Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2493: ,opinionated!

After Lu Tianming left, Ye Fei shook his head and put aside all his wild thoughts.

It doesn't matter whether the ancient powerful people died or where they went, it has nothing to do with him.

It is more important to learn this swordsmanship first, after all, it is related to the battle with the alliance of the gods in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei stood at the foot of the mountain, looked at the pattern on the mountain wall, and studied it carefully.

Ye Fei wanted to find out if there were any rules to follow in the patterns of these swords.

However, no matter how Ye Fei looked at it, he felt that these patterns were horrible, and there were no rules to follow at all, as if they had been portrayed casually.

Ye Fei sat on a rock at the foot of the mountain, folded his hands on his chest, looked at these patterns, frowning.

Are these patterns really depicted casually?

If it is really casually portrayed, then why does Lu Tianming say that this is the technique of swordsmanship?

Moreover, if only one or two members of the Sword Sect say that this is the technique of Imperial Swordsmanship, then it is also possible that someone has portrayed it casually, and it is fake.

But if everyone in Jianzong said that this was the technique of Imperial Swordsmanship, it shouldn't be faked.

After looking at one mountain wall, Ye Fei felt that there was no gain, so he flashed to the foot of the other mountain wall, and then looked at it carefully.

After reading the patterns on the second mountain wall, Ye Fei came to the foot of the third mountain wall.

Time passed slowly, after watching the six mountain walls, Ye Fei suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Since the patterns of these swords are irregular, how about trying to create a pattern by yourself?

"Okay, just do it!"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, then sat at the foot of the first mountain wall, staring at the pattern on the mountain wall, and connected these chaotic swords to a handle in his mind.

Because there are too many patterns on the mountain wall, Ye Fei tried hundreds of ways to connect, but it always felt wrong.

It's like no matter how you connect, you can't find a pattern.

"Is it wrong to do this?"

Ye Fei frowned and murmured, feeling a mess in his mind, he was almost crazy, and he couldn't wait to scold his mother directly.

Li Taibai, Li Taibai, since you want to leave Jianzong with the techniques of swordsmanship, can you make it simpler?

What do you mean by engraving so many sword patterns in such a mess?

Who can understand this?

Ye Fei smiled helplessly, feeling sad for those Jianzong disciples in his heart.

Originally, these disciples were full of joy and thought that they could learn the swordsmanship, but they didn't know that they were pitted by their ancestors.

If this can be learned, it is simply not a human being, but a god.

"Forget it, learn a fart, don't learn it!"

Ye Fei said something, jumped off the rock directly, and then turned around to leave.

However, after two steps, Ye Fei stopped again.

My purpose of coming here is to learn Imperial Swordsmanship, but now that Imperial Swordsmanship is in front of him, wouldn't it be a pity if he left.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei sighed, and said: "Finally, let's study for a few days before talking, maybe there will be gains later."

Then, Ye Fei turned around, looked up at the mountain wall again, and continued to try to connect the patterns of these swords.

After trying eight hundred and ninety-three combinations, Ye Fei's eyes suddenly opened, and his heart jumped wildly.

I seem to have found a little pattern!

Ye Fei closed his eyes slightly, and hurriedly recalled the connection method just now, suddenly shocked in his heart!

This... isn't this the trajectory of the sword's flight? !

Although the regiment of these swords seems to be disorderly and irregular.

However, once a method is found and connected, it is obvious that this is the trajectory of the sword's flight!

Ye Fei suppressed the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath, and prepared to follow this trajectory to practice!

As a result, Ye Fei directly released Li Chen Dacheng's true energy and sword intent.

When a golden giant sword appeared in the air, Ye Fei leaped up and steadily stepped on the golden sword. Then, following the trajectory just now, he told to move in this valley, and flew...


At this time, Jianzong, ancestral hall.

The magnificent glazed tiles, scarlet walls, towering gate towers, and two huge stone lions guarding the entrance make the entire ancestral hall look solemn and solemn.

"Father, what did you bring me to the ancestral hall?"

Lu Qinghong stood at the door, looked at Lu Tianming, and asked suspiciously.

Lu Tianming looked at Lu Qinghong and said, "Qinghong, now you have realized the sword intent of the green lotus. In the dark, you have become the heir of our sword ancestor Li Taibai.

Over the years, the sword sect has been in prosperity and decline, and many amazing swordsmen have appeared, but no one can comprehend the Qinglian sword song and the Qinglian sword intent created by the ancestor.

In fact, this also shows that even if those swordsmen are amazing, but their savvy is not enough, they are not tied to the ancestor master.

Our Sword Sect’s strongest skill is the "Qinglian Sword Song", and the strongest sword intent is the Heavenly Sword Intent, "Qinglian Sword Intent".

Maybe it was the ancestor who had eyes and didn't want to watch our sword sect continue to decline, so he chose you as his heir.

Of course, this also proves that your understanding is very high, and you have a predestined relationship with Patriarch. Let's go, Qinghong, follow me into the ancestral hall..."

"it is good."

Lu Qinghong nodded, and then walked into the ancestral hall with Lu Tianming.

The ancestral hall is spacious and bright, with the tablets of the Sword Sect masters and elders in front, and the incense burner and various sacrifices in front of the ranks.

At the top of the tablet, there is a portrait hanging.

Maybe it's a long time ago, so the paper of this portrait is a bit yellowish.

I saw that the portrait was a young man with a white jade face and a few beards. He was wearing a white gown with a jade belt around his waist. He wore a pair of black-faced and white-bottomed cloud boots with a white handle in his hand. Long sword.

This man, looking ahead, although he could tell that he was a weak scholar at a glance, he was quite bold.

A pair of eyes are scorching, and there is a sense of looking at the nobles and the world, detached from the world, fresh and elegant.

If there are people from the secular world here, you can definitely tell at a glance that the man in this portrait is Li Taibai.

Lu Tianming closed the door of the ancestral hall, put a few incense sticks with Lu Qinghong, and knocked a few heads.

Then, Lu Tianming stood up, looked at the portrait of Li Taibai on the wall, and slowly said: "Qinghong, now you have understood the sword intent of Qinglian, then there is a secret, I should also tell you..."

"What's the secret?" Lu Qinghong asked.

Lu Tianming looked at the portrait and slowly said, "The previous suzerain told me that in fact, there is a secret hidden in the portrait of Patriarch.

In this portrait of the ancestor, the ancestor master’s lifelong learning is hidden, and the essence of the Qinglian Singing Sword Art and the Qinglian Sword Intention are all contained in it.

Successive sect masters have said that if anyone can comprehend the sword intent of Qinglian, they can come to the ancestral hall and accept the inheritance of the ancestor.

However, because no one has ever understood the sword intent of Qinglian, no one knows whether this inheritance is true or false.

After all, no one of the Sword Sect disciples has ever obtained the inheritance of Patriarch..."

"What?! This portrait is inherited from the Patriarch?!!!"

When Lu Qinghong heard it, he was shocked as if struck by lightning.

"Well, at this time the secret passed down by the previous sect masters."

Lu Tianming nodded and said, "Qinghong, you will stay in the ancestral hall, with a pious heart, look at this portrait and see if you can feel anything."

Although Lu Qinghong was dubious, since Lu Tianming had said so, he had no good refusal to follow suit.

So Lu Qinghong nodded and said, "Well, father, I'll give it a try."


Lu Tianming nodded, then turned and left the ancestral hall.

When the door was closed, Lu Qinghong took a deep breath, holding a respectful and pious heart, and looked up at the portrait on the wall.

At the beginning, Lu Qinghong looked at this portrait and couldn't feel anything. He thought it was just an ordinary portrait.

However, just as Lu Qinghong stared at Li Taibai's eyes, a heroic voice suddenly rang in his mind...

"Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days!"

Lu Qinghong was shocked, his face changed drastically, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead...

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