Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2499: , Don't fail!

Ye Fei raised his mouth, looking at the woman with a flower-like smile, and his mood became clear.

Whenever this kind of mood is down, Ye Fei is always more comfortable with Liu Yiyi. Perhaps this woman is born with the ability to relax people and make people feel more relaxed.

After eating, Ye Fei and Liu Yiyi washed the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen together, and then cuddled on the sofa and watched TV like a pair of ordinary young lovers.

In the living room, apart from the sound on the TV, neither of them said a word, enjoying the rare silence and sweetness.

Liu Yiyi held Ye Fei's arm, leaned against Ye Fei's shoulder, and said softly, "Brother Ye Fei, although I can advise you not to be discouraged.

However, when I think of the great war I will face in the future, I feel a little scared..."


Ye Fei smiled, shook the woman's little hand, kissed, and said, "What are you afraid of?"

Liu Yiyidai frowned slightly and said with a grieving face: "Brother Ye Fei...I...I'm afraid that after the war...I will never see you again..."

Ye Fei twitched his mouth and said jokingly: "Yiyi, this hasn't started, you think I can't fight, how can you be like this?"


Liu Yiyi sighed lightly, and said: "People are just a little worried...After all, I heard my parents talk about it, they said that the Alliance of Gods is really strong...

They also said that in the battle two hundred years ago, although the Antiquity Alliance won in the end, many people died..."

Ye Fei held Liu Yiyi's small hand, kissed the woman's forehead, smiled softly, and said: "Don't worry, Yiyi, my life is hard, but it's not that easy to die.

I am also going to wait for the end of the war to hold a world-renowned wedding for you. "

Liu Yiyi gave an "um" and said softly: "Brother Ye Fei, then we must all live well..."

"Most definitely."

Ye Fei nodded, a firm look appeared in his eyes.

"Brother Ye Fei, are you going home tonight?" Liu Yiyi asked, looking up at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and smirked: "Yiyi, then do you want me to go home or stay?"

Liu Yiyi's eyes dodged a little, and said: "I don't care if you want."

"If this is the case, then I'll stay." Ye Fei curled his lips.

Although Liu Yiyi was happy in her heart, her face remained calm and said: "Brother Ye Fei, don't force it, I didn't force you."

"Don't force it, don't force it."

Ye Fei smiled, took the remote control directly, turned off the TV, and said, "Yiyi, it's late, let's go, we should go to take a bath and sleep."

Liu Yiyi looked at Ye Fei with contempt, and said, "Brother Ye Fei, why do you always think about that thing in your mind, it's too bad for you."


Ye Fei pretended to be very innocent, and said: "What I think is very simple, just take a bath and sleep, where did you want to go?"

"Brother Ye Fei, you, you hate it!"

Liu Yiyi's face was shy, his cheeks suddenly became flushed, and he stretched out his hand and hit Ye Fei a few times.

Ye Fei laughed loudly, hugged Liu Yiyi directly, and ran directly into the bathroom amidst the voices of the women.

After a while, there was the sound of playing and playing in the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Ye Fei and Liu Yiyi walked out of the bathroom.

Ye Fei came out just wearing a pair of shorts, while Liu Yiyi was wearing a white silk nightdress.

Looking at the girl's delicate face, watery eyes, a pair of slender and big legs, slender and straight, white and tender snowy peaks, aroused infinite reverie.

Ye Fei felt hot in his heart, and couldn't wait to pull Liu Yiyi directly into the room.

"Rogue, don't look, your eyes are almost falling out."

Liu Yiyi covered his mouth and smiled and took out a hair dryer, "Brother Ye Fei, can you help me blow off my hair?"

"no problem."

Ye Fei nodded, temporarily suppressing the anger in his heart.

Then, facing the mirror, Ye Fei picked up the hair dryer, stroked the woman's dark and soft blue silk, and blew it smoothly.

Through the mirror, Liu Yiyi looked at the man behind him tenderly, and the joy in his heart was beyond words.

Although she was blowing her hair, Ye Fei couldn't help but his eyes drifted to the very upright part of Liu Yiyi. The nightdress was not wide enough, so that the girl seemed to be wearing a short skirt that covered her hips. It was really sexy.

"Okay, Brother Ye Fei, don't look around, I'm yours tonight, so I'm not in a hurry for a while, right?"

Liu Yiyi rolled her cute eyes at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei scratched his head, he smiled, and said, "I can't help it. I haven't seen you for a while. Not only have you become more beautiful, but your body has also become better. I can't pretend that I haven't seen it either. ."

"You, you can make me happy with these sweet words. Did you say the same with other sisters?" Liu Yiyi covered his mouth and smiled.

"How can this be!"

Ye Fei shook his head repeatedly and said, "You are all unique in my heart. Everyone has a unique place for everyone.

Even if I say good things to coax you, it will definitely be without repetition. "

"Well, Ye Fei, don't be poor."

Liu Yiyi's eyes were white, and Ye Fei said softly, "Brother Ye Fei, it seems that it has been a year since you helped me blow my hair..."

"Really, it's been so long?"

Ye Fei was stunned, and smiled helplessly: "I don't remember anymore, there is no way, maybe there are too many facts that have happened in the past two years, I ran all over the world, and I was so busy..."

Liu Yiyi sighed lightly and whispered: "Brother Ye Fei, you must help me blow my hair again in the future."

"Okay, I promise you!"

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

After blowing their hair, Ye Fei and Liu Yiyi walked into the bedroom together.

Ye Fei couldn't help it as early as in the bathroom.

Now when he came to the bedroom, Ye Fei hugged Liu Yiyi's waist and kissed it heavily.

Liu Yiyi let out a "huh", and was suddenly kissed by a sudden and psychologically prepared kiss, and her waist was bent back.

When the nightdress on Liu Yiyi slipped naturally, with the woman's low groan, there was a storm-like impact...


Time flickered, and another week passed.

In this week, Ye Fei led Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu in the mountains, practicing day and night, striving to improve his cultivation and strength to a higher level before the war came.

In this week, in addition to practicing, Ye Fei also took advantage of this time to accompany his confidante, and chatted with Lei Hu, Cao Wenjia, Jiang Chao, and Liu Man.

Now, the Jagged Alliance is also on the right track, and the merger of the Kowloon Club in the northeast has also been settled.

In this regard, Ye Fei also felt very gratified, at least, when he was away, Thunder Tiger and the others could be alone.

This also made Ye Fei relieved a lot, and was able to calm down and prepare for the battle with the Alliance of the Gods.

It was another weekend, approaching the National Day.

Around seven o'clock in the evening.

Maple Leaf Villa No. 6.

Ye Fei and Gu Xiaoran are watching TV in the living room, while Gu Qingcheng is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

Gu Xiaoran didn't seem to be very interested in TV programs, and glanced at Ye Fei next to him from time to time.

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Xiao Ran, if you have anything to say, don’t always sneak at me. I know I’m handsome, but if you keep peeking at me like this, I feel uncomfortable. ?"

"Yes, Brother Fei is the most handsome in our family."

Gu Xiaoran said something, and cast a small wink at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei trembled all over, feeling a little numb in his scalp.

Since the age of eighteen, as the girl continues to mature, her appearance is getting more and more beautiful, and her figure is also particularly outstanding.

This girl also knows that she has a high face value, so she is self-willed, usually not trimmed, her hair is randomly braided, she has a plain face, and she wears a loose white little monster short T on top and a light blue covered shorts underneath. , Revealing two long white and tender legs.

Although the girl's dress is simple, she is still incredibly beautiful.

Ye Fei didn't dare to look more, for fear that he could not control him, coughed slightly, and said, "If you have something to say, don't talk like that."

Gu Xiaoran giggled, and then approached Ye Fei, blinking his big watery eyes, and said with a grievance: "Brother Ye Fei, I have a very bad feeling..."

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