Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2522: , Kill one more person!

"Good swordsmanship..."

Winterburn knew how extraordinary the sword was just by watching Ye Fei's sword.

He has lived for thousands of years, has seen countless strange people and strangers, and has also dealt with many Chinese swordsmen.

The young boy in front of him was one of the few swordsmen who made him feel amazing with his swordsmanship.

Therefore, Winterburn narrowed his eyes, moved his body, and moved forward without retreating. He violently waved the blood knife in his hand, facing Ye Fei's sword, and slashed it out!

Although Ye Fei's swordsmanship is good, but in strength, he is far higher than him, so Winterborn is not afraid at all!

Huh! !

Cut out with a single knife, like a howling devil, revealing the desperate and gloomy meaning of killing!

It was like a demon waving a sharp claw, and a **** trace was drawn in the air!

Cang! !

In an instant, the swords collided together, and there was a thunderous collision, splashing golden and **** rays of light!

Boom boom boom! !

The collision of swords and swords, the coercion and energy that erupted from the shock was extremely terrifying, as if several powerful bombs were dropped around!

The tops of the mountains below were crushed, and the trees were crushed into debris!

Elena below felt the pressure of these two swords, and she was shocked!

She didn't expect that Winterburn's power would increase dozens of times!

In other words, this guy hasn't used real power to fight against himself. !

too terrifying!

It is indeed an old bat that has lived for thousands of years, and its strength is really terrifying!

However, what worries Elena is whether Ye Fei can withstand Winterburn's attack?

Elena knew that at this time, she couldn't help at all, so she could only pray for Ye Fei silently!

At this moment, this collision of absolute power directly shook Ye Fei and Winterburn back!

The distance between the two of them opened up thirty or forty meters in an instant!

"It's not bad, it can withstand the power of my blood knife..."

Winterburn said indifferently, and then swiped another knife directly at Ye Fei!

"Devil Flame Burns Wasteland!!"

Huh! !

Cut it out with a single knife, and saw that a group of red magic flames, with the power of destruction that burned everything, swept towards Ye Fei like a roaring fire dragon!


Ye Feizhen yelled, holding swords in both hands, and struggling to swish a sword towards this magic flame like a fire dragon!

boom! !

With a loud noise all day long, the sword intent and the magic flame slammed together!

Winterburn thought that the magic flame he released could burn the infuriating giant sword in Ye Fei's hand!

However, what surprised him was that the infuriating sword in Ye Fei's hand was like an ancient divine soldier, and he smashed this demon flame into pieces!

"Old bat, your strength seems to be no more than that..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Is the legendary master of the blood clan so weak?"


Winterburn smiled evilly and said: "Prince of Purgatory, you are less proud, just now it was just an appetizer... The real contest has just begun!!"

The voice fell off.

"Eight Desolate Devil Dragon!!"

Winterburn screamed, his strength increased more than ten times again!

Huhuhu! !

The overcast wind and dark clouds are overwhelming, and the sky over the Lost Island seems to be slowly darkening!

Immediately afterwards, Winterburn slammed another knife immediately, sending out a darker and thicker energy.


I saw that the demon flame that was about to be extinguished suddenly condensed into eight demon dragons with two wings, which surrounded Ye Fei!

"Tear this ignorant kid..."

Winterburn gave the order lightly.


The eight blood-red dragons made a sharp, piercing sound, opened their mouths in the blood basin, breathed out magic flames, and swept towards Ye Fei in the middle!

Feeling the burning sensation of this magic flame, Ye Fei's face sank, and he continuously waved the infuriating giant sword in his hand to destroy the invading magic flames!

Seeing that Ye Fei's sword intent was not afraid of this magic flame, Winterburn's face flashed an angry color, and he roared: "Keep on killing me!!"

The eight flame dragons obeyed the call, as if going mad, rushed towards Ye Fei in the middle!

The eight-headed flame dragon attacked together, and its power and coercion were not trivial, and there were bursts of thunder in the air!

"Sword intent triple explosion! Ten kills in one step!!"

Ye Fei stepped on the golden sword, did not wait in place, but bullied himself, slammed his sword, and slashed towards the demon dragon that pounced first!

It's useless to fight against masters and avoid blindly!

Must be preemptive!

Accompanied by a stern wailing sound, this magic dragon formed by demon flames was directly defeated by Ye Fei's sword!

The blood-red magic flame flickered a few times before it turned into a little starlight and disappeared into the air!

Seeing this scene, Elena was pleasantly surprised, and her worries were much less!

She looked at Ye Fei's figure, and secretly vowed in her heart that she had to become stronger too!

Only when you become stronger can you protect yourself from becoming a burden to the king!

At this time, above the sky.

After Ye Fei destroyed a dragon with a sword, he turned around abruptly, and with another sword, he swung out at the second dragon!

"Chasing the clouds and chasing the moon!"

The ethereal figure is like walking in a garden in the air!

Swing a sword, natural and free and easy!

Huh! !

The sword power and sword intent of this sword are more than ten times higher than that of the first sword!

Sword up, wind surging!

Sword moves, thunder!


Another piercing whine sounded.

The second devil dragon was killed and destroyed by Ye Fei's second sword in an instant!

"Remote points to the stars!!"

After Ye Fei wiped out the second devil dragon, his body swiftly leaped into the air and reversed, slamming a sword, and stabbing a sword towards the devil dragon coming from behind!

A sword pierced out, like a shooting star across the sky, bringing out a gorgeous golden arc!

Although this sword seems to have little power, it actually hits all the sword intent to one point, and the power is naturally extraordinary!

With a sword, the body of the third dragon was directly penetrated, and then with a "bang", the huge body was also directly destroyed!

Afterwards, Ye Fei twisted his waist and abdomen, and his body swiftly swept upwards, as if stepping on a cloud ladder, a dance of death jumped out in the air!

At the moment of flying high in the sky, Ye Fei slammed his sword downward!

"One sword hides the air!!"

Huh! !

A sword swung, as fast as lightning, as fast as a gust of wind, so fast that people could not see it clearly, as if it had never been swung!

A sword seems to have something like nothing, a sword is looming, this is the true essence of a sword hidden in the sky!

Between the electric light and flint, three consecutive explosions of "boom boom boom" sounded!

In between, the magic dragon below who was about to invade towards Ye Fei was directly destroyed!

Then, Ye Fei once again held the sword in both hands, and slammed a sword forward!

"All beings punish!!!!"

With a sword smashed out, the golden light blade was like a skyscraper, smashing directly toward the remaining two dragons!

boom! ! ——

With a shocking explosion, the two remaining dragons were also wiped out!

At this moment, Elena below saw this scene, her eyes were stunned.

She knew that Wang was very powerful, but she did not expect that Wang was so powerful.

Every sword is easy and freehand, simple and neat, and the art of killing is fully demonstrated by the king.

Not only Elena, Winterburn who stood not far in the air also frowned.

He obviously didn't expect Ye Fei to kill his eight-headed dragon so quickly.

Therefore, before Ye Fei could react, he suddenly flashed, bringing out a black streamer, and rushing towards Ye Fei!


Except for a shock in the air, not only Elena, but also Ye Fei could not see Winterburn's figure clearly, as if she had disappeared out of thin air!


too fast!

In the blink of an eye, Winterburn appeared behind Ye Fei, then suddenly raised the blood knife in his hand and slashed it towards Ye Fei's head!

"King be careful!!"

Seeing this, Elena below gave a loud reminder.

However, it is too late to remind!

Although Ye Fei felt the energy fluctuations in the rear, he almost subconsciously backhanded the huge sword of infuriating energy behind him!

He only heard the sound of "clang", although Ye Fei blocked Winterburn's magical knife, but the amount of violent violence suddenly released by Winterburn made Ye Fei startled!

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