Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2465: , Make a price!

As for Clyde, who was standing on the side, he was so scared that his soul was about to fly.

Remembering that he was still posing in front of the Lord Purgatory King just now, he wished to hit him to death.

The purgatory king even came and went freely in those royal palaces in Europe. In this gentleman's eyes, such a manor, of course, is not a fart.

At this moment, Rex saw Karls' face changing and trembling, and he was immediately puzzled, and said: "Kars, what's wrong with you? Is it because women play too much and their body is weak?"

Karls swallowed his throat, and then ran to Ye Fei, bowed his head, and said respectfully: "My Lord Purgatory, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!

It's because I have no eyes, I didn't recognize you in the first time. I hope you have a large number of adults, don't care about the stupid things I just said! "

As he said, Karls looked at Gu Qingcheng again, bending over to apologize: ", Queen, I hope you forgive me this time and forgive me for my ignorance!"

When Rex heard this, he immediately understood something. He stepped forward and grabbed Karls by the collar, and said angrily: "Kars, what the **** did you do just now? Did you provoke my boss? !"

Carl was almost crying, but he didn't know what to do, so he could only say "I'm sorry".

"Okay, Fatty, you see that scared him, let him go first." Ye Fei said lightly.

Rex pushed Karls away, and then asked, "Boss, how did this guy provoke you?"

Ye Fei didn't hide it either, and told Rex what had happened just now.

After listening to Ye Fei's words, Rex couldn't help laughing wildly.

He turned and walked in front of Karls, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Kars, your Mellon family is very rich, so you dare to buy my sister-in-law's company. Are you impatient or disgusting? long?"

"My Lord Purgatory, Mr. Rex, I'm sorry, I dare not, never dare to do it again!"

Karls was so frightened that his nose and tears flowed out, how could he have the demeanor of a big family.

Rex took out a gun directly from his waist and said, "Boss, what do you want to do with this guy, do you want me to shoot him?"


When Karls heard this, his legs weakened in fright, he knelt down, and quickly prayed: "Master Purgatory, I am wrong, I am really wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Ye Fei glanced at Karls blankly, then turned his head and asked: "Qingcheng, what do you want to do with this guy?"

Gu Qingcheng sighed lightly and said, "Forget it, although Mr. Karls is a bit uncomfortable, but at least he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. It would not be nice to kill him."

Ye Fei touched Gu Qingcheng's head, and said with a smile, "Our Qingcheng baby is kind-hearted, and we all listen to you, so let him go."

After speaking, Ye Fei winked at Rex.

"Karls, I will focus on the bright spots in the future, if there is another time, I will break you directly!"

Rex glared at Karls, then put away the gun.

Karls sweated coldly, as if he was amnesty, and said gratefully: "Thank you, the King of Purgatory, and thank the Queen for not killing!!"

"Okay, I will forgive you this time, not as an example."

Ye Fei waved his hand and didn't want to care about such a small person, so he said: "Fatty, Qingcheng, Sister Lan, let's go."

Immediately, Karls respectfully sent Ye Fei and his party to the outside of the manor.

However, when Ye Fei and his party were about to get on the car and leave, all of a sudden they heard the roar of the engine and the sound of the helicopter "dada".

Ye Fei and his party were very puzzled, so they looked up.

I saw that military trucks carrying the flag of the United States drove over, and transport helicopters also flew over from a distance.

"Kars, what the **** is going on? Why did the US military come over?"

Rex glanced at it and suddenly wondered.

"I... I don't know either!"

Karls also looked dumbfounded, obviously not understanding what was going on.

Looking at the coming military trucks and the flying helicopters, Ye Fei squinted thoughtfully.

"Boss, what the **** is going on? Who is this U.S. military rushing on?" Rex asked suspiciously.

"I don't know too much, let's take a look first." Ye Fei replied.

Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan were also very speechless. Why did things happen one after another when they came to the United States, which is really troublesome.

After a while, six large trucks and five transport helicopters stopped at the gate of the manor.

One by one, heavily armed, tall and large American soldiers in camouflage uniforms jumped down. There were a hundred or so soldiers, and they were not ordinary soldiers, but special soldiers.

And walking in the front was a tall and tall white middle-aged man wearing a black military uniform with three stars on his shoulders.

Karls is also the next heir to the Mellon family anyway. Now the U.S. military has sent so many people over quietly, without even saying hello, which makes him very unhappy and feels very shameless.

After all, in the U.S., big families and consortia like this have a lot of influence and energy.

After all, the election and appointment of the U.S. One needs the help of these big families and consortia, so the people of these big families are naturally not afraid of the U.S. military at all.

He walked up, looked at the middle-aged officer, and said coldly: "Mr. Patton, what's the matter with you bringing people to my manor with such a big fanfare?"

Button smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Karls, I'm really sorry, because it was urgent, so I didn't have time to say hello to you. I'm here to say sorry to you."

"Okay, you don't need to say more about these polite remarks."

Karls waved his hand and said, "Mr. Patton, to be honest, what is your purpose in coming here?"

Barton smiled faintly and said: "Mr. Karls, I came here today because of the No. 1 order, I came here to arrest a person."

"Catch who?" Karls asked coldly.

Patton squinted his eyes, then looked at Ye Fei on the side, and said: "Purgatory King, you are suspected of destroying our US military base and killing our senior US generals.

So, please come with us, Mr. Purgatory King. "

When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

"You dog, how dare you catch my boss, are you **** crazy?!"

When Rexton was furious, he directly took out his pistol and pointed it at Button.

Click! !

Just as Rex pulled out his gun, the American special forces all raised their rifles and pointed them at Rex.

For a while, the atmosphere became tense.

Karls looked at Button with a cold face, and said, "Mr. Button, do you know who the purgatory king is? You dare to catch him. Are you not afraid of getting into trouble?!"

Patton smiled and said, "Of course I know who the purgatory king is, the king of the underground world, and who doesn't know?"

"Since you know, you still bring people over, are you impatient?" Karls said coldly.

"Soldiers regard obedience as their bounden duty. Since the above asks me to capture the purgatory king, I naturally have to do it!"

Button shook his voice and said, "Mr. Rex, Mr. Karls, it's none of your business, so please don't interfere."


Rex yelled angrily and said, "If you **** dare to move my boss, I will be the first to kill you!!"

Button frowned and said angrily: "Rex! Please figure out who you are! You must know that you are from the U.S., not from China!!"

"What the **** are you from the U.S. Chinese? I only know that the king of purgatory is my boss. If anyone can't get along with my boss, he can't get along with me, Rex!" Rex shook his voice.

Hearing what Rex said, Ye Fei was still very moved, fortunately he didn't treat this fat man in vain.

Ye Fei sighed lightly, then stepped forward, looked at Barton, and said, "Before I change my mind, you should go quickly. I don't want to kill people today..."

"What are you talking about? You still want to kill, I think you are crazy!"

When Barton heard this, he was immediately furious, "Purgatory King, we have been tolerant to you in the United States before, but you don't know how to repent, and you have been against our United States over and over again. How can we forgive you!"

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