Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2480: , Terrorist destruction!

A full minute passed.

When the billowing dust dissipated, everyone looked up and saw that Ye Fei and Satan were still standing there with their fists colliding with each other!

The scene in which they imagined Ye Fei being smashed into flesh did not appear!

Although Ye Fei is very weak in size, he has managed to withstand the devastating punch of Satan!

The building next to the two of them had already been shaken down, and the stones under their feet had also completely collapsed, becoming shattered!

"Hahaha, it's kind of interesting, you can actually hold my mad punch, it's not easy..."

Satan squinted his eyes, looking at Ye Fei's gaze, there was a feeling of sympathy.

"Come on! Lord of Purgatory, let's continue!!"

Satan shouted wildly, punched again, drove a storm, and blasted another punch at Ye Fei!

The destructive power of his punch is really terrifying, and it also carries a crimson flame!

With this punch, the car on the street was just like a toy car.

The ground was crushed into a deep ravine, just like it was crushed by a bulldozer!

Seeing Satan blasted over with another punch, Ye Fei raised his punch again, and rushed forward!

After taking Satan's second punch, Ye Fei kicked his feet to the ground!

Whoosh! !

Ye Fei rose into the sky like a missile!

Immediately, Ye Fei directly released the power of Li Chen Dacheng's true energy, and also released the sword intent!

"Sword intent exploded!!"

Ye Fei used his true energy to condense a huge sword of true energy and swung a sword towards Satan!

Huh! !

A sword fell, stirring the wind and clouds, like a golden lightning, slashing towards Satan!

Seeing Ye Fei's sword slashing towards him, Satan quickly raised his right arm and slammed up!

Cang! !

A fierce collision sounded loudly, as if it had been split on a steel plate!

The golden sword light and the scarlet flames agitated, as if fireworks were set off in the sky!

After cutting out this sword, Ye Fei also fell down, but what made him shocked was that Satan actually blocked his own sword with his arm, and even the flesh was not cut!

Damn it! !

Is this guy's body really beaten by iron? !

But even if it's an iron strike, you can't stand your own sword, okay?

This guy's body is simply non-human!

Ye Fei really doubted, could this guy's strength really be the Western Demon King Satan? !

Without waiting for Ye Fei to think about it, Satan pulled out a telegraph pole from the side of the street, and then slammed it towards Ye Fei!

Huh! !

The strong wind swept through, and this thick telephone pole turned into a fire stick in Satan's hands!

Seeing Satan draw a stick, Ye Fei lifted a sword, and straight up, the golden sword light drew a brilliant arc in the air!

Only a "boom" explosion sounded, and the wire in Satan's hand was directly shattered!

Immediately, Ye Fei speeded up suddenly and rushed towards Satan!

At the moment when he was approaching Satan, Ye Fei leaped forward, holding a sword in both hands, another sword, and slashed towards Satan!

"Sword intent double burst! All beings are punishable!!"

Huh! !

A sword fell, like a golden thunder crashing down!

Satan also felt the horror of Ye Fei's sword, so he quickly flashed to the side!

Only heard a "click", Ye Fei's sword hit Satan's shoulder hard!

However, what made Ye Fei shocked was that Satan actually blocked his second sword, and only a wound was cut on his shoulder, bleeding out, but he didn't suffer much serious injury!


Satan snorted painfully, and his body couldn't help taking a few steps backwards violently.

He stabilized his body, glanced at his bleeding shoulders, and said with a wicked smile: "Purgatory Lord, your sword is a bit interesting, it is rare that it can hurt me..."

Ye Fei picked up the corner of his mouth, smiled faintly, and said, "You are also quite powerful, you can even hold my sword with your body..."


Satan grinned and said: "Prince of Purgatory, although your sword is very powerful, it is probably impossible for you to defeat me with this level of strength.

So, you should use your real strength to fight against me, otherwise you will be killed by me accidentally, then it will be no fun..."

"Don't worry, Satan, I don't die that easily..."

Ye Fei smiled and replied.


Satan smiled and said: "Then continue to fight!!"

With that said, Satan shook off his sturdy legs and ran towards Ye Fei!

Klang Klang! ! ...

The whole earth shook, and the shock could be felt from a kilometer away!

Every time his feet step on the ground, the solid ground is like a fragile foam, and deep pits are stepped out!

Soon, Satan approached Ye Fei, then waved his fists and smashed down at Ye Fei below!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A burst of violent bombing sounded, and his fists with scarlet flames burned the houses and vehicles on the street to charcoal like the sky and destroyed the world, and then they were bombarded by his fists. Broken!

I am afraid that the real demon king, Satan, has no more destructive power than this!

Every punch of Satan carried the power to destroy the world, and Ye Fei did not carry it hard, but kept moving at a high speed, dodging, and preparing to defeat Satan in one fell swoop!

His purpose is to defeat Satan, not to kill him, so naturally he can't fight to the death!

When Satan saw Ye Fei dodge all the time, he couldn't help getting annoyed!

"Purgatory King! What are you doing? What's the dodge all the time?!"

Satan roared wildly, his fists swing faster and faster, and his power became more and more violent!

Ye Fei did not respond to Satan's words, but dodged while looking for opportunities!

However, as Satan's speed increased, Ye Fei couldn't dodge, and was directly hit in the chest by Satan's punch!

With a muffled "bang", Ye Fei flew directly upside down hundreds of meters away. With a loud "bang", a house was smashed down!

And Ye Fei was "buried alive" by the collapsed rocks or something!

"Ye Fei!!"

When Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan saw this scene, they were shocked and yelled loudly.

Satan stared closely at the place where Ye Fei was "buried alive", and did not relax his vigilance.

Because, he felt that Ye Fei's breath had not weakened.

In just half a minute, only a "boom" was heard, Ye Fei held the sword of true Qi, jumped out of the pile of stones, and returned to the street!


Ye Fei coughed a few times, patted the dust on his body, rubbed his chest, and said, "Satan, are you **** real?"

"I have always been true to you..."

Satan looked down at Ye Fei and said, "Do you think I am having fun with you?"

"Well, since you are here for real, then Lao Tzu is also here for real!"

Ye Fei grinned: "Why can't you be beaten?!"

"Hahaha, what I want is yours!"

Satan laughed wildly, "Come on, fight with me seriously!!"

Ye Fei thought, if this continues, it should be impossible to defeat Satan.

Through the contest just now, Ye Fei vaguely felt that Satan's strength was at least in the realm of being a little away from the dust, and it might be more than that!

Therefore, Ye Fei did not keep his hands anymore, but directly raised the sword intent to the realm of triple explosion!

Immediately, Ye Fei kicked his legs, and his body turned into a golden streamer, rushing towards Satan!

At the moment when he was approaching Satan, Ye Fei jumped up violently, and then pierced towards Satan with a sword!

"Sword intent triple explosion!! Sword dominates the world!!!"

call out! !

A sword stabbed, like a golden dragon, rushing towards Satan!

Boom boom boom! !

The buildings on both sides of the street couldn't bear this sword power, just like the building made of building blocks, all of them were shaken and collapsed!


Satan was shocked when he saw that the power of the stabbed sword had increased by dozens of times!

However, because of this, it also made him even more excited!

He didn't dodge, but directly twisted a punch, facing the sword that Ye Fei stabbed, blasted a devastating punch!

A heavy fist blasted out, and the fierce and surging crimson flame burned away!

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