Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2525: , All funerals!

Immediately afterwards, a golden figure stepped on the golden sword, holding the huge sword of infuriating energy, and then rushed out of the rock, and jumped into the sky, just like a dragon!

After this figure stood in the air, his eyes burst with golden light, his eyes were like thunder and lightning, and he stared straight at Winterburn!

Moreover, thousands of golden swords were suspended above his head, as if the gods were alive, watching the world!

"Ye Fei!!"

"Brother Fei!!"

"It really scares me to death, knowing that this bad guy is okay!"

When Gu Qingcheng and others saw that Ye Fei was okay, a stone in their hearts finally landed.

Winterburn also showed a look of surprise, his brows frowned, and he stared at Ye Fei firmly.

He knew that Ye Fei was not dead, but he didn't know that this kid had recovered so quickly.

Damn it!

Ye Fei stood proudly in the sky, holding a huge sword of infuriating energy, pointing at Winterburn, and indifferently said: "Old Bat, your opponent is me, don't make a mistake!"

Hearing this domineering voice, I saw this man who looked like a golden war god.

There was a burst of obsession in the eyes of Gu Qingcheng and other women.

Worthy of being the man of his own choice.


Domineering unparalleled.

As for the three of Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu, their faces were full of enthusiasm, and they clenched their fists in excitement.

Men should be so, standing proudly between the world and overlooking the world!

At this time, in the distance, the people in the small town and the warriors in the temple also saw the golden figure in the sky, and each one was admired, showing reverence and fanaticism!

"Purgatory King!!"

"Long live my king!!"

Everyone hugged their chests, shouted loudly, and bent down.

Facing the king, they willingly chose to surrender.

This is not shameful, this is a kind of respect for the strong.

At this time, behind the mountain.

Above the altitude of forty to fifty meters.

A golden figure and a blood-red figure were standing opposite each other, and there was a fierce fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

The air solidified, the scene became extremely quiet, and the atmosphere became tense.

There was a pause for less than ten seconds.

Ye Fei didn't talk nonsense, and took the lead in attacking!

The old bat just beat himself dizzy for a long time before he came back, and now he wants to come back all the way!


Ye Fei screamed loudly as he rushed towards Winterburn!

Following Ye Fei's movement, the tens of thousands of golden swords suspended in the sky also broke through and unsheathed, and then launched an impact together!

"Ten thousand swords are coming!!"

Ye Fei screamed, and directly swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand towards Winterburn!

Huh! !

A sword swung out, like a broken bamboo, like a thunder and lightning, golden light bursts!

Along with the swing of this sword, the tens of thousands of golden swords also whizzed towards Winterburn!

Awe-inspiring, a storm of sword intent swept across the entire high sky, murderous!

The golden sword intent illuminates the entire sky, piercing the dark clouds above!

Ye Fei has a man of ten thousand swords, like an ancient king, leading thousands of troops and horses, conquering the city, with unparalleled domineering!

"Evil Blade! Thousands of knives slaughter!!"


In the sky above Winterburn, thousands of blood-red blades were also condensed, with evil, gloomy, dark energy and Ye Fei's sword intent to compete with each other!

It's really like two armies facing each other!

boom! ! ——

In a flash.

The great sword of true Qi in Ye Fei's hand collided with the blood knife in Winterburn's hand!

Moreover, when Ye Fei and Winterburn fought, the tens of thousands of golden swords collided with tens of thousands of blood knives!

Qiang Qiang! ! ...

The impact sounded one after another, as if returning to the ancient battlefield!

Jin Ge iron horse, the two armies clash, the momentum is magnificent, resounding through the entire island! !

For a time, the bursting power of Ye Fei and Winterburn, combined with the strength of thousands of swords colliding, was extremely powerful, and they rushed in all directions!

"Everyone quickly resist!"

Qin Menglan felt these two heart-palpiting powers, and quickly reminded them loudly.

Everyone didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly released all the true energy in the body to resist the impact of these two forces!

Layers of force were scouring in all directions like ocean waves. The mountains were shaken down several times, and the forests were also shaken down!

Nothing can withstand the sweep and impact of these two forces!

At this time, the tens of thousands of golden swords and tens of thousands of blood knives in the sky disappeared in the sky after rounds of collisions!

Ye Fei's heart shuddered, but he didn't expect that the triple explosion of sword intent he used would not be able to shake Winterborn!

Therefore, Ye Fei did not hesitate anymore, but directly raised the physical strength and sword intent to the state of quadruple explosion!

The state of quadruple explosion is also Ye Fei's current limit state!

Although the strength in the limit state will increase by hundreds of times, the consumption of physical energy and sword intent is also unprecedentedly huge!

Therefore, Ye Fei is generally not a last resort and will not use the limit state!

But now, in order to defeat this thousand-year-old bat, I can only give it a go!

"Good boy, I didn't expect your strength to be improved!"

Winterburn narrowed his eyes, "It seems that if I want to defeat you, I have to use my ultimate strength..."

"Evil power! Fully open!!"

Winterburn screamed, and his thin body doubled, and his body instantly became burly a lot!

And the blood knife in his hand has become more generous, the size of the huge sword of infuriating energy in Ye Fei's hand, as if holding a door panel!


Ye Fei smiled coldly, and said, "That's interesting..."


Ye Fei said, he burst into a shout, and directly put aside other messy moves, but returned to the primitive, holding the infuriating giant sword in both hands, crushed it, and used the most original swordsmanship moves toward Wen. Tabern is a slashing slash!

And Winterburn also waved the blood knife in his hand, constantly defending and counterattack!

Qiang Qiang! ! ...

The clash of swords kept blasting in the air!

The figures of the two of them are like two lightning bolts of gold, one red, and they collide violently in the air!

Bang bang bang! !

Boom boom boom! !

The figures of the two moved at high speed in the air, reaching the extreme!

Lu Qinghong and others below couldn't see the trajectory of the two people's battle at all, they could only see the two rays of light colliding in the air!

These two rays of light are in the air for a while, on the ground for a while, and on the top of the mountain for a while!

But no matter where the two pass by, everything there is destroyed and shredded, completely unable to withstand the fighting and collision of the ultimate strength of the two!

The rolling mountains are broken everywhere, and there are countless pits and pits on the ground!

Standing far away, Gu Qingcheng and others were completely sluggish!

Everyone is completely speechless, this level of battle is basically a non-human battle!

so horrible!

It's so scary!

"Is this the true power of Fei Ge?"

Lu Qinghong looked at Ye Fei with a complicated expression, with fanaticism, admiration, and bitterness in his eyes.

He thought he was about to catch up with Ye Fei, but now he saw that he was completely a frog at the bottom of the well.

Although the cultivation base was only one level behind Fei, in terms of strength, there was too much difference, and he couldn't catch up at all.

"Hey, how can you chase this?"

Tang Yu smiled helplessly, and said, "Let's practice honestly. It's hard to get to the sky if we want to catch up with Brother Fei!"


Zhang Baokun grinned and said, "Brother Fei is really amazing, I have to become so amazing in the future!"

At this time, after several hundred moves in a row, above the sky, the two figures were directly shaken back by fifty or sixty meters!

The two stabilized their bodies, their foreheads and bodies were wet with sweat, and they gasped for breath!

Ye Fei panted and said, "It's no wonder that the blood clan can stand for thousands of years. With you old bats, the blood clan might really last forever..."

Winterburn also panted and said: "Your kid is also quite powerful. It is really not easy to be able to withstand my attack under the limit of strength...

It's a pity that you are still too young. If you give you a few more years, maybe I will lose out...

But today, you can only die in my hands..."


Ye Fei sneered, and said: "The outcome is still unclear, then let us see who died in whose hands!!"

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