Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2467: , How can I forgive you!

The plasma flame was directly bounced away by the golden halo on Ye Fei's body, and it couldn't hurt him at all!

Really like real gold is not afraid of fire!

"Does your high-tech weapons only have so little power?"

Ye Fei lifted his eyes to look at Patton and a group of special fighters, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Ye Fei's figure came out of the fire without incident, Rex and the others were suddenly excited.

"The boss is awesome!!"

"Purgatory King!!"

Both Rex and Karls yelled.

"It turns out... so he is already so strong..."

Qin Menglan murmured, eyes full of incredible expressions.

"Sister Lan, this is just the tip of the iceberg of his strength, and his strength is far more than this..."

Gu Qingcheng took the sentence lightly.

"Hehe, no wonder he has no worries. This little villain is really sweaty."

Qin Menglan smiled, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, Barton and others were already sluggish, and their brains seemed to have stopped thinking.

Bullets are useless, rockets are useless, and plasma flames are useless.

At this time, Barton realized that he was not facing a person at all, but a total monster! !

This is not a battle of one level at all, and it will be useless if you continue to fight!


Button had been frightened mad, so naturally he didn't dare to fight anymore, and waved his hand to take people to flee here.

Soon, some people jumped into a truck, started the engine, and prepared to escape.

"I just gave you a chance. If you don't leave, is it too late if you want to leave now?"

Ye Fei said lightly, then raised the infuriating sword in his hand, and slashed towards the truck!

Huh! !

A sword fell, and a golden light blade tens of meters long fell down!

With a loud bang, that long truck was cut in half from the middle like a piece of tofu!

As for the special fighters who happened to run into the middle of the truck, they were directly split in half and completely dead!


"Run! Run!"

"This is a lunatic! A demon!!"

These special fighters were completely frightened and collapsed. They could no longer think of any idea of ​​arresting Ye Fei, but jumped out of the car one after another, wanting to escape here!

However, how could Ye Fei be as these guys wished, but with a movement, he disappeared instantly!

"Ten kills in one step!!"

A muffled loud shout sounded in the crowd.

I saw that a golden figure shuttled between the soldiers like lightning, so fast that everyone's eyes could not keep up.

If it weren't for the golden light, Rex and others would never believe that there was a person moving at high speed there!

After a short period of twenty seconds, Ye Fei had already returned to the original place.

After returning to the original place, Ye Fei had no expression on his face, scattered his sword and shield, and also scattered the infuriating giant sword.

Gu Qingcheng, Qin Menglan, Rex, and Kars stared at the front blankly.

I saw that Patton and this hundred soldiers were standing in place, like stiff puppets, but their faces were full of horror.


Ye Fei lit a cigarette.

At the moment when the smoke burned, I saw a slit in the necks of Patton and the more than one hundred soldiers, and blood spilled out, and the more...

Immediately afterwards, only a "plop" sound was heard.

Barton and the hundreds of soldiers all fell to the ground, blood staining the entrance of the manor.

Karls trembled all over, and stood there blankly, unable to speak.

Dead, all dead, all the more than a hundred Citigroup soldiers died, and even a high-ranking general, Patton, also died.

After killing the hundreds of Citigroup fighters and Patton, Ye Fei walked towards Rex and Karls just like everyone else, and said indifferently, "I'll leave it to you here."

Rex nodded, and then said: "Boss, should I send someone to send you out of Citi? Citi has killed so many soldiers and a senior general. I'm afraid Citi people will not let you go. "

"Yes, Lord Purgatory, you should leave Citi State first. If Citi State One knows that someone is dead, it will definitely be furious..." Karls also said.

"Leave? Haha..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "I just killed a group of ants, why should I leave?"

Rex thought for a while, and then said, "Boss, you don't need to leave. Then, should I inform Barr and let them bring people over, I don't believe that the guys in Citigroup really dare to fight against us!"

"There is no need to call Barr and the others, it's a small matter."

Ye Fei threw away the cigarette **** and said indifferently: "Rex, you will contact the Rockefeller family, Morgan family, DuPont family, Boston family and other big families later.

Don’t these families always say they want to serve our temple? Now they have a chance to play, so this matter is left to them to settle.

You can also take this opportunity to see if those guys are really loyal to our temple. If anyone refuses to do anything, then kick them out of our temple's friendly list. "

When Rex heard this, he grinned and said, "Oh my god, boss, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. In this matter, it is indeed more useful to find these guys."

At this moment, Karls's eyes on the side rolled, and he suddenly thought that this was a great opportunity to climb the temple.

So he hurried over and said respectfully: "Mr. Purgatory King, I will call my father later and ask my father to help."

Ye Fei glanced at Karls with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You guys are going to come, no wonder Richard wants you to inherit his position..."

"Thanks to the King of Purgatory for the compliment!"

Carls was flattered and bent down.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. I don't want people from the Citigroup military to trouble me these days."

Ye Fei waved his hand, and then said to Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan, "Qingcheng, Sister Lan, let's go."

Afterwards, Rex arranged a car and asked his driver to leave the manor with Ye Fei.

When the three of Ye Fei left, Karls immediately said to his assistant Clyde: "Clyde, quickly send someone to dispose of these corpses."


Clyde nodded repeatedly, then hurried into the manor.

Afterwards, Karls looked at Rex with a smile, and said, "Mr. Rex, you rarely come to my manor. Would you like to sit in my manor?"

Rex glanced at Karls, and said, "Seeing that your kid is good at doing things, so I just want to contact those old guys too. Okay, then go and sit in your ruined manor."

"Good good!!"

Karls was surprised and hurriedly said: "Mr. Rex, please inside!"

With that, Rex and Karls walked into the manor.

Arriving in the manor hall, Karls hurried to contact Richard, while Rex was sitting on the expensive sofa, lighting a cigar, enjoying the maid’s massage, taking out the diamond-encrusted mobile phone and making a call. Call out.

This number is the current owner of the DuPont family of Citigroup, the private number of Tomlake Dupont, and there are only a handful of Tomlake private numbers in the entire Citigroup.

The phone rang for a while and was connected.

"Hehe, Mr. Rex, I wonder if you are calling me at this time, is there anything wrong?"

Tomlake's respectful voice came.

"Mr. Tomlake, I have something to ask you for help." Rex spit out his cigarette and said.

"Mr. Rex, it is my honor to be able to serve you. Please tell me directly if you have anything to do." Tomlake said.

Rex let out an "um", and then recounted what had just happened.

After listening to Rex's words, Tomlake pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "Mr. Rex, I understand, I must take care of this.

Please also say hello to my purgatory lord, you can come to our DuPont family to sit down if you have the opportunity. "

"Okay, I will bring your greetings."

When Rex finished speaking, he hung up.

"It seems that this old guy is quite sensible."

Rex murmured, then picked up his phone and dialed a number...

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