Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2511: , Never regret it!

After explaining the training task, Tang Yu didn't say a word, and stepped on light work, and swept directly towards the distant jungle.

Later, Ye Fei told Lu Qinghong about the techniques and cultivation methods of Imperial Swordsmanship.

Perhaps it was the kendo inheritance from the ancestor of the swordsman Li Taibai, Lu Qinghong was familiar with the technique of swordsmanship, and quickly understood some of the key points that Ye Fei said.

Ye Fei patted Lu Qinghong on the shoulder, and said, "Qinghong, it seems that your ancestor master treated you quite well. He actually gave you such a deep kendo inheritance.

As long as you practice according to some of the key points I just told you, I promise you will soon learn the swordsmanship. "

"Hmm, Brother Fei, I won't let you down!"

Lu Qinghong nodded vigorously, a look of expectation appeared in his eyes.

If you can learn the art of swordsmanship and can fly with the sword, then you can help Fei Ge more.

Ye Fei thought for a while and said, "Qinghong, or you can try it now."

"it is good!"

Lu Qinghong nodded, and then released Li Chen Xiaocheng's true energy and Qinglian sword intent.

I saw that a group of cyan sword intent condensed in the air, slowly regrouping, forming a cyan sword.

Immediately, Lu Qinghong gently stepped on the ground with his feet, and his agile body flew directly into the air, and then stepped on the blue sword with his feet.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Qing Hong, then you try to move forward now."

"it is good."

Lu Qinghong took a deep breath and tried to manipulate the sword intent, letting the green sword formed by the sword intent under his feet drag him forward.

However, Lu Qinghong stepped on the blue sword to move less than a few meters, and the blue sword under his feet suddenly disappeared.

As soon as the green sword disappeared, Lu Qinghong lost weight immediately and was shocked. He hurriedly performed his light skills and slowly landed on the ground, so that he did not directly fall off the top.

"Brother Fei, this swordsmanship is really difficult to practice. I tried my best to move a few meters, and I felt the sword intent collapsed and I could no longer support myself." Lu Qinghong said helplessly.

Ye Fei smiled, and said, "Qinghong, you have just started practicing Imperial Swordsmanship. It is already very good to be able to have such effects.

In the next time, you will practice according to this method. You must remember to throw away distracting thoughts, hit the spirit, and control your sword intent.

I believe you will be able to learn the swordsmanship soon. "

"Yes, Brother Fei!"

Hearing Ye Fei's encouragement, Lu Qinghong was also full of fighting spirit.

Later, Ye Fei explained some matters concerning swordsmanship, and then took Zhang Baokun to the foot of a huge volcano with a height of four to five hundred meters on the island.

"Bao Kun, go, let's go up the mountain!"

Ye Fei said something to Zhang Baokun, and then ran towards the top of the mountain.

"Brother Fei, wait for me!"

Zhang Baokun yelled, followed Ye Fei with excitement, and ran towards the mountain.

The speed of the two was very fast, and it took only a few minutes to reach the top of the mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, before getting close to the crater, you can feel a heat wave on your face.

This heat wave, perhaps ordinary people can't bear it, but to Ye Fei, this temperature is nothing at all.

Moreover, even Zhang Baokun looked indifferent, without any discomfort.

After all, Zhang Baokun had previously practiced in the Yan cave of the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm. Although he hadn't jumped into the Yantan, he could still bear the general high temperature.

So Ye Fei took Zhang Baokun and continued to approach the crater.

As he got closer and closer to the crater, Zhang Baokun had begun to feel uncomfortable, and he began to sweat on his body. He gasped for breath due to lack of oxygen.

Ye Fei looked at Zhang Baokun and said, "Baokun, it seems that the high temperature you can withstand right now is five meters away from the crater.

You can practice here now, and wait until you can adapt to this temperature, then get closer.

Remember, practice must be done step by step, and remember not to be fast, understand? "

"I see, Brother Fei."

Zhang Baokun took a breath and responded.

"come on!"

Ye Fei smiled and patted Zhang Baokun on the shoulder, and then he leaped forward and jumped directly from the crater.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Baokun was shocked!

Being near the crater of the volcano, I can't stand it anymore.

Unexpectedly, Brother Fei jumped directly into the volcano.

This is too powerful, right?

Zhang Baokun glanced longingly, then adjusted his inner breath and began to practice.

Must catch up with Fei Ge, must become stronger!

In the next week, Ye Fei and his team began a crazy sprint and practice on the Lost Island and the surrounding islands.

Ye Fei, Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong and Tang Yu are actively preparing for the battle, while the woman is seizing the time to practice, striving to meet the next challenge with Ye Fei.

Suddenly, on the small islands around the Lost Island from time to time, there were muffled thunder and fighting sounds, which also alarmed the residents of the island.

Everyone was really scared in the first few days and thought something had happened.

But afterwards, everyone got used to it.

Although Elena didn't tell them specifically, everyone guessed it. I'm afraid something big will happen soon...


Time flickered, and in a blink of an eye, a week passed.

The morning of the seventh day.

Iceland, an extremely cold place in the north.

The snow-capped mountains undulate, like giant dragons hovering, majestic and spectacular.

At this moment, in one of the snow-capped mountains.

The old patriarch of the blood clan, Winterburn was sitting by the blood pool with his eyes closed, practicing.

I saw that there were **** rays of light surrounding Winterburn, dyeing the entire cave in blood red.

However, in the blood pool in front of Winterburn, more than half of a crystal coffin was exposed.

Under the light of the crystal stone on the top of the cave, one can clearly see that there is a beautiful woman lying in this crystal coffin.

This woman looked like she was only in her twenties, she was very young, and she couldn't tell the exact age.

This woman was wearing a long black dress with delicate features and long amber hair scattered around, like a princess in a fairy tale.

However, the woman's eyes were closed tightly, and she was still asleep.

Moreover, as the blood in the blood pool slowly decreased, it could be clearly seen that the pale face of the woman in the crystal coffin was bloody, and it was no longer sickly pale.

Time passed slowly, and gradually, you could see that the blood in the blood pool became less and less, and you could even see the bottom of the blood pool.

Another full hour passed, when the last drop of blood in the blood pool disappeared, the crystal coffin in the blood pool was completely exposed.

At the same time, Winterburn, who was sitting by the blood pool, slowly opened his eyes.

As his eyes opened, the blood-red light surrounding him disappeared.

Winterburn stood up, glanced at the dried blood pool, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Medea, the last pool of blood has been absorbed by you. You should wake up too?"

Winterburn murmured, suppressing his excitement, trembling all over, and walked towards the crystal coffin in the blood pool.

Coming to the center of the blood pool, Winterburn looked expectantly at the sleeping woman in the crystal coffin.

After more than 20 years of hard work, in the past 20 years, I have turned into a demon and took the blood of thousands of people in order to wake up the woman I love.

However, the more this is the case, the more Winterburn's heart is worried about gains and losses.

Winterburn looked at the woman in the crystal coffin obsessively, a woman's voice and smile appeared in his mind, and his eyes were red.

"My dear Medea, should you wake up now? As long as you can wake up, even if you hate me and want to kill me, I am willing to..."

Winterburn looked at the woman in the crystal coffin, said something softly, and then waited quietly.

As time passed, the whole cave became quiet.

One hour passed quickly.

However, Winterburn felt his heart beating faster, and a look of anxiety and anxiety appeared on his face.

what happened?

It's been an hour, why hasn't Medea woke up yet? !

what is this? !

Winterburn stared at the woman in the crystal coffin in a daze. His eyes also changed from hopefulness at the beginning to depression and loss slowly...

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