Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2521: , Intentional and powerless!

"What's wrong, Ye Fei?" Qin Menglan asked.

"It's possible that something really happened on the island..."

Ye Fei replied, and then hurriedly said, "I'll go over and take a look!"

With that, Ye Fei directly released the sword intent, condensing a golden sword, and then jumped up, jumped on the golden sword, and swept towards the lost island.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Fei was already a kilometer away.

"Bao Kun, Tang Yu, go, let's go and have a look!"

Lu Qinghong said something to Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu.

With that said, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu quickly got on a speedboat and hurried towards the Lost Island.

"Sister Lan, let's take a look too!" Gu Xiaoran said to Qin Menglan.

"Okay, let's go!"

Qin Menglan nodded, then looked at Gu Qingcheng and Xiao Lengyu who were fighting, and said, "What about Qingcheng and Lengyu?"

"Sister Lan, my strength is the weakest. If something happens on the island, I can't help much. So, let me stay." Yang Nuolan stood up and said.

Qin Menglan smiled slightly and said, "Well, Nuo Lan, then Qingcheng and Leng Yu will be handed over to you. If you can stop the two of them from fighting, that would be the best."

"Okay, let me try." Yang Nuolan nodded.

Afterwards, Qin Menglan took Gu Xiaoran, Li Shiyun and other women on several speedboats, left Moonlight Island, and drove towards the Lost Island.

After Qin Menglan and the other women left, Yang Nuolan sighed slightly, turned to look at the battlefield, and shouted, "Qingcheng, Leng Yu, you have been beaten, and something went wrong on the Lost Island!"

The two who had been in a fierce battle heard Yang Nuolan's voice, and suddenly stopped.

"Nuolan, what happened on the island?"

Xiao Lengyu turned around and asked.

"I do not know either."

Yang Nuolan shook his head and said, "But Ye Fei and Sister Lan have already rushed over."

Xiao Lengyu saw several speedboats heading towards the Lost Island, and realized that there was something really going on on the island.

So Xiao Lengyu turned his head and said to Gu Qingcheng, "Gu Qingcheng, forget it today, we will fight again when we have a chance."


Gu Qingcheng also knew that this was not the time to win the battle, so he nodded and agreed.

Later, Xiao Lengyu and Gu Qingcheng ran towards Yang Nuolan's direction.

"Nuolan, let's go and take a look!"

Xiao Lengyu said something.

Then, the three of them boarded the speedboat together and hurried towards the Lost Island...

Although Moonlight Island is far from the Lost Island, it is nothing to Ye Fei who is flying with the sword.

In less than a minute, Ye Fei reached the sky above the Lost Island.

When he arrived at the Lost Island, Ye Fei saw that on the back mountain of the island, two figures were colliding violently.


Ye Fei was startled, and then he looked at the other person carefully, and he was even more surprised, "Winterburn?!"

How could Winterborn, the old patriarch of the blood family, come here, and even fight with Elena?

Is it because he broke his plan last time, so he wants to come over to take revenge?

But, it's not right. If you want revenge, shouldn't you find yourself? How can you find Elena?

Ye Fei's face sank, before he could think about it, he swept in the direction of the back mountain.

However, when Ye Fei was about to arrive at the back mountain, he saw Winterborn violently swing the blood knife in his hand, and slashed it vigorously towards Elena!

With a loud "boom", Elena couldn't bear this power at all, and her body fell straight toward a mountain below!


Ye Fei was taken aback, stepping on the golden sword, and in an instant, the speed was extremely fast!

Just when Elena was about to hit the mountain, Ye Fei suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged the woman in his arms.


Elena thought she would be hit hard this time, but she didn't expect Ye Fei to catch herself.

The nerves that had been tense just now finally relaxed when they saw Ye Fei's arrival.

"What the **** is going on? Why is this guy fighting you?!"

Seeing the blood stains on the corners of the woman's mouth and the terrifying wounds on her body, an unknown fire rose in Ye Fei's heart, and the golden flames in his pupils burned.

"Wang, I don't know this person at all, but he is going to kill me... I don't know where I offended him..." Elena smiled bitterly.

Ye Fei looked back at Winterborn, and then said to Elena: "Elena, this guy is the old patriarch of the blood family, named Winterborn.

I'll ask what the **** is going on with this guy. "

With that, Ye Fei sent Elena below, then stepped on the Golden Sword and flew towards Winterburn.

Ye Fei stared at Winterborn coldly and said: "Winterborn, my woman doesn't seem to offend you, but why are you killing her?!"

Although Winterburn is an old patriarch and legendary master of the blood clan, he is not shocked at all.

What a **** legend master, if you dare to move your own woman, no matter who he is, let's talk about death!

Winterburn squinted his eyes and said, "Purgatory King, why should I kill Elena? You don't need to ask more about this.

Seeing that you have saved our blood, I don't want to do anything to you.

So, please get out of the way quickly..."

"What if I don't let it go?"

Ye Fei replied coldly.

Winterburn frowned and asked, "Are you serious about not letting go?"


Ye Fei stood proudly in front of Winterburn and replied with a shock.

"Why are you doing this again?"

Winterburn looked at Ye Fei with a pity on his face, and said: "Although your strength is very strong, there are very few people in this world that are your opponents.

Why do you ruin your bright future for a woman? "

"If I can't even protect my own woman, what use is it for me to have such a promising future?"

In Ye Fei's eyes, Jin Yan jumped and said in a solemn voice: "Although I don't know why you want to kill Elena, if you dare to move him, I will dare to kill you!"

"Only you can kill me?"

Winterburn sneered and said: "It's just beyond your own control!!"

The voice fell off.

Winterburn's body suddenly released more terrifying energy than before.

The dark wind screamed, and the dark clouds began to gather frantically in the sky above this side, as if a squalid beast had formed, hovering in the sky, overlooking Ye Fei.

Feeling the violent energy of Winterburn, Ye Fei was shocked!

Although he has always heard that the old guys of the blood race who have lived for thousands of years are very powerful, he has never seen or played against those old guys, so he is not sure.

But now, Ye Fei was sure.

Winterburn's energy is really strong, and it makes him feel heart palpitations.

After all, it is an old monster who has lived for several thousand years. Even though the people of the blood race are very slow in cultivation, but they have only practiced for ten or twenty years, how can they be comparable to Winterburn who has practiced for thousands of years?

But even if he knew the gap was great, Ye Fei still didn't shrink back!


Must fight!

Think of it as a drill in advance for the War of the Gods Alliance!

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Fei burst out loudly, like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring!

"Triple burst of muscle strength!!"

"Sword intent triple explosion!"

In Ye Fei's eyes, the golden flames burned more and more vigorously. As his muscle strength increased sharply, the muscle masses on his body swelled up, and the whole body exudes a scorching golden light.

Every muscle, every bone, every tendon, every drop of blood, and even every cell in his body is constantly instilling strength into him.

Coupled with the triple explosive sword intent blessing, Ye Fei felt that his whole body was full of endless power, and he wanted to vent completely!

Seeing the changes in Ye Fei, Winterburn's face also changed slightly!

"It's interesting...Compared with the last time, I didn't expect your strength to have improved so much..."

Winterburn looked at Ye Fei indifferently, and said, "Then let me see how powerful the purgatory king of Megatron is!"

"It just so happens that I also want to see how strong you old bats who have practiced for thousands of years are!"

Ye Fei roared, and directly rushed up, condensing a huge sword of infuriating energy in his hand, and swung a sword towards Winterburn!

Huh! !

With a sword swung, a violent storm of sword intent swept up, as if driving a golden thunder and lightning!

As fast as the wind!

The momentum is like a broken bamboo!

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