Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2496: , Tianda good luck!

At this time, Lu Tianming and the others looked at Ye Fei blankly, just like watching a god-man, unable to speak for a long while.

Ye Fei walked over and said in a funny way: "Hey, I said everyone, what's wrong with you guys, don't you need to be so surprised?"

"Mr. Ye, have you really learned the swordsmanship?"

Lu Tianming still asked something in disbelief.

Ye Fei nodded and said with a smile: "I have indeed learned it, but maybe my cultivation level is not enough, so I can't fully control the swordsmanship.

However, this level of learning is enough for me now, at least much better than my own thinking..."

"Hahaha, good, then congratulations to Mr. Ye!"

Lu Tianming laughed openly and said, "Today is really a double happiness, it's really great!"

The elders and disciples were also happy about their status, Ye Fei, and expressed their congratulations one after another.

After all, Ye Fei also unreservedly instructed their swordsmanship, so that their swordsmanship has been improved.

Moreover, Ye Fei learned the art of swordsmanship, which is enough to prove that the art of swordsmanship on the mountain wall of Wuliangjianfeng is not fake.

In other words, the disciples of the sword sect can also learn this swordsmanship in the future.

However, Ye Fei was shocked when he heard Lu Tianming's words, and said, "Sect Master Lu, since it is a double happiness, what is the second happiness?"

"Mr. Ye, guess what." Lu Tianming said with a mysterious smile.

Ye Fei glanced at the people present, and his gaze fell on Lu Qinghong.

At first, because there were too many people, he didn't pay attention.

Looking at it now, Ye Fei's eyes suddenly showed an extremely shocked look.

After not seeing him for just five days, he felt that Lu Qinghong's temperament had undergone an earth-shaking change.

What's more, what surprised Ye Fei was that Lu Qinghong's cultivation level had been raised to the realm of Li Chen Xiaocheng!

Ye Fei stepped forward and said with a smile: "Qinghong, what have you done these past few days, your cultivation level has broken through to the realm of Lichen Xiaocheng?!

Not bad, I thought it would take a while for you to break through to the dust realm, but I didn't expect it to be so fast! "

Lu Qinghong scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "Brother Fei, this is a long story. I'll talk to you in detail later..."

"Yes, yes, today is a good day for double happiness, we will celebrate at noon later!"

Lu Tianming smiled happily and said, "Mr. Ye, you have to talk to us about your experience in practicing Imperial Swordsmanship later!"

"Okay, this is no problem!"

Ye Fei agreed without hesitation, learned other people's exercises, and shared his experience with them.

At noon, more than a dozen tables were set up in the hall of the main hall of Jianzong, and the tables were full of wine and delicacies.

The elders of Jianzong and the second and third generation disciples all arrived to celebrate together.

Ye Fei sat at a table with Lu Tianming, Lu Qinghong, and several elders.

Everyone looked at each other and the scene was very lively.

Through understanding, Ye Fei knew that it turned out that Lu Qinghong had accepted the inheritance of the ancestor of the sword, Li Taibai, that allowed his cultivation to break through.

This also made Ye Fei sigh that chance is really important for a warrior.

Moreover, Ye Fei also shared his experience of practicing Imperial Swordsmanship with everyone, and also drew the patterns on the wall of Wuliangjianfeng, and according to his own understanding, connected the patterns of the chaotic swords. .

After all, I learned other people's swordsmanship, so naturally I have to give back to them.

The lunch didn't end until around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Because Ye Fei originally came here for the purpose of learning swordsmanship, and didn't want to stay too much, so he proposed to leave.

Lu Tianming could not change Ye Fei's intentions after repeatedly staying, so he had to send Ye Fei and Lu Qinghong to the foot of Jianzong's mountain with a few elders.

"Mr. Ye, really aren't you staying here for two more days?" Lu Tianming asked to stay.

Ye Fei sighed and said, "Sect Master Lu, the Alliance of the Gods has been very peaceful during this period of time, and it is precisely this calm that makes me feel a little uneasy.

Therefore, I have to prepare well, ready to go to war with the alliance of the gods at any time.

When this war is over, if everyone is in peace, then there will be time later, I will come to Jianzong again as a guest. "

"Well, since Mr. Ye has decided to go, then I won't keep it anymore."

Lu Tianming nodded, then looked at Ye Fei, and solemnly said: "Mr. Ye takes care, I hope we still have a chance to drink together!"

"Most definitely!"

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

Immediately, Lu Tianming turned his head to look at Lu Qinghong, and said, "Qinghong, if you want to follow Mr. Ye, then I won't stop you.

I hope you can seize the time and practice hard, so that you can contribute your strength in the following wars. "

"Father, don't worry!"

Lu Qinghong responded with a shock.

Later, after Ye Fei and Lu Qinghong greeted Lu Tianming and others, they left Jianzong...


at the same time.

A corner of the Pacific Ocean, the island of death, where the alliance of the gods is located.

At this time, in the feather snake temple on the island.

In the Alliance of Gods, the twelve major gods headed by the king of gods are sitting cross-legged in the air, absorbing the energy of the **** stone.

In addition to the kings of the gods, there are three divine stones floating in front of the eleven main gods, and they stretched out their hands to cast their own magical energy on the divine stones.

The colorful and dazzling colors illuminate the entire Feather Serpent Temple.

Through the alternation of energy, it is obvious that the traces of white energy in the divine stone are slowly transformed into magical energy and absorbed by them.

Because everyone's magical energy wife was too strong, the surrounding air was strongly distorted, and everyone was surrounded by a powerful cyclone!

Huhuhu! ! ...

Shattering! ! ...

A burst of sharp wind sounded, accompanied by bursts of thunder from time to time, and the movement was terrifying!

However, now, in front of each of the main gods, one or two milky white divine stones have turned black.

As for the king of the gods in the middle, the **** stones floating around him have almost all turned black.

Only the last piece of sacred stone was dark gray, not completely black.

I saw that in this dark gray stone, a wisp of energy slowly penetrated into the body of the king of the gods.

As the energy is absorbed, the color of the divine stone becomes deeper and deeper.

Ten minutes later, when the last sacred stone completely turned black, the king of the gods waved his arms.

A powerful space magic energy wrapped all the sacred stones around him, and then saw that these sacred stones were all crushed, turned into dust, and scattered in the air.


The king of the gods let out a foul breath, then stood up and glanced at the eleven main gods who were sitting cross-legged around him.

When seeing the eleven major gods slowly absorbing the energy of the **** stone, nothing unusual, the king of the gods nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, the king of the gods did not speak, but waved his hand gently.

I saw that the powerful magical energy directly tore a hole in the air.

Then, the king of the gods walked into the torn opening.

After the king of the gods entered, the opening slowly closed, as if nothing had happened just now.

However, just after the king of the gods left, the eleven major gods held their chests with their right hands, lowered their heads slightly, and reverently said in unison: "Send to the king of gods!!"

Around four or five in the afternoon.

Dan Mark, Aarhus.

In the rural area on the outskirts of Aarhus, there is a village.

There are quirky low houses erected here, and there is a courtyard in front of each low house.

At this time, in one of the courtyards.

An old white man dressed in plain clothes, with a big white beard and a sun hat, was weeding in the yard.

This old man is exactly the king of the old gods, Pachelbel.

At this moment, Pachelbel who was weeding suddenly noticed something.

He put down the shovel, took a pipe, stood up, and then turned around.

Suddenly, in front of him, there was a sharp fluctuation in the air.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a hole in the air being torn open.

A figure wearing a black mage robe, a hood, not tall, and unable to see his face walked out of this opening. It was the new king of the gods, Carmenpus.

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