Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2456: , Safe and sound!

"Since I'm here, I still want to leave, do you think too much?"

Ye Fei said indifferently, and then swung a sword in the direction where the three steel warriors fled!

"Sword intent triple explosion... One sword hides the sky..."

Huh! !

Slashed out with a sword, breaking through the night!

A powerful, sharp, sharp, and surging sword power surged past like a tide!

Let the three steel warriors who are fleeing forward feel flustered!

I saw that a 100-meter-long golden blade of light flashed away like a golden thunder, as if it had never appeared before!

After swinging a sword, Ye Fei did not care about these three guys anymore, but dived down, grabbed the two heads of Furman and Waynes floating on the sea, and then swept in the direction where they came. Past!

The moment Ye Fei left, I saw that the bodies of the three steel warriors in the air broke from the waist and were directly divided into two halves, and then "plopped" a few times, all falling into the sea!

Ye Fei felt a little funny on the way back.

Scientists in the U.S. may indeed have researched some high-tech things with their own ancient martial arts strength, but what they don't know is that their strength has been improving, and what they are focusing on is only the self at the time.

And now, he has far surpassed the original.

However, at this moment, Ye Fei suddenly felt that the sword intent of the golden giant sword under his feet was rapidly weakening, and he was suddenly depressed.

Fortunately, I solved these guys in time. Otherwise, I played for a while, the golden sword disappeared, and I fell into the sea. It would be difficult to kill them anymore.

It seems that I have to continue to strengthen the practice of "Yujian Qianli", and strive to be able to stay in the air for a longer time.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei speeded up his flight...

When Ye Fei reached the top of the battleship, he saw that all the American soldiers on the battleship had been wiped out by Elena. Moreover, Crocell and the remaining elders had already arrived.

Crocell and the others all looked at Ye Fei gratefully, and their faces were full of admiration.

Ye Fei withdrew the golden sword under his feet and landed on the deck of the battleship. Then he threw the two heads in his hands on the deck, saying: "I have killed Waynes and Furman. This is theirs. Head."

Seeing the two heads on the ground, Krossell and the seven elders took a breath.

Just now Elena told them that Ye Fei had gone after Waynes and Furman, and now that they had both had their heads cut off, everyone was shocked and frightened.

They have seen how strong the elder Waynes is.

However, no matter how powerful Waynes was, it was not worth mentioning in Ye Fei's eyes.

For a time, Crocell and several elders' worship of Ye Fei reached a new height again.

"Thank you, the King of Purgatory, for helping us punish the traitors and eliminate the offenders!

From now on, our country of supernatural powers is willing to look forward to the temple! "

Crossell bent down respectfully.

"Prince of Purgatory, although I opposed the kingdom of supernatural powers surrendering to the temple, but today you have saved all the people of our kingdom of supernatural powers. I am deeply impressed!

From now on, our kingdom of supernatural powers will be the most loyal ally of the temple. If you have anything, you can just ask! "The Seventh Elder also stood up and said.

The other elders also stood up one after another.

If Ye Fei killed the Third Elder and the Fifth Elder, only to frighten them, but Ye Fei saved everyone on the island and convinced them.

Elena, Victor and others all smiled slightly.

Although there was unpleasantness in the middle, at least the result was good.

Ye Fei nodded, and then said: "Since today, our temple and your country of supernatural powers have become allies, then we will take care of each other from now on.

In order to prevent things like tonight from happening again in the future, I will send someone to build a defense system in your country of ability and send warships to garrison.

Next time, if a strong enemy comes again, you can also protect yourself. "

"Thank you Purgatory King!!"

When Crocell and the others heard it, a happy smile appeared on their faces.

Since this happened tonight, they also want to understand.

Blindly fighting the world, it is useless. If you want to truly let the people on the island live and work in peace, you must improve your own strength. Some warships and anti-missile systems should be equipped.

"Well, the rest of the matter is left to you, if there is nothing wrong, then we will go first." Ye Fei said.


Crocere was taken aback for a moment, and said: "The Purgatory King, you and Elena are the first time to come to our country of supernatural powers, why are you leaving so soon?

Or just stay in our country of supernatural powers for a few days, so that we can fulfill the friendship of landlords. "

"Yes, Lord Purgatory, the people on the island would like to thank you and Elena, the two great heroes." The second elder Adolf smiled authentically.

"Thank you or something, just forget it. Moreover, I just can't understand the way the American old Maozi does, and we are friends, so I helped a little bit, and I am not a big hero."

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "Besides, there is time to come later, and it's not bad for a while."

Seeing that Ye Fei couldn't keep Ye Fei, Krosel and the elders had no choice but to give up.

As a result, Crocell and several elders personally sent Ye Fei and Elena out of the misty formation of Bliss Island...


At about nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Ye Fei and his party arrived at the Lost Island.

After returning to the island, Ye Fei stayed with Elena for a day, "compensated" the woman, and paid some rations.

Until the evening, Elena reluctantly sent Ye Fei to the airport on the island.

"Wang, do you really want to leave today?"

Elena's mouth was bulging, her big blue eyes looked at Ye Fei, her face was full of dismay.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the woman's face, adding a touch of temptation and charming.

Maybe it's because the woman's dark blood is slowly awakening, which makes women feel evil and enchanting.

However, it is precisely because of this that women are like poppies, more full of fatal attraction.

Ye Feisheng was afraid that he would not want to leave if he stayed here for a while, but the point was that Gu Qingcheng broke his phone number and asked him to come back quickly.

I did promise Gu Qingcheng to accompany her to the U.S. to deal with the company's listing, so I have to rush back today anyway.

Ye Fei smiled softly, touched Elena's head, and said, "Yes, I have been on the island for so many days, so it's time to go back."

Elena's eyes darkened, and she nodded obediently, and said, "Well then, Wang, then you will be careful on the way."


Ye Fei nodded, and then reminded: "Elena, remember what I said, before digesting the energy in the body, you must not absorb the energy of the second sacred stone, you know?"

"Okay, I know."

Elena nodded with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

Ye Fei hugged Elena and said softly: "Take care of yourself."

"Wang, so are you."

Elena leaned gently on Ye Fei's shoulder, her eyes were a little moist.

The two stayed warm for a while and talked for a while, then Ye Fei turned and left, got on the helicopter, and flew directly to Ninghai City, China...

Because the Lost Island is far away from China, Ye Fei didn't arrive at the Ninghai Navy Airport until about 8 o'clock the next morning.

After returning the helicopter to the military region, Ye Fei ate some breakfast on the side of the road, then stopped a taxi and went straight to Allure International.

On the way back to the company, Ye Fei's phone rang, and it was Gu Qingcheng who was calling.

"Qingcheng, good morning!" Ye Fei said with a smile.

"What a ghost, have you come back?"

Gu Qingcheng's dissatisfied voice came over.

"I'm back, on my way to the company." Ye Fei replied.

"That's good, you go back to the company, there is a security job fair this morning, originally I was going to leave it to others to deal with.

But since you are the Minister of the Security Department, the recruitment is left to you. "Gu Qingcheng said.

"Recruiting security?"

Ye Fei was stunned, and said, "Is there not enough security staff?"

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