Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2507: , An extraordinary origin!

Seeing these delicacies that he had never seen before, Zhang Baokun's eyes had long been shining.

Before those masters, castles, and paintings, Zhang Baokun didn't dare to be interested.

He was most interested in these delicious foods.

Zhang Baokun patted his stomach and said with a smile: "Brother Fei, I'm hungry early, I must have a good meal today!"

Hearing the words of this silly guy, everyone burst into laughter, and felt that although Zhang Baokun was such a big and silly, but he was simple in mind and very funny.

"Brother Baokun, don't worry, Brother Fei is a real rich man, and he definitely has enough food and drink!" Gu Xiaoran smiled authentically.

"Hey, that's good."

Zhang Baokun grinned and nodded.

"Well, everyone don't stand up, sit down."

Ye Fei smiled and invited everyone to sit down.

After everyone was on the table, a white chef dressed in a chef's uniform and a hat quickly opened a few bottles of Roman Nikon Di and poured a glass for everyone.

Ye Fei picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "It's rare for everyone to get together so well, come, let's make a drink first!"

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them.

"Wang, it would be even more lively if Alston and Baal were also there." Elena said with a darkened face.

Ye Fei looked at Elena, smiled, and said, "Don't worry, Elena, everyone will have a chance to get together in the future, and it will not be too late."

"Do you really have a chance to get together in the future?" Elena stared at Ye Fei's eyes and asked.

Ye Fei froze for a moment, frowning slightly, but quickly stretched out and said firmly: "It will definitely!"

"Well, it will!"

Elena finally smiled when she saw Ye Fei's confident face.

The women heard the inexplicable conversation between Ye Fei and Elena, and they were very puzzled.

However, Qin Menglan, Liu Yiyi and Su Luoyan understood in their hearts and sighed lightly.

After all, what will greet them later will be a difficult battle, and no one knows how the battle will end.

No one knows who will survive the war.

Everything is unknown.

Ye Fei felt something was wrong with Dao's atmosphere, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Elena, where did Satan go? Why didn't he see him? Didn't he come to the Lost Island?"

"Wang, Satan has been here a few days ago. It's just that when that guy comes, he will fight with me. If I don't agree, he will feel very bored and leave." Elena replied.


Ye Fei was speechless when he heard it.

He also counted on this guy to be able to help him. How could he know that this guy left as soon as he said it, too unreliable, right?

Ye Fei smiled helplessly and said, "Elena, do you know where the fellow Satan went?"

"I do not know either."

Elena shook her head and said, "However, Satan left his contact information before he left. He said that if there is a fight later, he will contact him and he promises to be there on call."

"All right, since he said so, then leave him alone."

When Ye Fei heard this, he didn't say anything more.

Anyway, when the next big battle really comes, you can call that guy over by yourself.

After all, one more person means more strength.

What's more, the guy Satan is a real strong man who has been famous for a long time.

"Okay, everyone can start eating, eat whatever you want, order whatever you want."

Ye Fei smiled and greeted everyone to start eating.

"Wang, there is one more thing to report." Elena said.

"What's the matter?" Ye Fei asked.

Elena replied: "King, the royal family, families and wealthy merchants we sheltered know that you are back to the Lost Island, so everyone wants to come to our Lost Island to make offerings, and also ask to see you."

Ye Fei scratched his head and said: "If they want to come to make a confession, let them come. As for meeting or something, then forget it, you can help me meet them."


Elena nodded and agreed.

"Brother Ye Fei, what's the confession?"

Liu Yiyi asked curiously.

Several other women who didn't understand also looked at Ye Fei, very curious.

Ye Fei thought for a moment, and said: "In short, there are some powerful and rich people in the world. Although they are rich and powerful, they are surrounded by dangers.

Therefore, in order to get the shelter of our temple, they will come to our temple several times a year.

The simple point is to give gifts or give money or something. "

"Sister Liu, it's not easy."

Gu Xiaoran jumped out and explained with an old face: "Brother Fei is the purgatory king. Those rich and powerful are the subjects."

Ancient subjects and vassal kingdoms wanted to make offerings to the emperor, but now these rich and powerful guys made offerings to Fei.

There is actually no difference between the two, their essence and nature are the same. "

"Oh, I see."

When Liu Yiyi heard it, it suddenly dawned on him.

"Then how much money will these confessors give to the temple every year?" Bai Ningbing asked curiously.

"I don't know about it either."

Ye Fei spread his hands and said, "Elena, you can answer this question."

Elena nodded, took out a special tablet, and while paddling it, she said: "In the past four years, the gifts and money given by those people totaled almost 300 billion U.S. dollars.

In 2015, it was more than 500 billion U.S. dollars, and in 2016 it was more than 700 billion U.S. dollars..."

Elena was still paddling the computer, calmly reporting amazing numbers.

As for the women such as Gu Qingcheng, Qin Menglan, and Xiao Lengyu, they heard their hearts beating, and everyone was stunned.

The point is that what Elena reported is not just numbers, but money!

This is hundreds of billions at every turn, or U.S. dollars. Isn't this too scary? !

Everyone feels that their brains are not enough, it feels like a large series of numbers appear in their minds, followed by a large series of zeros.

For a while, everyone felt that to Ye Fei, money was really just a bunch of numbers.

After Elena finished speaking, she handed the tablet to a servant, and then faintly said: "What I said just now is just an estimate. After all, some antiques and scrolls cannot be measured by money."

Everyone looked at Ye Fei and Elena blankly, and they were all speechless.

Ye Fei glanced at Elena helplessly, and said to his heart, what is this little Nizi doing?

I just asked her to say something briefly, how could Nizi say it all, and I didn't want to think about whether Gu Qingcheng and the others could accept it.

In the following time, Ye Fei and his party finished their lunch.

Then, Ye Fei and Elena took everyone on the island for a good time.

When overlooking the Lost Island from the air, it doesn't seem to be big, but when you actually arrive on the island, everyone knows that the island is really big.

At night, everyone only saw one-sixth of the island's scenery.

After dinner, Ye Fei greeted everyone, saying that he would go out for a walk, and then left the castle.

The women didn't ask too much, but went back to the room that Elena had arranged for them.

Elena looked at the direction Ye Fei was leaving, frowned slightly, and then followed.

After Ye Fei left the castle, he came to a large mountain with a height of one hundred meters two miles away from the castle.

He was sitting on a rock, dangling a cigarette, and looking into the distance.

The bright moon was in the sky, the stars were dense, the sea breeze was howling, and the waves hit the beach and reefs on the shore.

Although the scenery in front of him was beautiful, Ye Fei couldn't take much interest and frowned.

As the war approached, Ye Fei felt less and less confident.

This feeling was something he had never experienced before.

In every battle in the past, although Ye Fei could not guarantee 100% confidence, he still had more than 50% confidence.

But this time, Ye Fei had no bottom in his heart.

Especially during this period of time, when Ye Fei practiced day and night, but still had no breakthrough in his cultivation, this feeling of anxiety became more intense.

If you don't improve your strength, how can you protect the cherished people around you?

Especially today, when seeing the dim gazes in the eyes of Elena, Liu Yiyi, Qin Menglan and Su Luoyan, Ye Fei felt that his heart was as uncomfortable as a needle...

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