Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2466: , Make a big disaster!

"Then what if I don't follow you today?"

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said something.

"Then don't blame us for being impolite!"

Barton shook his voice: "There is an order above, if you dare to defy the arrest, you will live or die!"

"Hehe, what a life and death..."

Ye Fei's eyes were getting colder and colder, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

It seems that in the past few years, I have been too easy-going, so easy to talk, that these ants have stepped on their heads.

If you don't convince them this time, these guys will continue to find their own troubles in the future.

Feeling the coercion and murderous aura released from Ye Fei, Patton and a group of special forces were like a big enemy, and they were chilling. They quickly raised the gun in their hands and pointed it at Ye Fei.

"I will give you another chance..."

Ye Fei's voice became more and more indifferent, "Leaving now, I can assume that nothing happened.

If you want to go your own way, don't even think about leaving..."


Barton yelled and said, "This is the United States. It's not a place where you can mess around. I don't believe you really dare to kill!"

"If you don't believe me, you can try..."

Ye Feixie laughed and said something.

"Take him!"

Button did not hesitate, and directly waved his big hand.

The two soldiers rushed up immediately, reached out and grabbed Ye Fei's shoulder.


Ye Fei let out a cold yell, and put his hands out like thunder, and directly clasped the throats of the two fighters, and then squeezed it lightly.

Click, click, click! !

Two bone cracks sounded, and the necks of these two fighters were directly pinched off!

Immediately, Ye Fei threw the two fighters aside like throwing garbage.

Seeing that Ye Fei killed two people as soon as he shot, everyone present was shocked.

Rex is okay, he knows Ye Fei's character, and he has always been decisive.

Moreover, Ye Fei has never been afraid of anyone since the beginning of the temple's establishment.

However, Kars on the side was shocked. He had always heard of the prestige of the purgatory king, but when he saw it today, he realized that the rumors were true.

U.S. fighters, even if they say kill, kill them, it's completely as simple as killing chickens and dogs.

These big figures in the Megatron world really regard human life as a must.

Carlston was thankful, but fortunately he didn't offend the purgatory king too much, otherwise he would have died a long time ago.

However, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan frowned. Although they didn't know why Ye Fei dared to kill the American soldiers, they would undoubtedly cause a big trouble.

"You, you, you... how dare you really dare to kill?! Crazy! You are really crazy!!"

Patton was immediately blown up with anger. He stepped back and said angrily: "Everyone obeys the order! The purgatory king dare to defied the arrest, kill him! Open fire!!!"

Suddenly, all of the 100 or so American soldiers raised their rifles and fired at Ye Fei.

Da da da! ! ...

The gunshots were loud, and the bullets shot like a dense rainstorm in the direction of Ye Fei, and like countless intertwined rays of death, they wanted to obliterate Ye Fei!

Ye Fei thought that there were Rex and others behind, so in order to be safe, he directly released a vigorous sword intent.

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!"

In an instant, thousands of golden swords appeared in the sky, and then quickly reorganized to form a huge circular sword and shield, blocking the front of Rex and others!

Seeing this scene, Karls, Rex and others were stunned, their faces were full of incredible expressions!

Especially Kars, it is like seeing a god-man!

On the contrary, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan seem to be much calmer, Ye Fei's magical methods are endless, they have long been surprised!

Soon, the intensive bullet rain hit Ye Fei's body, hitting the sword and shield behind!

The "ding ding dang dong" collision sounded constantly, but those bullets could not penetrate the defensive qi released from Ye Fei's body, nor could they penetrate the sword and shield behind him!

This violent bullet rain is like a drizzle without threats!

After a round of bullet rain, Patton and a group of soldiers looked up, but saw Ye Fei safe and sound, looking at them with a sneer!


Barton looked at Ye Fei with a look of astonishment, and he couldn't recover at all.

He naturally had some information about Ye Fei before he came, and he also knew that Ye Fei was very strong and was a strong man in the world.

However, when I saw him now, I realized that Ye Fei's strength had far exceeded his imagination.

"This kid is a monster!!"

Patton wiped his cold sweat, and then said loudly: "Give me a bazooka to kill him!!"

The rocket launcher is a lethal weapon used to strike tanks, armored vehicles, and infantry fighting vehicles at close range. In Patton's view, even if Ye Fei's strength is strong, it can't stop the bombardment of the rocket launcher!

Hearing Patton's order, the two fighters immediately picked up the rocket launcher and blasted the rocket at Ye Fei without hesitation!

Bang bang! !

Two dull sounds sounded, and two rockets dragged the flame's tail and bombed Ye Fei directly!

Karls and others were shocked, and quickly hid behind their swords and shields!

Although Rex, Gu Qingcheng, and Qin Menglan all learned ancient martial arts, it is not difficult to avoid bullets, but they have no confidence in letting them avoid rocket bombing.

However, everyone was worried about Ye Fei and wondered if Ye Fei could avoid the rocket attack!

Seeing the two rockets ejected, Ye Fei stood motionless, with a mocking smile across his mouth.

I'm not even afraid of missiles, so can I still be afraid of rockets?

It's hilarious!


Ye Fei let out a loud shout, and slammed his right foot on the ground.

With a "bang", the earth trembled for a while, and then cracks opened!

Immediately, Ye Fei directly condensed a golden infuriating giant sword, and swung a sword at the two rockets!

Huh! !

A golden blade of light vented out like a horse, and directly collided with the two rockets!

Boom! ! ——

Two roars exploded, and violent air waves rushed out, and they stunned Patton and these soldiers back, and several soldiers who were closer were directly blasted away!

However, what made Barton and the others desperate was that the two rockets failed to harm Ye Fei, but were directly destroyed!

"Oh Maka!!"

Kars, who was hiding behind his sword and shield, couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes staring out.

The purgatory king is not even afraid of rockets, is this too scary? !


Button clenched his fists and roared, "Shoot me with a plasma flame and burn him to death!!!"


All U.S. special fighters nodded in response, then immediately raised the guns in their hands, adjusted them, and fired them at Ye Fei together!

I saw that after the gun was debugged, it turned out to be a flame!

More than a hundred flames gathered together and directly formed a raging fire!

The temperature of the flame was extremely high, and the stone slabs on the ground were burned into black coke wherever it struck!

As for the two warriors whose necks were pinched by Ye Fei, they were directly set ablaze. After a while, they were burned to the point of no bones left!

However, in the face of this blazing fire, Ye Fei still did not avoid or move, but stood proudly in front of everyone!

"Boss, get away, this fire is a bit unusual!!"

Rex yelled from behind.

"Ye Fei, don't be brave, get away quickly!!"

Qin Menglan also shouted.

But Gu Qingcheng alone just clenched his fists and didn't speak.

After all, she had seen Ye Fei behead the sacrificial **** with her own eyes, and the strength of a man had already surpassed the imagination of ordinary people. I am afraid that this flame is just like pediatrics for men.

Yes, Ye Fei didn't even want to go and hide at all, but instead released the great energy from the dust to form a defense.

I think at the beginning, I even skipped the Yantan and the volcano in the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm, so this flame was really nothing to him.

Soon, the raging fire directly swallowed Ye Fei's whole person!


When Barton saw this, he was overjoyed.

However, in the next second, what made him collapse and despair was that a man with scorching melons all over his body, like a peerless God of War, walked out of the fire step by step, and it was Ye Fei!

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