Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2514: , Sacrifice oneself into a demon!

Seeing Xiao Lengyu's terrifying move, Gu Qingcheng's expression suddenly changed!

This shocking coercion caused Gu Qingcheng to tremble slightly!

However, Gu Qingcheng quickly reduced his mind, and then waved his arms!

Huhuhu! !

A chill more fierce than before was released from her body!

"Shield of Profound Ice!!"

In a flash, a blue ice shield with a length of six or seven meters on one side, a width of three or four meters, and a thickness of one or two meters appeared in front of Gu Qingcheng!

Boom! !

A loud noise!

Xiao Lengyu's huge mud pillar hit heavily on the shield of profound ice, like a siege hammer on the ancient battlefield hitting the city gate!

Because the two women did everything they could, and their strength soared to the limit they could control, the earth with a radius of one hundred meters couldn't help but shake it!

Gu Qingcheng thought that his profound ice shield could withstand Xiao Lengyu's blow!

However, the next second, to her chagrin, this thick black ice shield had cracks!


Gu Qingcheng's silver teeth bite, still can't stop her attack?

Just when Gu Qingcheng was about to take advantage of this gap to escape, she was pleasantly surprised that cracks appeared in this thick mud pillar!

Just a few seconds.

Click! Click! ! ...

There was a burst of cracking!

I saw that not only was Gu Qingcheng's Profound Ice Shield shattered, but also the huge pillar of mud that Xiao Lengyu had shot!

Ice crystals fly wildly, sands fly wildly!

The two powers of true energy rushed in anger in all directions!

The reefs on the island were washed away, and the trees in the jungle in the distance were also washed away!

The sea was also overturned, rolling and roaring on the surface of the sea!

As if it caused a tsunami, the power is extremely terrifying!

When everything subsides, the sea breeze blows away the dust.

I saw that two graceful figures were 20 to 30 meters apart, standing opposite each other, looking at each other.

"Gu Qingcheng, that's not bad, you haven't seen you in a short time, but your defense has increased again."

Xiao Lengyu smiled and said, "It seems that the strength between you and me is indeed equal, so we don't have to go on.

So, let's hurry up and find that little villain to fight, pick him up three moves, and let him take us to fight the League of Gods. "


Gu Qingcheng immediately replied.

"What's the meaning?"

Xiao Lengyu narrowed his eyes and said, "Could it be possible that you still want to fight?"


Gu Qingcheng frowned and frowned, and said strongly, "Today must be a winner or loser, otherwise you are not allowed to leave!"

"Must fight?"

Xiao Lengyu asked.

In fact, she just wanted to talk to Gu Qingcheng for a while, but she never thought of going to the extreme.

"Be sure to fight!"

Gu Qingcheng's eyes replied firmly.

Xiao Lengyu sighed softly and said, "Okay, since we must fight, then I will stay with you to the end!"

"Xiao Lengyu, let's make a move!"

Gu Qingcheng gave a soft drink to Xiao Lengyu, ready to fight.

"Hit it, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Xiao Lengyu also has a temper. Since Gu Qingcheng wants to fight, she will naturally not shrink back.

The voice did not fall.

Xiao Lengyu slammed his feet on the ground, and his body suddenly jumped to an altitude of 20 to 30 meters!

"Broken Shadows and Nine Changes! Three Changes to High Mountains and Flowing Water!!"

Xiao Lengyu raised his right arm, "coughing", and the six-handed willow flying knife shot out wildly!

Three of the flying knives were spinning rapidly in the sky, and the other three flying knives shot out in the direction of the sea!

When the three handles reached the sea, they also began to spin rapidly in the sea!

Just ten seconds.

I saw that the sea water formed a thick water column and a stone column formed by sand and rock followed up into the sky!

A water column and a stone column were more than ten meters long, like two giant dragons of blue and gray. They churned in the air for a week, then pierced the air and rushed towards Gu Qingcheng below!

The momentum is particularly amazing!

"Xuanbing sword!!"

Gu Qingcheng saw the two water and stone pillars rushing towards him like giant dragons, and immediately condensed the ice qi in his body into an invincible ice sword!

Because she had seen Ye Fei's sword before, and felt that Ye Fei's swordsmanship was indeed very powerful, so she secretly learned a trick from Ye Fei to condense her own cold qi into a sword!

Afterwards, Gu Qingcheng slammed a sword at one of the dragons of water!

Huh! ! ——

Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air, this dragon of water was directly cut into two parts by a sword!

The severed water dragon shattered directly, turned into sea water, and landed downward, like a downpour!

"Wow! Sister, you are so amazing!!"

Gu Xiaoran in the distance saw this scene as if he became a little fan of Gu Qingcheng, and yelled in surprise.

Gu Qingcheng smiled triumphantly, as he was about to sever the gray clay dragon with his sword, but the gray dragon was already approaching!

She couldn't launch an attack at all, she could only raise the Xuanbing Sword in her hand to block it!

哐! !

He only heard a violent collision sound, and Gu Qingcheng directly flew away with his sword!


Gu Xiaoran was taken aback when he saw this.

However, after Gu Qingcheng flew out more than 20 meters, he volleyed back and forth, and his body fell steadily to the ground!

Immediately, at the moment when Gu Qingcheng landed, he kicked his feet to the ground, holding the Xuanbing Sword, and directly ejected from his body!

And the gray clay dragon also continued to chase up, preparing to attack Gu Qingcheng!


Gu Qingcheng yelled, and as he approached the gray dragon, his body jumped high, and then with a violent sword, he slashed at the impacting gray dragon!

Huh! !

A sword smashed out, like a flash of ice-blue lightning across the sky, brilliant and full of infinite lethality!

Only heard a loud "bang"!

Gu Qingcheng's sword directly cut the gray dragon formed by condensing the soil into two parts!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The zhenqi collapsed, and the severed gray dragon fell down one by one, smashing the earth violently, and then turned into sand, losing its aggressiveness!


Gu Qingcheng let out a foul breath, and the hands holding the Xuanbing Sword trembled lightly, so that he could have a chance to breathe.

Thinking of the dangerous scene just now, Gu Qingcheng felt shocked.

If I didn't react quickly enough, I'm afraid I would really be hurt just now.

No wonder Ye Fei always said that in a battle between the two, the victory or defeat is a matter of a moment, a cent.

In the ever-changing battle, one who does not pay attention will be defeated and even die.

Gu Qingcheng's face sank, and he thought, it seems that he has to be more focused.

At this time, Xiao Lengyu saw that his attack had been destroyed, not only was he not angry, but his fighting spirit rose, and he became even more excited.

She smiled faintly, and said, "Gu Qingcheng, this is the right thing. If you were defeated by me prematurely, it would be boring..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Gu Qingcheng snorted softly and said, "If you want to hit, hit it!"

"Okay, go on!"

Xiao Lengyu responded, and then released all the power of true energy in his body.

"Shaying Nine Changes! Four Variable Star Dance Swirling!!"

With a soft drink, Xiao Lengyu waved his arms violently.

I saw the purple infuriating energy quickly condensed in the air, forming a flying sword of infuriating energy!

Countless purple infuriating knives are like a curtain covering the sky and the sun, and like stars in the sky, dotted the sky!

Seeing the dense clusters of Zhenqi flying knives hovering in the sky, Gu Qingcheng's heart was shocked, and her expression suddenly changed!

She clearly felt that this coercion released by Xiao Lengyu was even more terrifying than the coercion of the first three moves!


Xiao Lengyu waved his arms.

Cough cough! ! ...

I saw that Mantian Zhenqi Flying Knife with endless killing intent rushed down towards Gu Qingcheng's direction, ready to bomb Gu Qingcheng in all directions!

"Xuanbing Battle Armor!!"

Gu Qingcheng also knew that he couldn't defeat so many zhenqi flying knives at once, so he directly released the ice zhenqi, condensing a blue ice crystal battle armor all over his body to defend!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

In an instant, those countless true Qi flying knives had arrived, and the place where Gu Qingcheng was standing was violently bombarded by this wave of true Qi flying knives!


Gu Xiaoran in the distance saw this scene, she was so frightened that she covered her small mouth, and her heart raised her throat.

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