Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2512: , Sword Intent Storm!

Winterburn's eyes were red, tears rolled in his eyes, and the anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

Winterburn shook his head vigorously as if he had lost his soul. He lay on the crystal coffin and shouted hysterically, "Medea, what is going on?! Why don't you wake up? Are you really going to leave me behind?!

I have waited for more than 20 years. Although it is not long for more than 20 years, for me, every minute and every second is suffering!

Medea, in the past twenty years, I have been thinking of you all the time. I have turned myself into a devil. I have killed thousands of people just to wake you up!

Even if I become the devil, I will not regret it! As long as I can wake you up, I will be scolded by the world, so what?

Honey, wake up quickly, wake up quickly, okay? "

While talking, Winterburn’s tears couldn’t stop flowing. He put his hands on the crystal coffin, took a deep breath, and said hoarsely: "Yes, I thought about it, Medea, you might be I slept for too long, so I can’t wake up so quickly, right?

It must be so, it must be! Okay, I'll wait, I'll wait..."

As he said, Winterburn suppressed the grief in his heart, and then stood in front of the crystal coffin like a sculpture, looked at the woman in the crystal coffin infatually, and waited.

Soon, another hour passed.

The woman in the crystal coffin still did not wake up.

Winterburn also slowly turned into despair and deep despair from his previous expectations.

He has worked hard for more than 20 years, just to wake up the woman he loves deeply.

However, even today, the woman she loves still hasn't woken up.

Then all my efforts over the past two decades have been wasted, and they have been in vain...

Grief, despair, and unwillingness filled Winterburn's heart, making him feel a kind of suffocation.


Winterburn let out a sharp roar.

Winterburn has lived for almost two thousand years, and he is a legendary powerhouse in the blood clan, and his strength is even more terrifying!

Therefore, with his roar, fierce and violent blood energy rushed out of his body!

Rumble! !

The whole mountain shook and shook!

Boom boom boom! !

There was a roar!

All the stones in the cave broke and flew, and the ground directly tore through countless holes!

Numerous cracks were also cracked on the top of the cave. Pieces of broken stones collapsed downwards, smashing the ground into deep pits!

However, Winterborn displayed a semicircular blood-red halo, which enveloped himself and the crystal coffin!

Therefore, when the collapsed boulders hit this layer of aperture, they were directly shaken off, or crushed!

When the mountain stopped shaking, Winterburn's eyes also became blood red. Because of too much grief, the blood vessels in the eye sockets burst open, and blood and tears flowed out!

The blue veins on his face, neck, and hands were also violent, hideous and terrifying, and even some capillaries burst open!

However, he couldn't feel the pain at all, because the heartache had already surpassed all the pain!


Winter Bowen panted, holding his hands on the crystal coffin, his chest rising and falling, looking at the woman in the crystal coffin, his eyes were full of sorrow and sorrow, and his sanity was also lost at this moment.

"Medea...If you didn't give birth to that evil seed, you wouldn't use up all your strength, let alone die!!

I want to have a child with you... But if giving birth to a child means you can't wake up anymore, don't worry about that child!

do you know? I just hope you can live well, live well! "

Winterburn said in a crying voice that the grief in his heart was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

For a moment, his eyes became scarlet, his face looked savage, he really became like a devil!

He clenched his fists tightly, and his black nails became longer and sharper, and plunged directly into the flesh.

He cried and said in a hoarse voice: "Medea...all this is caused by the evil seed!! If you didn't give birth to the evil seed, you won't die, you won't die!!

The culprit of all this is the capital city! ! I'm going to kill her, I'm going to kill her! !

Heh...hehe... Medea, when I kill that wicked species, I will die, so that I can be with you forever..."

Winterburn seemed to cry and laugh, and his scarlet eyes were filled with murderous intent!

If you are not mad, you cannot become a demon. At this moment, Winterburn is also completely transformed into a demon!

Winter Bowen took a deep look at the woman in the crystal coffin, then turned and walked out of the cave.

After walking out of the cave, Winterburn raised his eyes and looked at the sky above, and saw that six pairs of blood-red light wings suddenly appeared behind him!

Immediately, his six pairs of wings suddenly vibrated, and his body suddenly swept high into the sky like a black and red streamer!

He stood at an altitude of a thousand meters, overlooking the snow-capped mountains below, with one arm, and a earth-shattering shout in his mouth!


The shouting resounded like a muffled thunder, spreading in all directions!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The rolling snow-capped mountains under his feet had shocking explosions, rocks flying randomly, snow and ice flying, terrifying!

Immediately, Winterburn turned his direction, spread the wings of light again, turned into a black-red streamer, cut through the sky, swept towards one of the directions, and disappeared on the snow-capped mountain in the blink of an eye...

at the same time.

Iceland, the territory of kinship.

All the members of the blood clan heard the shout just now and felt the terrifying power.

Therefore, everyone looked at the source of the sound with doubts on their faces.

"What happened just now?!"

At this time, the bloodthirsty ghost bat rushed out of the castle.

"Patriarch, we don't know what happened. Just now, we only felt that a very powerful force swept over, and this force is very familiar!" A member of the blood family replied.

"Well, I feel it too..."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat nodded and frowned, "What the **** is going on? Could it be that a certain patriarch left the barrier?"


It was ten o'clock in the morning.

Under the blue sky, the waves continued to beat the shore of the Lost Island.

The island is quiet, and the residents on the island are busy doing their own things, quiet and harmonious.

At this time, on a small island called Moonlight Island near the Lost Island.

"Fengwu for nine days!!"

A loud shout resounded across the island.

I saw that a fiery red figure jumped into the sky, like a phoenix of fire.

And this figure is Gu Xiaoran who is practicing.

The flame burned fiercely, like a huge wave of fire, surging crazily in all directions!

Wow! !

The scorching flame directly burned the stones and soil within a hundred meters into coke, which was terrifying!

After this week of sprinting, Gu Xiaoran also successfully stepped into the realm of Vientiane Xiaocheng, and was also able to skillfully perform the stunt of the "Feng Tian Feng Dance Art", the nine-day phoenix dance.

Moreover, with the breakthrough of the cultivation base, Gu Xiaoran's strength has soared a lot.

"Ice Palm!!"

There was another sweet voice resounding.

I saw that Gu Qingcheng, who was wearing a white sportswear and set off a graceful tall figure, urged the cold in his body and slapped two palms toward the sea!

Boom! !

Two palms were shot, and two huge ice palms formed by cold air were like bulldozers, lifting the sea water to several meters high, like forming a curtain of water that covered the sky and the sun!


Gu Qingcheng let out another soft drink and pushed with both palms, releasing a strong icy air!

In an instant, this set off several feet of sea water, and several tons of sea water was frozen into ice, as if it had formed an ice wall!

The sun shines on this ice wall, emitting a dazzling ice blue light, dazzling!

Now, Gu Qingcheng has also broken through to the realm of Vientiane Xiaocheng, his strength has also been a qualitative leap, and he can also flexibly perform the stunts in the "Luo Yue Heart Sutra"!

But at this moment, I saw four willow-leaf flying knives entwined with purple innocence, swooping down from a large mountain, like four missiles, their targets were directed at the ice wall on the sea!

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