Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2524: , But so!

I saw that the glacial river directly froze the magic flame into ice blocks, suspended in the air, blocking the pace of the magic flame's invasion!


When Gu Qingcheng saw this, he was overjoyed.

Surprises also appeared on the faces of other people.

Water can overcome fire, and ice is naturally better!

However, everyone was not happy for a few seconds, they only heard the crackling sound of "Ka Ka Ka"!

Everyone looked up, and suddenly found that the ice river that had frozen the magic flame had cracked cracks!

"What?! This..."

Gu Qingcheng was shocked, and wanted to continue to release the icy energy and strengthen the glacier.

However, the next second.

Only a "bang" was heard, the glacier broke directly, the magic flame broke free, and continued to swept towards Gu Qingcheng and the others!

"Hahaha...I've said it all, it's useless, it's useless!!"

Standing still in the air, Winterburn laughed loudly and looked at Gu Qingcheng and the others, just like looking at ants.

"not good!"

Qin Menglan furrowed her eyebrows and yelled, "We all attack together!!"

The voice is over.

Qin Menglan directly displayed Feng Yan's true energy, condensed it in his hands, and then slapped two palms at the demon flame that swept away!

"Fengyan Burning Heavenly Palm!!"

Boom! !

The huge palms formed by the two phoenix flames, like two golden phoenixes, slammed into the demon flame!

"Ice Palm!!"

Gu Qingcheng also quickly condensed the icy anger, and slapped two hands.

"Fengwu for nine days!!"

"Rainbow pear flower needle!!"

"Black Demon Light Wave!!"

"Prajna Bodhi palm!!"

"Bajiquan! Tongtian Cannon!!"

"Poying Nine Changes! Baihong Guanri!!"


For a while, Gu Qingcheng and the others all performed their stunts and attacked the fierce and terrifying demon flame!

Although, on their own, Gu Qingcheng and the others are indeed not Winterburn's opponents.

However, when everyone joins hands, the power cannot be underestimated.

Boom! ! ——

The frantic explosion sounded!

The sky was shaking, the mountain shook, and the whole island shook!

That group of demon flames, which was already weakened, could not withstand the siege of this force, and was directly extinguished!

Winterburn couldn't help being surprised when he saw this!

Although these people are ants in his eyes, he did not expect that these ants could burst out such terrifying power when added together!

Winterburn didn't dare to hold it up any more, instead he opened his arms and chanted a mantra in his mouth.

Groups of dark clouds gathered above his head, and there was lightning flashing faintly!

"Eight Desolate Devil Dragon!!"



In an instant, a burst of monstrous demon flames vented from Winterburn's body, forming eight huge blood-red dragons, and they attacked and slaughtered them one after another!

Moreover, Winterburn did not stop there, but continued to wave the blood knife in his hand!

"Evil's Blade! Anger and Blood Storm!!"

Huh! !

Cut out with a knife, a thick **** storm swept through the air, and the eight-headed magic dragon blasted towards the attack!

boom! !

Boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

A series of earth-shattering explosions blasted on the island, with terrifying power, like an atomic bomb exploding here!

The violent wind, the roaring energy and the power of true Qi rushed in all directions, destroying everything within a radius of several hundred meters!

Especially the area where Gu Qingcheng and others are located has become a bare flat ground!

The people who have fled to the small town stared blankly at this scene in the distance, shocked and dumbfounded!

Even though they are so far apart, they can still feel the impact of this force, and even more feel the ground under their feet is shaking!

"Who is that guy? Couldn't even Lord Elena and the queens team up to beat him?"

"I don't know, now I can only hope that the purgatory king can defeat this guy..."

"Speaking of the king of purgatory, why did the man disappear after two hits just now?"

The people in the small town began to sigh and talk, and they couldn't help but feel a little worried about who would win this battle.

At this time, in the back mountain.

The eight-headed magic dragon released by Winterburn and the one-shot blood knife completely destroyed the attacks of Gu Qingcheng and others!

However, Winterburn also paid the price!

The power of the blood knife was offset, and there were only four of the eight-headed dragon!

But because of this, Gu Qingcheng and the others still couldn't be happy!

The guy in front of him is so strong that they can't beat him together!

Standing still in the air, Winterburn looked down at everyone, and a huge wave rose in his heart, which was very restless.

"I originally thought that the power of ants is very humble, but your power is beyond my imagination..."

Winterburn said lightly, "It seems that I have to be serious about dealing with you..."

With that said, Winterburn raised his energy again!

Boom! !

Boom! !

Suddenly, the sound of muffled thunder resounded in the dark clouds, and the sky and the earth changed color with violent thunder and lightning!

"Evil is alive! Devil fangs!!!"

Winterburn waved his arms.

Click! ! ...

There are cracking sounds!

I saw that blood-red sharp thorns that were as thick as a tree trunk, and like the fangs of a devil, broke through the ground and pierced towards Gu Qingcheng and the others on the ground!

"Everyone, get out of the way!!"

Lu Qinghong shouted, and then condensed a green sword, stepped on the green sword, and flew high into the sky!

Although he has just learned the art of swordsmanship and he is not very proficient, but at the moment he can't take care of that much!

Fei is not here, so he must be on his own and protect everyone!

Gu Qingcheng and the others were also taken aback, and hurriedly retreated in all directions.

"Qinglian Sword Song!!"

"Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days!!"

Lu Qinghong hung upside down in the air, and with a sharp sword, he stabbed downward!

call out! !

A sword pierced out, and a green lotus sword intent that was small from the dust was like a rushing waterfall, impacting downward!

boom! ! ——

A sword fell, and the whole earth shook violently!

The violent power ripples dissipated in all directions, and the sharp sword intent was like a cutting machine, cutting off that large piece of blood fangs that broke out of the ground!

Immediately, Lu Qinghong writhed in the air again, and the Qinglian sword in his hand swung downwards, creating a more majestic Qinglian sword intent!

"There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the sails will hang straight for the sea!!"

Huh! !

A sword is swung, and the shadows of the sword are piled up, like a surging river, rushing down! !

With the roaring sound, all the fangs below were destroyed and completely disappeared!

"Fuck! When did Xiao Lu become so powerful?!"

Tang Yu couldn't help exclaiming when he saw this scene.

"It seems that I have to work harder too!"

Zhang Baokun scratched his head and yelled.

The other women were fortunate, but fortunately Lu Qinghong was there.

Sure enough, the perverted brothers are also perverted.

However, at this moment, the four-headed magic dragons all rushed forward and attacked Lu Qinghong together!

Lu Qinghong was sweating coldly, a little overwhelmed!

He suddenly raised the Qinglian Sword in his hand and moved it forward!

Boom boom boom! !

The four-headed dragon slammed into Lu Qinghong's body fiercely!


Lu Qinghong spouted a mouthful of blood, his body was like a cannonball, and he flew upside down. With a "boom", a large mountain was knocked down!


"Xiao Lu!!"

"Brother Lu!!"

The expressions of Gu Qingcheng and others changed drastically, and they yelled anxiously.

"Although this kid is good at strength, even the purgatory king is not my opponent. What storm can he make by himself?"

Winterburn sneered, then spoke lightly.

Gu Qingcheng and others raised their eyes to Winterburn, with killing intent in their eyes.

"Give it all to me!!"

Winterburn screamed, ready to launch the final blow to solve everyone.

But at this moment.

Boom! ! ——

Suddenly, a thunderous roar resounded!

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the hill where the chaotic rocks were piled up, and saw that a golden sword light suddenly broke through the pile of chaotic rocks, soaring into the sky, as if to pierce the sky!

Accompanied by this sword light, I saw thousands of golden swords destroying all the piled stones, breaking the stones out, and floating above the sky!

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