Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2523: , Overpowering!

"Give me to die!!"

Winterburn pressed down vigorously, and a shocking force broke out!

Huh! !

Ye Fei was directly shocked and slammed into a big mountain!

However, at the moment when he was about to approach the mountain, Ye Fei bit his teeth, suddenly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand, and stabbed it towards the back, wanting to stop his body!

However, Ye Fei still underestimated the power of Winterborn!

Only heard a burst of explosions, Ye Fei even brought a sword, and smashed the tops of several large mountains in succession!

Three big mountains have been crashed, and the fourth big mountain has been knocked out of a human mark before stopping!

The huge boulder flew up and the dust was rolling. At first glance, Ye Fei seemed to be buried under the huge boulder that flew up!


Elena screamed in surprise.

However, no response came.

Winterburn looked at the collapsed place, squinted his eyes, then raised the blood knife in his hand and swiped it a few times!

Swish! !

A few successive blood-colored light blades swept toward there, like a few bloodthirsty beasts madly crushing toward there!

Boom boom boom! !

Klang Klang! !

The fourth mountain collapsed again, the rocks piled up, and Ye Fei was no longer visible!

Afterwards, Winterburn turned to look at Elena below, and said indifferently: "No one will help you now, right? Hehe, it's time to end this farce..."

With that said, Winterborn directly waved the blood knife in his hand and slashed at Elena below!


Huh! !

Cut out with a single knife, a thick blood-colored light blade of seven or eighty meters long, with the power of destroying the world and destroying the earth, pressed it down towards Elena below!

Although Elena is worried about Ye Fei's situation, she can only stop Winterburn's devastating blow at this moment!

"Black Magic Light Shield!!"

With a bite of Elena's silver teeth, her arms suddenly lifted, releasing all the energy in her body, directly condensing a light shield that is as tall as a three-story building, blocking it in front of her!

boom! !

The moment the Black Demon Light Shield had just condensed, the knife that Winterburn had swung had already come, and it slashed on the light shield fiercely!

This black magic light shield received a strong impact, making a whimper, and the black and red energy light became a little weaker!

Elena's heart sank, her face full of unwillingness!

There is no doubt that this black magic light shield can only withstand Winterburn's two swords at most, and it will be defeated!

what to do?

How can I do?

Elena stared at Winterburn, a touch of decisiveness appeared in her eyes!

If it really came to life and death, she would explode all the power in her body without hesitation, and would rather sacrifice herself to become a demon or fight to the death!

Winterburn looked at Elena with a wicked smile, and said, "Elena, you should give up this fearless resistance... You can't beat me at your peak, so you can beat me with your broken body now? Beat me?

Moreover, no one can save you now, you have only one dead end..."

With that said, Winterborn once again raised the blood knife in his hand and swung three consecutive swords in the direction of Elena!

Swish! !

Three knives came out, like a **** storm, venting towards Elena!

In these three forces, there are Winterburn's anger, evil and dark ideas, which makes people can't help but feel frightened!


The first knife slammed heavily on this black magic light shield, and the light of the light shield was weakened again!

boom! !

The second knife also came one after another, slashing on the light shield!

Only a "click" sound was heard, this light shield was really unbearable, and it directly cracked the gaps, and then collapsed and turned into dots of black and red light!

Huh! !

The third knife also fell down and took Elena's throat!

Elena squeezed her fists and was about to explode the power hidden in her body, suddenly, a chill came, and she saw a thick ice-blue ice shield blocking her!

Only heard a "bang" explosion, this ice shield was directly shattered, but it also offset the power of the third knife!

Elena was stunned for a moment, turned her head and looked around, and saw Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran, Qin Menglan and others running towards this side.


"Sister Elena!!"

Seeing Gu Qingcheng and others running over, Elena was finally relieved.

After all, everyone is not an ordinary person, but a real warrior.

Perhaps, with the strength of everyone, it might be possible to defeat Winterburn.

"Why are you here?" Elena asked.

"Ye Fei said just now that something might have happened on the island, so everyone rushed over."

Qin Menglan replied, and then asked: "Right, where is Ye Fei?"

A tinge of pain flashed in Elena's eyes, and she looked at the rocks that stood as high as a hill in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and they couldn't help but "cock" in their hearts.

"Could it be that Ye Fei was buried inside?!"

Gu Qingcheng's face sank and asked.


Elena nodded.


Gu Qingcheng was stunned. She raised her eyes to the sky above Winterburn, and sternly said: "Who are you, why are you here to make trouble?!"

Winterburn did not respond to her words, but joked and said: "The purgatory king is really romantic, there are so many women... It's a pity..."

"What a pity?" Gu Qingcheng asked coldly.

"It's a pity that you are going to be buried with Elena and that kid today..."

Winterburn said indifferently, his face was indifferent, and he was taken seriously by these people.

Even though these people are martial artists, but their strength is too weak, how can they compete with themselves?

"You are not a ghost or a ghost, and you want to kill all of us. It's just whimsical!!"

Gu Xiaoran immediately exploded in anger, she flashed directly, rushed over, and then leaped suddenly, her body rising into the air.

Immediately, she opened her arms and uttered a soft cry in her mouth: "Fengwu dance for nine days!!"

Huhuhu! !

I saw that the flames in Gu Xiaoran's body were immediately released, and the violent flames swept toward Winterburn like a flood bursting a bank!

Moreover, the temperature of this flame is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary flames. Wherever it passes, dead branches and even stones are burnt into coke!

"Small bugs..."

Winterburn glanced lightly, and then waved the blood knife in his hand.

"Devil flame burns wasteland!"

Huh! !

With a slash, a blood-red flame swept toward the flames of true energy released by Gu Xiaoran!

In an instant, the two flames collided and made a loud noise!

The earth shook violently, and the storm swept!

However, Gu Xiaoran's strength was not as good as Winterburn after all, so the flame she released was directly swallowed by Winterburn's magic flame!

Immediately, the fierce Demon Flame continued to invade Gu Xiaoran, and Gu Xiaoran was so frightened that he was stunned!

"Xiao Ran, get out of the way!"

Gu Qingcheng was shocked, and quickly slapped an ice shield to stop Gu Xiaoran!

The demon flame whizzed and melted this thick ice shield directly!

However, Gu Xiaoran quickly took advantage of this gap and violently retreated toward the rear!

However, this crazy demon flame continued to chase Gu Xiaoran and swept towards Gu Qingcheng and the others!

This magic flame is not only high in temperature, but the key is that the eerie and evil energy can affect people's minds!

"Broying Shadow Nine Changes! Breeze Xu Liu!!"

"Eight stars break the sun!!"

Xiao Lengyu and Tang Yu performed their flying knife stunts at the same time.

Four willow-leaf flying knives and eight short knives roared out at the same time, sweeping up all the gravel and soil on the ground, forming two storm dragons, and they are rushing towards the group of magic flames!

Boom! ! ——

Two explosions sounded loudly!

I saw that the magic flame that invaded like a surging river, although it was weakened by the stunts of Xiao Lengyu and Tang Yu, but it was not completely destroyed, but continued to swept towards Gu Qingcheng and the others!

"Thousands of miles are frozen!!"

Gu Qingcheng's face became cold, and all the icy anger was directly released!

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to zero degrees, which made people feel icy cold!

A blast of cold air seemed to instantly form a glacier, whizzing towards that group of demon flames!

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