Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2479: , Fighting genius?

boom! !

There was a bang!


Satan was too late to react, his nosebleeds spurted wildly, and his body flew upside down like a sandbag!

boom! !

Because the power of Ye Fei's punch was too violent, Satan's body was stunned after smashing the wall of a shop by the roadside, his body continued to hit back!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

There was another continuous crashing sound, and Satan’s body was stunned to open up a storefront, flew out seventy or eighty meters, flew from this messy street to a nearby street, and a car was driving. The car hit and flew before it stopped!

Because there are so many high-rise buildings, people on the street next to it don’t know what happened on the street here!

It wasn't until Satan's body collided with several walls that the people on the street next to him came back to their senses and were directly stunned!

They stared blankly at the storefront that was punched out like a tunnel, and then at Sada, who had smashed a deep hole on the ground, shaking involuntarily!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have felt that this level of damage was caused by humans! !

I don't know, I thought some monster invaded the city!

And the people on the street where Ye Fei was looking innocently, their hearts jumped wildly!

Is that monster defeated?

Such a thought came into everyone's mind.

As for Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now when Ye Fei and Satan were in a fierce battle, the two of them were very nervous, and they both mentioned their throats for fear that Ye Fei would be injured.

Now that they saw Ye Fei flying Satan, they were relieved.

Ye Fei naturally knew the power of his punch just now, and he smashed Satan in the face, I am afraid that Satan should have passed out by now!

Just when Ye Fei was about to dissipate his strength and went to take a look on the street next to him, all of a sudden, he heard only a "boom"!

The whole earth seemed to shook, and the buildings next to the street shook along with it. People who were hundreds of meters away were frightened, and their hearts almost stopped suddenly!

What's going on, could it be an earthquake?

Ye Fei frowned, his face full of doubts.

But at this moment, there was another "boom", and the whole earth shook again!


It is definitely not an earthquake!

Ye Fei was shocked and suddenly thought of something!

Isn't that guy fainted yet? !

Boom! ! ! ——

Just when Ye Fei was wondering, he saw a four or five storey store building not far in front collapsed!

The collapsed office building smashed a building across the street and collapsed!

The boulder flew up and the smoke billowed, as if a powerful bomb exploded on the street!

The people on the two streets have been completely stupid, sluggish, and crazy!

Ye Fei hurriedly raised his head and looked towards the place where the smoke was billowing, and he saw a huge shadow slowly coming out of the dense dust!

Every step this huge shadow moves, the whole earth vibrates!

Until this huge figure came out of the dense dust, Ye Fei was suddenly shocked!

I saw that it was Satan standing 100 meters ahead!


To be precise, it is the giant Satan, whose image is similar to the Hulk in Marvel heroes!

At this time, Satan is as high as four or five meters, two or three stories tall, and his body has become more burly and majestic. His arms and legs are thicker than wires!

His upper body was shirtless, his skin was crimson, his eyes were beating with red flames, and his body was also exuding a faint crimson light, like the Western Demon King Satan reappearing in the world!

Seeing this appearance of Satan, even though it was shocking, Ye Fei was immediately stunned!

What the hell!

What the **** is this, can it suddenly become bigger?

The point is, it doesn't matter if you become bigger, this guy's power seems to have increased hundreds of times in an instant!

Not only Ye Fei, but the people on the two streets were also stupid. They watched this scene blankly, and even forgot to scream and run away!

"The Hulk! It's the superhero Hulk!!!"

A little foreign boy grabbed his mother's hand, jumping and jumping excitedly.

"Oh, Bob, this is not the Hulk, this is the Demon King Satan! It's a bad guy, it's a cannibalism!!"

The boy's mother trembled with fright and hurriedly hugged her child and fled into the distance.

Seeing someone start to flee, the others recovered and followed to flee into the distance.

哐!哐!哐! ...

Satan walked a few steps forward and looked at Ye Fei, as if he was watching a child, his voice was muffled, and he said loudly: "Prince of Purgatory, you are indeed very strong. You are the strongest I have encountered in the past few decades. People!

Over the past few decades, I have killed countless people and fought countless experts who claim to be masters. However, no one can force me to show myself as a ‘crazy devil’!

And you are the first person to let me show others in this state, you are a well-deserved strong! "

Ye Fei felt very strange when he heard a fighting lunatic boasting about himself.

Ye Fei smiled helplessly and said, "Satan, in fact, there is no deep hatred between you and me. Why do we fight each other with death?

Moreover, I also admire you very much. We can be friends instead of enemies..."

After seeing this side of Satan, Ye Fei's decision was firmer.

You must draw this guy to your camp, and then you can compete with the Hercules of the Alliance of Gods.

According to the information learned, the Hercules of the Alliance of Gods is also a pretty terrifying guy, known for his strength, and his strength is second only to Wisdom.

Ye Fei felt that the abilities of Satan and Hercules were a bit similar, so he thought of bringing this guy over.

Even if this guy can't beat Hercules, he can help himself share a little pressure.

"If you want to be my friend, then you have to beat me first!"

Satan looked at Ye Fei proudly and said: "As long as you can beat me, I will promise you what you ask me to do!"

Ye Fei spread his hands and said helplessly, "Do you have to fight?"

"You have to fight!"

Satan replied with a shock.


Ye Fei sighed lightly, and said: "If this is the case, then I have to accompany me..."

The voice fell off.

With a squeeze of both fists, without leaving his hands, he directly increased his muscle strength to a state of quadruple explosion, which is also the strongest state in which Ye Fei's physical strength can improve now!

Boom! !

A fierce and violent coercion was released, and the entire ground on which Ye Fei was standing collapsed, and the stones shattered directly!

The golden light on Ye Fei's body became more and more blazing, and there seemed to be golden light bursting out of his eyes!

Really like the Chinese Golden Armored God of War against the Western Demon King Satan!

Feeling that Ye Fei's power is still improving, Satan's eyes also showed a touch of enthusiasm, and he became particularly excited!

Satan could no longer contain the fighting factor in his body, and he directly swiped a punch, smashed at Ye Fei's head, and delivered a shocking blow!

Moreover, his punch was perfect in terms of strength, speed, and angle. There was even a red flame burning on his fist, like a meteorite with flames falling from the sky, to destroy everything!

People on the two streets watched this scene blankly, feeling that their breathing has stopped!

It is hard to imagine that anyone can survive such a hit without being smashed into flesh!


Seeing this fist of Satan slammed down, Ye Fei slammed his foot on the ground, a large number of rocks were broken and flew away in all directions!

Immediately, Ye Fei directly raised his muscles to bulge, and his right arm exuding a faint golden light directly met Satan's punch!

In an instant, the two punches collided together!

boom! !

The collision of these two punches is like a collision between a basketball and a baseball, and the difference in body shape is extremely different!

Everyone held their breath and watched this scene, wondering if Ye Fei would be beaten into the air under the blow of this punch, turning into a pool of fleshy mud!

Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan clenched their fists tightly, and their bodies trembled!

Next second.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Click! ! ...

There was a burst of bombing and cracking sounds, the rocks fell and flew, and the dust was filled. Several low-rise buildings that had long been incomplete were shaken by these two forces to collapse!

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