Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2498: ,Most definitely!

After listening to Liu Yiyi's words, Ye Fei nodded suddenly and said with a smile: "Yiyi, I think your idea is good.

However, Yiyi, if you really don’t understand business, you can ask someone to help. You have to know that the most indispensable thing in this world is talent. "

"Well, Ye Fei, I think so too."

Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "However, I still need to make the initial decision-making and planning. When it comes later, it will not be too late for me to ask someone to help..."

"Well, that's right. After all, you made this plan. Only you understand the decisions and plans."

Ye Fei nodded, and then asked: "By the way, Yiyi, since you want to invest, do you have money?

If you want to make your investment bigger, you need a lot of start-up capital. "

Liu Yiyi smiled lightly, spit out her little tongue, and said, "Brother Ye Fei, I asked my parents to borrow some money, so the start-up funds are considered.

When I make money later, I will return it to my parents. "

"Then how much did you borrow, is it enough?"

Ye Fei asked curiously.

"Ten million."

Liu Yiyi replied, and then said: "Brother Ye Fei, ten million yuan should be enough, right?"

When Ye Fei heard this, he was a little bit dumbfounded. He squeezed the woman's face and said, "My silly Yiyi, since you want to increase your investment, now the whole country is building a Blue Sky Welfare Institute, how can this little money be enough?

Didn't you tell the truth with your parents, that's why they only borrowed 10 million from you. "

Liu Yiyi pursed his mouth, "Yes".

Ye Fei smiled, took out his wallet, took out a card, put it in Liu Yiyi's hand, and said: "There is still some money in this card, you can use it for investment. If it is not enough, you can talk to me. Say."

"Brother Ye Fei, how much money is in this card?" Liu Yiyi asked with blinking big eyes.

"I don't know the details, it's almost three billion." Ye Fei said casually.

"What?! Three... thirty... hundreds of millions?!"

When Liu Yiyi heard it, he was shocked.

She hurriedly handed the bank card to Ye Fei, and said with a panic: "Brother Ye Fei, this money is too much, I can't ask for it."

Ye Fei sighed lightly and said, "Yiyi, since the money has already been given to you, I will naturally not take it back.

Moreover, you are my woman. I will give you some money so that you can do good deeds and fulfill your dreams. What's wrong with this?

If you really mind, then treat it as if I am investing in you, and you can return it to me if you have money in the future. "


Liu Yiyi pouted, still a little unacceptable.

This is not a small amount of money, but three billion!

Although she knew that Ye Fei was rich, she didn't know that Ye Fei was so rich.

Three billion, just take it out, is this too scary?

Ye Fei said angrily: "Yiyi, if you don't accept it, then I will be angry."

"Alright, Ye Fei, don't be angry, I just accept it."

Liu Yiyi bulged, and then said: "But, I've said that, I will definitely pay you back the money."

"Good, good."

Ye Fei nodded funny, and then said, "Yiyi, it's been a long time since I saw you, shall I go to your house for dinner tonight?"

"Go to my house?"

Liu Yiyi was shocked, his cheeks became hot, and he knew that if a man was going to his own house, it was definitely not as simple as eating.

"Yeah, why, don't you want me to go to your house?" Ye Fei smiled badly.

"Then Sister Gu, how do you explain it?"

Liu Yiyi asked with a smile, and said: "You just came back, you have to go to my house, if Sister Gu knows, I'm afraid I will be jealous."

Ye Fei grinned and said, "Then I will tell Qingcheng to go to your house, I am going to discuss investment matters with you."

Liu Yiyi covered his mouth and smiled, and said, "Brother Ye Fei, do you think Sister Gu will believe it?"

"Girl, that's enough, your sister Gu is not such a stingy person."

Ye Fei scratched Liu Yiyi's Qiong nose, then took Liu Yiyi's little hand, and said, "Walk around, let's go home!"

"Brother Ye Fei, stop making trouble, there are still people here!"

Liu Yiyi was taken aback by surprise, his cheeks were as red as a peach, and the juice was dripping out quickly.

"Someone has someone, you are my woman, I hold my woman's hand, what's wrong?"

Ye Fei curled his lips and left the company without paying attention to what other people thought. He took Liu Yiyi's little hand directly.

When Ye Fei and Liu Yiyi left the company, some female employees in the company gathered around and discussed as if they had discovered a new world.

After leaving the company, Ye Fei drove Liu Yiyi's Porsche Palamela straight to the Qingshuiwan community, where Liu Yiyi lived.

Although the house is small, with two bedrooms and one living room, Liu Yiyi kept the house clean and spotless.

Moreover, every time Ye Fei came here, he would have a very warm feeling, as if he had returned home.

Liu Yiyi put down the bag, and then said, "Brother Ye Fei, you sit in the living room for a while and watch TV. I change my clothes and go cook."

"Yiyi, let's cook together." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Liu Yiyi nodded, smiled happily, and said, "Okay, wait for me for a while."

With that said, Liu Yiyi walked into the bedroom.

After Liu Yiyi, who had changed into home clothes, came out of the bedroom, Ye Fei followed into the kitchen.

Ye Fei helped to cut vegetables, while Liu Yiyi was in charge of cooking.

The two people have a clear division of labor, and soon, three dishes and one soup are on the table.

While eating, Liu Yiyi kept helping Ye Fei pick vegetables, while Ye Fei kept staring at Liu Yiyi, with a soft smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Ye Fei, why are you always staring at me? Also, you look so stupid smiling now." Liu Yiyi said shyly.

"Stupid? Why don't I think."

Ye Fei grinned, and then said with emotion: "Yiyi, if only we can always live together like this and simply live together in the future.

This is the life I have always longed for, and it is also the life I have been pursuing hard and wanting to achieve..."

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Liu Yiyi felt something was wrong.

She looked at Ye Fei's eyes tightly, and said softly: "Brother Ye Fei, what's the matter with you? Why do you look gloomy and unhappy?

You look nothing like the Ye Fei brother I know. "

Ye Fei sighed slightly and said, "Yiyi, since you have returned to Yunxia Valley, then, your parents should have told you about the Alliance of Gods, right?"

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi paused, his expression darkened, and he whispered: "I have talked about it."

Ye Fei looked at Liu Yiyi and said indifferently: "I can feel that it is not far from the day the Alliance of the Gods and our Antiquity Alliance started the war.

Especially in the recent period, this feeling has become stronger.

Because the Alliance of the Gods has been too quiet during this period, and the quietness makes people feel abnormal..."

Liu Yiyi took a deep breath and said with a sweet smile: "Alright, Brother Ye Fei, we finally had a meal together, why make the atmosphere so heavy.

Although I don't know how strong the Alliance of Gods is, in my heart, Brother Ye Fei, you have always been the most powerful, a hero who stands up to the ground.

Even if the bad guys from the Alliance of Gods really fight, I believe that Brother Ye Fei, you will be able to defeat them, right? "

"Am I always a hero in your heart?"

Ye Fei asked with a stunned expression.

"Yes, you are a hero!"

Liu Yiyi nodded firmly.

"Great hero...hehe..."

Ye Fei chuckled and said, "Sometimes I really don't want to be a great hero..."

"Brother Ye Fei!"

Liu Yiyi pursed his mouth and said: "If you feel depressed like this again, I will be angry!

Hasn't the Alliance of the Gods come over yet, and even if they do come over, it's not always certain who wins and who loses, isn't it? "

Ye Fei stunned, and finally a smile of relief appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Yes, it is not certain who wins and who loses.

Ye Fei has encountered many challenges in my life. If these ghosts and monsters want to die, then come, I, Ye Fei, how afraid of a battle..."

"Hehe, that's right."

Liu Yiyi smiled, "This is the Ye Fei brother I know!"

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