Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2508: , Shocked one after another!

Although he repeatedly said that he had the confidence to win this war, only Ye Fei knew what the facts were.

Before, Ye Fei knew that the power of the main **** of the Alliance of Gods was already very strong, especially the main gods ranked in the top, were even more outrageous.

Now that the main gods and disciples of the alliance of gods have absorbed the energy of the gods, their strength must have increased by tens or hundreds of times.

After all, Elena was already very strong after only absorbing the energy of a piece of the **** stone. If the guys in the Alliance of Gods absorbed the energy of a few pieces of the **** stone in a row, then their strength would not be against the sky?

Therefore, this is also the main reason why Ye Fei has no confidence.


Ye Fei yelled at the sea, venting the anger, unwillingness and suffering in his heart.

The breath full of air resounded across the sea, across the entire island, like a thunder rolling in the sky.


At this time, behind Ye Fei suddenly came the sound of a stone being crushed.


Ye Fei suddenly turned his head and looked over.

I saw that a graceful figure passed through the darkness and came out. It was Elena.


Ye Fei was taken aback, "Why are you here? Didn't you scare you just now?"

"Uh, no."

Elena shook her head, then walked over and sat next to Ye Fei.

"Elena, what can I do for you?" Ye Fei asked after breathing out a smoke ring.

Elena looked at Ye Fei with a gentle face, and said, "Wang, when we had dinner just now, everyone laughed so happily, but you laughed very reluctantly, so I felt something was wrong, so I came over to take a look. ."

Ye Fei also knew that the woman was very careful, so he nodded and said, "It is indeed a little unhappy in my heart, so I came out to relax."

Elena sighed faintly, and said: "Wang, you are too tired."

Ye Fei looked into the distance, smoking a cigarette, and fell silent.

Is he tired? Of course he is tired.

Carrying this big burden on one's shoulders makes everyone tired.

Sometimes, the heart is really tired.

"Wang, if you really don't want to fight this battle, do you want to talk to the king of the gods?

See if this contradiction can be resolved, this catastrophe? "Elena suggested.

Ye Fei shook his head, and said, "This conflict between the Alliance of the Gods and the Ancient Alliance has existed for hundreds of years. How can it be said that it can be resolved by resolving it?

What's more, maybe I am a dispensable existence in the heart of the king of gods.

Moreover, you should already know that the Alliance of Gods has now begun to make preparations, so the war is not far away from us..."

Elena was silent for a while, and then said: "Wang, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? Naturally, it's just chanting."

Ye Fei curled his lips and replied.

Elena nodded and asked: "Then you are not going to tell everyone about this?"

"Don't talk about it."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "So that everyone will not worry about it."

Elena looked at Ye Fei with scorching eyes, and said, "Wang, even if you don't tell me, once the war starts, Alston and Baal will come to meet on the Lost Island after all, so everyone will know by then.

If that time comes to explain this to everyone, then everyone is not mentally prepared, then it will undoubtedly be even more worried.

Therefore, I think it's time to tell everyone the truth...this war, this catastrophe, we all need to face it together.

Instead of putting all the burdens on you, Wang, do you understand? "

When Ye Fei heard this, he pondered for a while, and felt that Elena's words were indeed reasonable.

Rather than suddenly knowing about it when the time comes, it is better to say it in advance so that everyone is mentally prepared.


Ye Fei spit out a long mouthful of smoke and said, "Okay, then two days later, I will call everyone together for a meeting.

However, in the past two days, don't say anything, let everyone have a good time on the island. "

"Okay, Wang, I'll listen to you."

Elena nodded, and then asked: "Wang, are you confident in this battle?"


Ye Fei shook his head, then squeezed out the cigarette butt, and said, "However, even if there is no confidence, this battle must be fought!

If you don't fight, there is only a dead end, and if you fight, there will be a ray of life! "

Elena looked into the distance and said in a shock: "Wang, this time, my brothers will accompany you to fight the world again, regardless of life or death!!"

"Okay! Then let us fight together again!"

Ye Fei's expression was moved, and he nodded.

A look of longing flashed in Elena's eyes, and she said, "Wang, if Laura is still there, it will be fine. After all, one more person has more power..."


Ye Fei murmured softly, and said: "Let Laura live well, she doesn't know about it..."

Elena gave an "um", nodded, and agreed with what Ye Fei said.

This evening, Ye Fei and Elena talked for a long time. From the past to the present, there were crying and laughing, joy and tears, moving and grievances.

Those past events, like a movie, appeared in the minds of the two of them, and they were like old wine, with a sweet aftertaste...

In the next two days, Ye Fei didn't want to think about anything, and spent two days and nights playing crazy with the women, playing the Lost Island all over.

Surfing on the beach, fishing on the sea, barbecue on the beach by the sea, sunbathing, and also gathered the residents of the town to have a bonfire party.

In the past two days, everyone put aside their work and worries, and had a lot of fun and fun.

However, on the third day, Ye Fei finally made up his mind and summoned everyone to gather in the castle hall.

The women who had fun outside all rushed back to the castle, seeing Ye Fei sitting there with a serious face, very puzzled.

Gu Xiaoran in a beach dress took off her sunglasses, sat on the sofa, picked up a glass of juice, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Brother Fei, what is the matter, it's so serious?"

"Xiao Ran, don't have a hippy smile, just sit obediently." Ye Fei said solemnly.

Gu Xiaoran was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Gu Qingcheng on the side, grievingly: "Sister, look, Fei brother bullied me."

Gu Qingcheng also knew that Ye Fei should have something important to say, so he said to Gu Xiaoran: "Xiao Ran, stop making trouble, sit and listen to Ye Fei's talk."


Gu Xiaoran pretended to be sad and wiped his eyes, and then sat there obediently, motionless like a pupil.

Seeing Gu Xiaoran's aggrieved appearance, Ye Fei wanted to laugh a little, but in order to be serious, he still held back the urge to laugh.

After a while, the women playing outside all returned to the castle one after another and sat on the sofa in the hall.

"Ye Fei, why are you stern, so scared!"

Bai Ningbing rolled his eyes at Ye Fei, and said, "What's the matter, I have made an appointment with Shi Yun to go diving."

"Yes, if you have something to say quickly, if you have a fart, let it go."

Li Shiyun also took the sentence.

Ye Fei suddenly became helpless, can't these Nizi cooperate a little?

However, Qin Menglan, Liu Yiyi and Su Luoyan seemed to understand something, so they didn't ask more, but sat down.

"Well, Ye Fei called us all over. There must be something important, so please stop making trouble." Qin Menglan said.

All the girls heard Sister Lan's words, and they finally calmed down.

After all, among all the women, Qin Menglan was a few years older and still had a deterrent effect.

Ye Fei nodded at Qin Menglan, then glanced at everyone present, and said solemnly: "Actually, this time, let everyone come to the Lost Island, on the one hand, for everyone to come to vacation, on the other hand, because, here It is the base camp of the temple, safer than other places.

In order to protect everyone's safety, that's why I let everyone come to the Lost Island. "

Li Shiyun frowned slightly, and said in doubt, "Ye Fei, what happened?"

Ye Fei sighed lightly, and then continued: "Before, I told you all about the contradiction between the Alliance of the Gods and the Ancient Alliance. Surely everyone still remembers it?"

The women nodded, indicating that they remembered.

"Now, the Alliance of the Gods has started activities all over the world, ready to fight to the death with the Ancient Alliance.

Therefore, this battle should not be far from us..." Ye Fei said indifferently.

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