Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2492: , See through at a glance!

Throughout the morning, Ye Fei had been pointing to Jianzong's disciples on the school field.

Moreover, after Ye Fei's advice and simplification of the moves, the power of the three sets of swordsmanship passed down by Jianzong has indeed been significantly improved.

The elders of the Sword Sect were filled with emotion, feeling that they had lived for most of their lives, and had cultivated swordsmanship for so many years, yet they had not yet had a deep understanding of swordsmanship.

Of course, what they didn't know was that the reason why Ye Fei had such a profound knowledge of swordsmanship was besides constantly innovating, thinking and improving.

More importantly, Ye Fei has fought all his life, always surrounded by dangers, and countless life and death desperations have inspired Ye Fei to continuously improve his strength and combat effectiveness.

In such a cruel environment, the swordsmanship, sword power and sword intent that Ye Fei understood were naturally stronger than many others.

To put it simply, Ye Fei wanted to kill the enemy faster and more directly, so naturally he didn't have those fancy and complicated moves.

At noon, under the warm invitation of Lu Tianming and the elders of Jianzong, Ye Fei and everyone had a meal and drank some wine.

After lunch, the elders were busy with their own affairs. Lu Tianming, Lu Qinghong, and Ye Fei drank some tea together and chatted for a while.

"Mr. Ye, don't you want to learn the skill of flying the sword, let's go, I will take you there." Lu Tianming said.

"Okay, then there will be Sect Master Lao Lu."

Ye Fei was already impatient, so he stood up with Lu Tianming and prepared to leave together.

"Father, should I go with me too?" Lu Qinghong said.

"Qinghong, stay here first, and there will be more important things waiting for you to do later." Lu Tianming said.

"Yes, father."

Lu Qinghong nodded and agreed.

After that, Lu Tianming took Ye Fei out of the main hall hall and came to the back mountain of Jianzong two miles away.

Here the mountains are undulating, and the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain are like a dream and fantasy, like a fairyland on earth.

And around this undulating mountain, there are many disciples guarding the sword sect.

Ye Fei glanced at it, feeling very puzzled, and asked, "Sect Master Lu, don't you want to take me to see the Yujian Flying technique? Why did you bring me here?"

Lu Tianming smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, this is the boundless sword peak of our Jianzong, and it is also the forbidden area of ​​our Jianzong. Outsiders are not allowed to enter.

As for the skill of flying the sword, it is in this boundless sword peak. "

"Oh I got it."

Ye Fei nodded, did not ask any more, and continued to walk inside the Boundless Sword Peak with Lu Tianming.

"Hello Sect Master!!"

Seeing Lu Tianming's arrival, the Sword Sect disciples respectfully greeted him, but they did not stop him.

After walking for another ten minutes, Ye Fei and Lu Tianming came to a huge canyon after walking through several winding mountain roads.

There are thousands of meters of mountains in all directions, straight into the sky.

"Mr. Ye, the skill of flying the sword is here." Lu Tianming smiled.


Ye Fei was stunned, and said, "Sect Master Lu, are you kidding? How can there be any practice here?"

Lu Tianming smiled, pointed to the mountains, and said, "Mr. Ye, take a closer look. Is there anything on the walls of these mountains?"

"Is there something on this mountain wall?"

Ye Fei was puzzled, and came to the foot of a big mountain, and then raised his eyes to look at the wall of the big mountain.

Immediately, Ye Fei's pupils shrank, and his eyes were full of horror.

I saw that there were countless patterns of swords painted on this mountain wall!

Moreover, the patterns of these countless swords are very messy, some are horizontal, some are vertical, some are diagonal, and some are reversed...

The only thing in common is that the size of the regiments of these swords are all exactly the same!

At this time, Lu Tianming also performed light work, swept over, and said indifferently: "Mr. Ye, the pattern of the sword painted on the mountain wall in all directions is the skill of flying the sword."


Ye Fei's mouth twitched and said, "Sect Master Lu, don't you mean to say that the patterns of these swords are the swordsmanship of flying swords, right?"


Lu Tianming nodded.

Ye Fei said with a speechless expression: "Sect Master Lu, are you kidding me? There are a bunch of messy patterns painted on these mountain walls, and there are no words, so how can it be a sword book?"

Lu Tianming sighed lightly and slowly said, "Mr. Ye, if there were words, then our sword sect would not be today, and no one would have learned the skill of flying the sword.

This flying sword technique was left by the founding ancestor of our Sword Sect, the sword fairy Li Taibai.

The technique of flying the sword that the ancestor master understood is too subtle and profound. For so many years, no one of our sword sect has been able to understand the pattern on the mountain wall.

At first there were many people from our Jianzong who would come to try out, but then, because no one could understand, no one came here anymore..."

Hearing Lu Tianming's words, Ye Fei felt astonished and shocked.

He looked at Lu Tianming incomprehensibly and said, "Sect Master Lu, is this Sword Sect really founded by the poet Li Taibai in the Tang Dynasty?"

"of course it's true."

Lu Tianming nodded and said with a smile: "Many people only know that Grand Master Grandpa is crowned in poetry and songs, but few people know that Grand Master Grandpa dominates the world in terms of swordsmanship.

And the patterns on these mountain walls are flying techniques, also called swordsmanship.

Many people have actually heard that Patriarch is not only a poetry fairy, but also a sword fairy...but everyone thinks this is just a rumor, and not many people take it seriously..."

"Then Master Patriarch died later?" Ye Fei asked.

Lu Tianming looked at the pattern on the mountain wall and said faintly: "Actually, I don't know whether the grand master is dead or not.

We only know that after the ancestor passed the position of the master to a disciple of Jianzong, he left Jianzong and never came back.

Now that more than a thousand years have passed, many people think that Grandpa Grande is dead, but there are also rumors that Grandpa Grande is not dead, but just crushed the void and went to another world.

Of course, these are just rumors and should not be taken seriously. After all, people have birth, aging, sickness and death, even if practicing ancient martial arts can prolong life and delay aging, it does not mean that they will not die..."

Hearing what Lu Tianming said, Ye Fei was shocked and suddenly made a bold guess.

It is recorded in ancient books that Li Taibai's personal sword is the Qinglian sword. Although there are records, many people have never seen it.

Now, the Qinglian sword is in Lu Qinghong's hands.

Moreover, Lu Qinghong did comprehend the Qinglian Sword Song after getting the Qinglian Sword.

As for the Qinglian Sword, it was the old man I met in Antique Street who didn't collect any money and sold it to myself. Later I gave it to Lu Qinghong...

Is all this a coincidence?

If it is a coincidence, how can it be?

Could it be that the old man is the ancestor of the sword sect, Li Taibai? !

Although this idea is a bit exaggerated, all the people have to make Ye Fei think so.

After all, Ye Fei had also talked to the Dragon Lord before that many ancient powerful people in the ancient martial world had disappeared.

And Li Taibai must be regarded as one of these ancient powerful men.

Since Li Taibai is not dead, I am afraid that none of the other ancient powers are dead...

If they weren't dead, there would be no trace of them in this world...

There is only one situation that can be explained...that is, these ancient mighty men have indeed gone to another world just like the legend has it...

"Mr. Ye, what are you thinking about, so fascinated?"

Seeing Ye Fei in a daze, Lu Tianming asked suspiciously.

"Oh, hehe, nothing thought about it."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "I'm thinking about how to practice such a weird ‘Sword Score’."

Lu Tianming smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, you can stay here for a while and study and figure out the patterns on this mountain wall. Maybe it can inspire you.

These days, I will not let anyone bother you. If you are tired, you can go back to Jianzong and take a good rest.

Also, I will explain to all the disciples, and will not tell you about your coming to the ancient martial arts world. "

"Okay, thank Sect Master Lu, then." Ye Fei thanked.

"Haha, Mr. Ye, you are welcome, then I will leave first."

Lu Tianming smiled, and then performed light work, several ups and downs, and left Wuliang Jianfeng.

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