Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2494: , The ancient and the most modern!

This voice is confident, heroic, and loud, as if it came from ancient times, it shocked people.

Just this sound made people excited, and the soul trembled.

Lu Qinghong swallowed his throat, feeling his heart beating wildly and his breathing was a little short.

What happened just now?

How could there be a voice in my mind? !

Who on earth did this sound come from, and where did it come from? !

Lu Qinghong slowly raised his head and looked at the portrait on the wall again, his eyes opened and his face was full of shock!

Could it be that the voice just now was the voice of the Patriarch? !


Lu Qinghong swallowed hard, not knowing whether his guess was true or not.

Moreover, Lu Qinghong thought that just now he seemed to be looking at the eyes of the grand master, so he heard that voice.

So Lu Qinghong calmed down, raised his eyes again, and stared at Li Taibai's eyes on the portrait.

When staring at Li Taibai's eyes, Lu Qinghong felt that these eyes were extremely deep, like stars, attracting him.

After only a while, Lu Qinghong felt that the picture in front of him suddenly changed.

In the front, there are mountains and mountains, the clear water is like a mirror, the green mountains and floating water, the reflection is fluttering, the scenery in front of you is like a Baili gallery, and it is like a landscape painting.

The point is that the scene in front of you is not like a painting, it seems to be a real scene.

The upside down waterfall is like the Milky Way, piercing through the mountains and breaking the walls, rushing down violently, making a clattering sound.

The sound of waterfalls, the gurgling of streams, and the chirping of birds all echoed in Lu Qinghong's ears, as if he were on the scene.

But at this moment, hearty voices of heroic spirit came from the mountains, resounding throughout the mountains, resounding throughout the world.

"There will be times when riding the wind and breaking the waves, hang up the clouds and sail to the sea!"

"Drink hundreds of cups of jelly, Drunken Dance's sword points to the void!"

"Meteor Baiyu is inserted between his waist, and the sword flower Qiulian is out of the box!"

"The lone sail is far away from the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River is in sight!"

Hearing these heroic and domineering voices, Lu Qinghong looked up.

I saw that on a high mountain, a figure in white clothes was dancing a sword.

This is a young man. He holds a sword in his right hand and a wooden gourd in his left hand. His face is like white jade. He is wearing a white gown with a jade belt around his waist. He wears a pair of black-faced and white-bottomed cloud boots. He is handsome.

His figure is very elegant and agile, giving people a sense of supernatural and refined.

Lu Qinghong was shocked and immediately recognized the man.

Isn't this the Patriarch in the portrait, Li Taibai? !

Is the sword technique danced by the ancestor master Qinglian sword song? !

Yes, it must be!

No wonder why I thought this sword technique was so familiar just now... So... it turns out that this is the Qinglian Sword Song!

Moreover, Lu Qinghong felt that the Qinglian sword song he cultivated was completely different from the ancestor master!

The Qinglian sword song that I practiced lacked a touch of agility, a soul, and a soul!

But now, I can actually witness the real Qinglian Sword Song with my own eyes, this is simply a great luck!

Thinking of this, Lu Qinghong's heart thumped and thumped straight, like a drum, and the excitement and excitement in his heart was beyond words!

Could it be that Patriarch wanted to guide himself through this method and let himself accept the inheritance of Qinglian Sword Song and Qinglian Sword Intent?

It must be!

Lu Qinghong didn't know how the Patriarch did it. He was able to open up a world in the painting and hide his unique knowledge in it...

But anyway, since I have this opportunity, I must seize this opportunity, watch the ancestor dance sword, and understand the true essence of Qinglian sword song!

At this moment, when Lu Qinghong looked up, Li Taibai was holding a long sword, and his elegant and agile figure passed over the top of the mountain, stepping thousands of miles, blinking thousands of mountains!

It's as if the world is under his feet, all under his control!

Seeing this scene, Lu Qinghong felt surging, full of pride!

Moreover, although Patriarch's sword dance seems to be very slow, every time he swings his sword, he is simple and smooth, natural and free and easy!

Each sword contains a profound and mysterious sword intent!

Lu Qinghong always thought that he had comprehended the sword intent of Qinglian, but when he saw it now, he realized that he had only comprehended the fur!

After that, Li Taibai seemed to be riding the wind under his feet, swept down from the mountains, and came to a large river!

His figure is so light and light, every time he steps on the water, there will be waves of ripples, and every time he swings his sword, Jiang surges up!

Boom boom boom! !

Waves of water soared into the sky, rising hundreds of feet, like dragons of water, going straight to the sky, connecting heaven and earth!

Lu Qinghong watched with an upsurge, firmly remembering every move and style of Li Taibai's sword swing, and he was practicing it over and over again in his heart.

However, Lu Qinghong felt that it was not enough just to practice in his mind.

Therefore, he slowly waved the green lotus sword in his hand, and danced the sword with the ancestor Li Taibai...

Time passed slowly, and it was night before I knew it.

Lu Tianming hurried to the outside of the ancestral hall, but saw that the gate of the ancestral hall was still closed.

"I don't know if Qinghong got the inheritance from the Patriarch..."

Lu Tianming murmured, then knocked on the door, but did not hear any response.

"Qing Hong, Qing Hong!"

Lu Tianming yelled twice, but still did not respond.

It's weird, isn't it inside?

Lu Tianming looked puzzled and gently opened the door.

Moonlight poured into the ancestral hall, only to see Lu Qinghong holding a Qinglian sword, dancing the sword in the ancestral hall.

Swish! !

A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the bright moonlight shone on the sword, glowing with cold light!

Lu Qinghong's figure is extraordinarily elegant, and the sword in his hand seems to have spirituality and soul!


Lu Tianming had just prepared to call Lu Qinghong, but found that Lu Qinghong was closing his eyes and waving the sword in his hand, completely entering a state of selflessness, and everything around him could not affect him.

Seeing this scene, Lu Tianming didn't say much, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, okay, it seems that Qinghong should have been inherited from Master Grandpa... It really is God blessing my sword sect!"

Lu Tianming muttered to himself with red eyes.

If Lu Qinghong can accept the inheritance of the Patriarch, his strength will surely rise again!

Lu Tianming smiled faintly, facing the portrait of the patriarch, bending over with a pious face, then quietly exited the ancestral hall and closed the door.

The time flickered, and five days passed in a blink of an eye.

It was another morning.

Eyes shine on the earth, and everything is thriving.

At this time, in the study of Jianzong's quaint building.

Lu Tianming was sitting in front of a desk made of sandalwood, reading an ancient book in his hand.

In the study room, it is antique, and the bookshelves are filled with various scrolls and ancient books.

In the past few days, he notified everyone in Jianzong and up and down that people were not allowed to go to Wuliang Jianfeng and the ancestral hall to disturb Ye Fei and Lu Qinghong's practice.

Moreover, he also issued an order not to allow the Jianzong disciples to disclose Ye Fei's visit to the ancient martial world, or to expel Jianzong.

Therefore, these days, everyone is busy doing their own things, no one dares to go to Wuliangjianfeng and the ancestral hall.

However, everyone is expecting something faintly in their hearts.

At this time, Lu Tianming read the book for a while, then turned his head and looked out the window, and said indifferently, "It's now the fifth day, and I don't know what the results of Mr. Ye and Qinghong's cultivation will be. It's really exciting. ..."

Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

Lu Tianming turned his head and responded.

The door of the study was pushed open, and a Sword Sect disciple rushed in, bent over and lowered his head, respectfully and said: "Report to the Sect Master, good news! The Young Sect Master has come out of the ancestral hall!"

"What? Come out?!"

When Lu Tianming heard this, he quickly threw the book on the table and said excitedly: "Go, take me to see!"


The disciple nodded, and then left the study with Lu Tianming.

When Lu Tianming rushed to the ancestral hall, he saw that the entrance of the ancestral hall was already full of people.

Several Jianzong elders and a group of disciples who have not been closed are around the door, looking at Lu Qinghong who is standing at the door with a look of surprise, and talking a lot.

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