to be a steel warrior from the Delta Force. I haven't dealt with you iron knots for a long time.

Why don't you think so much, come here to find death? "

Ye Fei glanced at these four guys, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The steel warrior who took the lead snorted coldly and said: "Purgatory King, our war armor has already been improved and upgraded! It won't be that easy if you want to kill us again!"

"Is it?"

Ye Fei said amusedly: "Do you really think that the iron bumps on your body can block my sword?"


The steel warrior shook his voice: "Our American technology is specifically designed to restrain your Chinese ancient martial arts!"


Ye Fei mocked and said, "Then let you see what the real Chinese ancient martial arts are..."

With that said, Ye Fei directly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand and slashed towards the steel warrior!

When Ye Fei swung a sword, the steel warrior quickly raised the metal shield in his hand to resist!

Only a clear sound of "dang" was heard, sparks flew everywhere!

This sword was still resisted!

Ye Fei froze for a moment, and said with interest, "It's interesting, can it really block my sword?"

"The ignorant yellow-skinned monkey, our U.S. technology is the strongest in the world! What Chinese ancient martial arts are not farts in our eyes!"

The steel warrior said arrogantly, and then said to Furman: "Sir, leave it to us, the purgatory king, you leave quickly!"

"Well, you are here just right! Zorro, you must kill this guy!"

Furman said something, and then quickly said: "Elder Waynes, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that it was just a false alarm just now, Waynes wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then prepared to take Furman to leave.

"Don't think about it!!"

Seeing that these two guys were about to leave, Ye Fei shouted directly, slammed his sword, and swung it horizontally at Waynes and Furman!

"Purgatory King, your opponent is me!!"

The steel warrior called Zorro suddenly raised the shield in his hand, and a blue light burst on this shield, directly blocking Ye Fei's sword.

"You are paralyzed!!"

Ye Fei shouted angrily and quickly released a stronger sword intent.

"Sword Intent Triple Explosion! Death!!"

Huh! !

A golden blade of light directly skyrocketed hundreds of times!

This majestic sword intent stunned Waynes, Furman and Zorro!

They didn't expect that Ye Fei could instantly raise the sword intent to such a terrifying realm!

Click! Click! ! ...

Only heard a crisp sound!

The shield made of super metal in Zorro's hand is directly shattered!

"How can this be?!"

Zorro was stunned.

Your own shield and war armor were specially developed by American scientists for the Chinese ancient martial arts. How could it be so fragile that they were destroyed all at once?

However, before Zorodo thought, the violent sword intent directly cut off his war armor, and a head wearing a metal helmet flickered with sparks and flew!

"no no!!!"

Fuhrman thought he was saved, but he didn't know that Zorro had his head cut off by Ye Fei!

Soon, the scream disappeared on the sea.

The vented sword intent flashed across the necks of Furman and Waynes.

Puff puff! !

Splashing blood!

The heads of the two of them separated directly from their bodies, flew up, and fell into the sea with two "plops"!

Because Waynes died and the atmosphere dissipated, the two headless corpses of Waynes and Furman also fell into the sea!

One sword and three lives!

At this time, the three steel warriors suspended in the air witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and the three of them were shocked and trembling all over!


One of the steel warriors did not hesitate and gave the order.

They came this time and they were ordered to protect Furman, but now Furman is dead, so he still protects his ass. Of course, it is important to save his life. Let's talk about it after running.

Immediately, the three steel fighters turned around and prepared to flee.

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