Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2513: , Did not wake up!

These four flying knives are as fast as lightning, and they have approached this ice wall on the sea from a mountain a kilometer away in the blink of an eye!

Both Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran were shocked, but they didn't react!

Boom boom boom boom! !

Next second.

These four flying knives slammed into this thick ice wall!

Immediately after that, only a "click" sound was heard, and the ice wall that was 20 meters high and half a meter thick cracked directly!

Then, this heavy ice wall was all broken, and suddenly collapsed, turned into ice crystals, and fell into the sea!

"Xiao Lengyu!!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingcheng was blown up with anger, and immediately shouted angrily.

Gu Xiaoran on the side shook his head helplessly.

On Moonlight Island, besides himself and her sister, there was another person, and that was Xiao Lengyu.

This week, she was not surprised by such a thing.

In addition to cultivating on their own, their elder sister and Xiao elder sister will fight each other from time to time.

But because the two are about the same strength, each has a win or lose.

Gu Qingcheng turned around, her beautiful eyes cold, and she raised her eyes to look into the distance.

I saw Xiao Lengyu wearing purple sportswear rushing over from a distance.

In just half a minute, the graceful Xiao Lengyu came in front of Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran.

"Gu Qingcheng, the ice wall that you condensed doesn't seem to be very strong, it was so easily broken by me." Xiao Lengyu said with a smile.

"Didn't we say that we should practice our own, don't we interfere with each other?!"

Gu Qingcheng stared at Xiao Lengyu angrily.

Xiao Lengyu spread his hands and said, "It's too boring to practice the exercises by myself. Anyway, our cultivation base has reached the Vientiane Xiaocheng level. Or else, let's come and discuss it again, how about?"

"Sister Xiao, why don't you stop fighting?"

Gu Xiaoran said distressedly: "You two have played more than 30 games this week, why are you still playing?"

"Xiao Ran, this is my sister's business, so just leave it alone."

Xiao Lengyu waved his hand, then looked at Gu Qingcheng and said with a smile: "Gu Qingcheng, how about it, do you want to fight me?

If you don't fight, it's okay, then you must admit that you are inferior to me. "

"Fight if you want, stop talking nonsense!"

Gu Qingcheng snorted softly and said, "How can I not beat you? It's so funny!"

"Is it?"

Xiao Lengyu raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Then try it!"

"Try and try, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Gu Qingcheng yelled, directly releasing all the power of Vientiane Xiaocheng's true energy!

Huhuhu! !

In an instant, a gust of wind swept through, and bursts of icy-cold zhenqi released from Gu Qingcheng's body!

The temperature dropped sharply a hundred meters away and dropped to zero degrees!

I saw that Gu Qingcheng's body seemed to be enveloped by a cloud of dark blue light, really like the goddess of ice!

"My mother, my sister is real this time!"

Gu Xiaoran curled his mouth and quickly got away, and released the flame invigorating body to protect against the cold.

When Gu Qingcheng released the power of zhenqi, Xiao Lengyu did not hesitate, and also released the power of zhenqi in his body!

Because of the zhenqi body protection, Xiao Lengyu was not disturbed by this cold air!

"Ice Palm!!"

Without saying a word, Gu Qingcheng directly raised his palms and slapped two palms at Xiao Lengyu.

Because Gu Qingcheng was really outraged, the two ice palms shot this time were bigger, heavier, and colder than before!

These two huge ice palms were like two big mountains, and they smashed toward Xiao Lengyu quickly. Everywhere they passed, the rocks on the ground were crushed and exploded. The power was truly terrifying!

"Hehe, it's interesting!"

Xiao Lengyu saw that Gu Qingcheng had moved, so he didn't keep his hands.

She slammed her right foot to the ground, and her slender figure jumped directly above the sky!

"Shaying Nine Changes! Changed into the breeze Xu Liu!!"

Jiao shouted.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Xiao Lengyu secretly luck, shaking his wrist, the five-handled willow-leaf flying knife directly shot out, and with a strong murderous intent, he rushed towards the two huge ice palms that Gu Qingcheng had shot!

In an instant.

Boom boom boom! !

There was a roar and explosion, and the two ice palms were directly crushed into ice **** by the four flying knives!

As for the four willow-leaf flying knives that Xiao Lengyu threw out, they were also torn apart!

"Get me up!"

The moment Xiao Lengyu landed, his right hand directly hit the sea not far away with a force of true energy!

Shattering! !

I saw that the sea began to roll violently, and then, like a curtain, was swept up by this force!

When the water curtain rose to a height of seven or eight meters, the sea water turned into the shape of a blade and shot towards Gu Qingcheng on the shore!

Shoo! !

The faint purple blade formed by this piece of sea water, under the envelopment of Zhen Qi, became incomparably solid, like a real blade!

Bang bang bang! !

Where the countless blades passed, all the rocks on the shore were crushed!

There was an explosion, and the boulders were flying wildly!

Seeing these countless blades of sea water shot, Gu Qingcheng's face sank, and he let out a soft voice: "Luo Shen Wu!!"

I saw that Gu Qingcheng's figure suddenly disappeared from the same place, bringing out an illusory afterimage in the air, directly avoiding the fierce attack of the sea water blade!

I saw that deep pits were punched out on the ground, and all the rocks on the ground were broken into pieces!

It is conceivable that Xiao Lengyu's attack was quite ferocious this time!

After avoiding this wave of attacks, Gu Qingcheng's figure swept up and approached Xiao Lengyu not far away in the blink of an eye!

At the moment when he approached Xiao Lengyu, Gu Qingcheng didn't say a word, directly raised his palms condensed with Frost Bing Zhenqi, and patted Xiao Lengyu's chest!

Huhhhhhh! !

Two bursts of air sounded, the power of these two palms was quite appalling!

Xiao Lengyu put away his smile, his eyes sank, and also raised his infuriating palms, greeted him!

Bang bang! !

Four palms hit, and the explosion of Zhen Qi exploded like thunder!

Waves of air rushed madly in all directions like a flood that burst a bank!

Shatter everything within a hundred meters around!

The rocks are flying, and the dust is billowing!

In this dense dust, Gu Qingcheng and Xiao Lengyu did not continue their long-range attacks, but engaged in close combat!

The two women refused to accept each other, moving at high speed on the island, palming, punching, and kicking!

Like a blue lightning and a purple lightning violently colliding on the island!

Bang bang bang! ! ——

A burst of violent collisions sounded, and the two of them were shrouded in dense dust, and Xiao Ran was almost unable to keep up with the rhythm of the fighting between the two!

"Oh my God, so fast!"

Gu Xiaoran opened her mouth wide and exclaimed: "Does anger really make people stronger?"

The close combat between Gu Qingcheng and Xiao Lengyu continued for hundreds of moves, and the two talents were shaken apart for ten minutes!

laugh! !

laugh! !

The figures of the two were bounced 20 or 30 meters away, and both feet marked four deep marks on the ground!

Because the battle just now was fierce, and there was no difference between the winner and the loser, there was fine sweat on their foreheads, and a slight disturbance of breathing appeared!

As a result, the two looked at each other, panting lightly, adjusting their internal breath, ready to fight again!

Soon, a minute passed.

"The second change is Baihongguanri!!"

Xiao Lengyu quickly calmed her mind. She raised her hands, and Vientiane's true energy was condensed in her hands, and then she threw three willow-leaf flying knives directly!

I saw that these three-handled willow-leaf flying knives seemed to be hauled, and they whizzed around on the ground with majestic power!

Huh! !

I saw that these three-handled willow-leaf flying knives directly cut the earth into a circle, and then only heard a loud "boom"!

A huge pillar of mud that is more than ten meters long and as thick as a century-old tree trunk soars into the sky, standing in the sky, extremely magnificent!

Under the sunlight, the huge clay pillar exudes a dark gray light!


Immediately, Xiao Lengyu yelled softly and waved his hands impressively.

I saw that this huge mud pillar was wrapped in the purple infuriating energy, like a violent siege hammer, rushing towards Gu Qingcheng in the distance!

Boom boom boom! !

Everything in the land plundered by the huge mud pillar was smashed to pieces!

When Gu Xiaoran saw this, he was taken aback by surprise, and quickly reminded: "Sister, be careful!!"

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