Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2495: , Accept the inheritance!


The Jianzong people greeted Lu Tianming respectfully when they saw Lu Tianming's arrival.

Lu Tianming nodded, then walked up.

However, when he raised his eyes to look at Lu Qinghong, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Today's Lu Qinghong, although his appearance has not changed much, his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, giving people a feeling of being completely washed out and super dusty.

Lu Qinghong stood quietly at the door, his eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth raised, and a confident smile appeared.


Lu Tianming yelled in a daze, not sure that this was his son.

Why did his son change so much after not seeing him for five days?


Lu Qinghong smiled faintly, and walked towards Lu Tianming.

Lu Tianming stepped forward, looked at Lu Qinghong carefully, and said, "Qinghong, how do I feel that you seem to be a little different."

Lu Qinghong smiled and said: Father, I am still me, there is no difference. ""

"Sect Master, I thought it was only us who felt this way, and I felt that the Sect Master had indeed become a little different.

But where exactly has changed, we can't tell. "Wu Yu touched his beard and said with a smile.

"Yes, the current Young Sect Master gives people a feeling of inability to see through..."

Xu Shangxuan also took the sentence lightly.

"Qinghong, have you accepted the inheritance of Master Grandpa?" Lu Tianming asked hurriedly.

"Yes, father."

Lu Qinghong nodded and said: "These days, I have accepted the inheritance of the ancestor master, and I have practiced the Qinglian sword song well, and realized the Qinglian sword intent.

Precisely because of the guidance of the patriarch, I feel that my current cultivation seems to be much smoother, and the cultivation road ahead has suddenly become more open.

In short, this feeling is something I have never had before..."

"Then your current cultivation base... has reached... what realm?"

Lu Tianming suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked in a trembling voice.

The others in Jianzong also looked at Lu Qinghong expectantly, waiting for Lu Qinghong's answer.

Lu Qinghong smiled, and said, "Father, my current cultivation base has broken through to the realm of being a little lichen..."


As soon as he said this, everyone present was silent, looking at Lu Qinghong with shocked expressions, and was speechless.

For so many years, no one in Jianzong has ever been able to break through to the realm of Lichen, and even those who break through to the realm of Vientiane are very few.

But now, Lu Qinghong has broken through to the Lichen Realm. How can this make people not feel shocked? !

Lu Tianming's eyes were red with excitement, he patted Lu Qinghong on the shoulder, and said excitedly: "Okay! Okay! I really bless my Sword Sect, God bless my Sword Sect, God bless my Sword Sect!"

All the Jianzong disciples present also cheered for joy, and their eyes were red!

After all, Jianzong was once brilliant, but then gradually became lonely with the decline of talents, and became a small school of the ancient martial arts.

But now, Lu Qinghong's cultivation reached the Lichen Realm, which gave all Jianzong disciples confidence!

Lu Tianming looked at Lu Qinghong with tears in his eyes, and said, "Qinghong, or I will pass you the position of the Sect Master today, I hope you can carry forward our sword sect in the future and regain the glory of the past!"

"Yes, Young Sect Master, please agree!"

"With you, our Sword Sect has finally gotten ahead!"

"It's great, it's great, I didn't expect to see the rise of our Sword Sect in my lifetime!"

The elders and Jianzong disciples even read one after another began to persuade.

Lu Qinghong sighed slightly, looked at Lu Tianming with scorching eyes, and said, "Father, I will talk about it later on taking over the position of the sovereign.

Now, the most important thing is to repel the Alliance of Gods. If the alliance of the gods is undefeated for one day, this big trouble will exist for one day. "

Lu Tianming nodded and said, "Qinghong, what you said makes sense...Then wait until our ancient alliance repels the alliance of the gods, and then talk about the succession of the sovereign."

Everyone nodded their heads and said nothing more, agreeing with Lu Tianming's words.

"By the way, father, has Brother Fei returned from Wuliangjianfeng?" Lu Qinghong asked.


Lu Tianming shook his head and said, "Qinghong, Mr. Ye has been practicing imperial swordsmanship at Wuliang Jianfeng for the past few days, and he doesn't know what the result of the practice is."

"Sect Master, although Mr. Ye's attainments in swordsmanship and sword intent are very high, he has reached a height that none of us can match.

However, the imperial swordsmanship left by the ancestors is too profound. Our swordsman disciples have been comprehending for so many years, but have not been able to understand the cultivation method of the imperial swordsmanship.

So, in my opinion, Mr. Ye might also be disappointed this time. "Wu Yu said with a sigh.

"Yes, it's still such a short time, how could Mr. Ye comprehend..."

Wei Dongqian also took the sentence lightly.

All the elders and disciples present were not optimistic about Ye Fei's ability to learn the swordsmanship.

After all, if this swordsmanship is really so easy to learn, then their Sword Sect children might have already learned it.

However, Lu Qinghong shook his head and said: "I have been with Fei Ge for two years, and I have never seen anything that Fei Ge can't do.

No matter how difficult this swordsmanship is, I think Fei will definitely be able to learn it. "

"Qing Hong, are you so confident?" Lu Tianming asked.


Lu Qinghong nodded, and then said: "I will go to Wuliang Jianfeng now."

"Okay, then I'll go take a look with you."

Lu Tianming also wanted to see if Ye Fei could perform miracles.

"Let's go too!"

"Walk around, we all go together!"

The elders and disciples of the Sword Sect all clamored and decided to follow along.

As a result, Lu Tianming and Lu Qinghong and his group left the ancestral hall and went to the outside of the Sword Sovereign Hall, preparing to head to the Mount Wuliangjian Peak.

But at this moment, there was an exclamation in the crowd!

"Sect Master, look, what is that!!"

When everyone suddenly raised their heads, they saw a golden streamer in the distance, rushing toward this side quickly!

Moreover, as this golden streamer approached, everyone suddenly felt a powerful pressure sweeping over it, making people feel chills in their hearts!

Wu Yu swallowed his throat and trembled, "This coercion is too terrifying, isn't it a master?!"

"No, how do I feel this coercion and aura so familiar?" Xu Shangxuan said in a puzzled manner.

"It's Brother Fei."

With a smile on Lu Qinghong's face, he firmly said: "This is the coercion and aura exuding from Fei Ge!"

"Is it really Mr. Ye?"

Although Wei Dongqian felt that this breath was a bit familiar, he was not sure.

However, it was only a few seconds.

That golden streamer is already close!

Everyone looked up, dumbfounded, eyes full of shock!

I saw that in the air, a man with a faint golden light exuding all over his body was standing on a golden sword, as if a **** descended from the earth!

"It's really Mr. Ye! It's really Mr. Ye!!"

After seeing the man's face clearly, Lu Tianming shouted in surprise.

"Flying with swords...this...isn't this just swordsmanship?!"

"My God, it's only a few days now, Mr. Ye actually learned the swordsmanship!"

"It's incredible, it's incredible!!"

The elders and disciples present couldn't help but exclaimed loudly, and couldn't believe what they saw before them.

call out! !

Only heard, a sound of breaking through the sky resounded!

In just a few breaths, Ye Fei stepped on a golden sword shrunk to the size of an ordinary sword, and flew to the door of Jianzong!

Immediately, Ye Fei leaped slightly, jumped off the golden sword, lost his sword intent, and joked with a smile: "Sect Master Lu, Qing Hong, what are you guys like? Do you know that I learned the art of swordsmanship, everyone? Came out to greet you?

Hey, didn’t you just learn a swordsmanship? It’s nothing difficult. You don’t need to run out to meet..."

At this moment, everyone hasn't bothered Ye Fei's ridicule. After all, Ye Fei's skill in flying with a sword has completely shocked them!

This is the swordsmanship left by the Patriarch!

Actually someone can learn it well? !

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