Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2526: , Pierce the sky!

"very good!"

Winterburn replied loudly, "Then try it!"


Ye Fei suddenly lifted the infuriating giant sword in his hand and stabs it towards Winterburn!

"Sword intent four bursts! Sword dominates the world!!!"

laugh! !

A sword pierced out, bringing out a hundred-meter-long broad golden light blade, like a golden dragon roaring out, across the sky, it is bound to give Winterborn a sword hole! !

"The Evil Blade! The magic sword screams!!!!"

Winterburn didn't hesitate either, suddenly raised a knife and swung it towards Ye Fei!

Huh! !

Cut out with a single knife, a hundred-meter-long blood-red light blade drove a violent yin wind, and hit the sword intent that Ye Fei had hit head-on!

Moreover, among the blood-red light blades, one can even see the figure of demon heads, waving their claws, opening their mouths in the blood basin, and howling inside!

Sacrifice knives with blood and forge knives with demons. This is a blood knife!


boom! ! ——

Ye Fei's sword intent and Winterburn's knife had a head-to-head crazy collision!

The most fierce king's sword intent, with endless momentum of killing, slayed all the demon undead hidden in the blood knife!

However, because the power of Winterburn's sword is too fierce and cruel, even if Ye Fei's sword intent is strong, he still can't completely destroy it!

Huhuhu! !

Shattering! !

The power spread, the storm swept, and it was fierce, like a typhoon passing by, like the neighing of ten thousand beasts!

However, what surprised Winterburn was that Ye Fei's sword intent was even as good as his own blood knife!

Winterburn frowned, and did not continue to fight Ye Fei in close quarters, competing for strength, but roared: "Heaven descends evil thunder!!"

Boom! !

A loud noise!

Above the dark clouds, a thick blood-red thunder and lightning fell like a giant python, falling from the sky, slashing down towards Ye Fei below!

"Brother Fei!!"

"Ye Fei!!"

"Ye Fei be careful!!"

When the people in the distance saw this, they were alarmed.

Just looking so far away, you can feel that this thick blood-red thunder and lightning contains unimaginable terrifying power!

"The body of sword intent!!"

Ye Fei didn't have time to dodge, and there was a loud shout in his mouth.

I saw that a generous phantom of sword intent appeared on Ye Fei, as if putting on a golden armor for Ye Fei, mighty and extraordinary!

boom! ! ——

In the blink of an eye, this blood-red violent thunder smashed Ye Fei's body severely, shocking Ye Fei's whole body, and the phantom of the sword intent suddenly weakened by a few points!

Moreover, this evil thunder has the power to shock people. Although Ye Fei's body withstands this evil thunder, he feels dizzy and painful in his head!


There was a cold sweat on Ye Fei's forehead, and he was shocked in his heart.

Only he knows how strong his sword intent is and how strong his defense is.

However, what he never expected was that his body of sword intent could not withstand the bombardment of this evil thunder? !

The key is that this evil thunder can affect one's mental power? !

How the **** is this possible? !

Could it be said that the power of this old bat is really superior to himself? !

If this is the case, how can this battle be fought? !

Ye Fei's heart couldn't help but sank to the bottom!

If you can't even fight this old bat, how can you fight the king of the gods?

"Wind thunder switch!"

Winterburn also noticed that Ye Fei's sword intent had been weakened a lot, so he waved the blood knife in his hand again, causing a **** storm.

Huh! !

With a slash, the evil thunder hidden in the dark clouds from above the sky was once again pulled, and slashed downwards!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A series of blood-red violent thunders like a giant python descended from the sky, like a god's punishment coming to the world, and they smashed towards Ye Fei below!

"Oh shit!!"

Ye Fei yelled, his body moved, moving in the air, wanting to avoid this evil thunder first.

Boom! !

Rumble! !

While moving at high speed, Ye Fei avoided a lot of lightning attacks!

The evil thunders that fell from the sky shot down to the ground, cutting the earth into deep scorched holes!

After Ye Fei wanted to avoid the evil thunder, he directly attacked Winterburn!

However, what shocked him was that the evil thunder that fell from the sky directly surrounded him and connected the world, so that he could not escape the cage of evil thunder at all!


Ye Fei bit his teeth and continued to move at high speed in the air!

However, although the speed is very fast, because of the pain in the head and the intensive lightning falling at the same time, he was still hit by a few evil thunders!


Ye Fei let out a painful cry, and fell straight toward a mountain.

boom! !

Ye Fei's body slammed heavily on the top of the mountain, stunned that the mountain was knocked down more than half!

The stones fluttered and the dust surged, making people unable to see Ye Fei's figure! !

"Ye Fei!!"

"Brother Fei, run away!!"

Gu Qingcheng and others were terrified.

"Elena, it was clear that the two were equally matched just now, but why suddenly Ye Fei was shot down?" Qin Menglan asked worriedly.

Elena frowned and said: "When I fought Winterburn just now, I felt his power is not only fierce, but also has the power to destroy people's spiritual power.

The Wang’s physical and mental powers are already very strong, but facing the spiritual destruction in Winterburn’s extreme state, the Wang still cannot bear..."

"Then what to do?!"

Gu Qingcheng's eyes were red.

Elena took a deep breath and shook her head bitterly: "I don't know what to do..."

For a while, everyone's expressions became extremely worried and nervous.

They thought that Ye Fei could defeat Winterburn, but they didn't know Ye Fei could not do it.

Could it be that everyone is going to die here today?

At this time, Winterburn didn't think about letting Ye Fei go, but constantly wielded the knife and drove blood-red evil thunders towards Ye Fei.

After all, Ye Fei's strength is really too strong, which makes Winterburn feel very uneasy.

If you don't kill it all at once, it is possible that you will die in the end.

Therefore, he cannot allow any factors of instability to occur.

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Rows of sturdy evil thunders are still falling down!

Ye Fei endured the pain of body and brain, stood up from the pile of rocks, jumped into the air, and constantly moved in the air, trying to avoid this dense evil thunder!

However, because there was no barrier in the air, Ye Fei was struck by a few thunder and lightning again, and the sword intent on his body was directly destroyed, and his body was full of smoke!

After several successive attacks of evil thunder, Ye Fei couldn't bear it anymore, and his body fell on a big mountain again, shaking that big mountain!

Ye Fei was lying on a pile of rocks, gasping for breath, feeling as if his body was falling apart, and there was severe pain everywhere!

I don’t know how many times I have been hacked...

Fortunately, I have always forged my body, forged my skin, muscles, bones, muscles, and blood... Otherwise, I would have endured the violent bombardment of these evil thunders, and I would have been broken into pieces!

However, before Ye Fei calmed down, several evil thunder fell from the sky again, slashing towards Ye Fei on the rock!


Ye Fei shouted angrily, turned over and jumped up, and left the pile of rocks directly.

Boom! !

These evil thunders directly smashed the pile of rocks that Ye Fei was lying on just now!

Ye Fei was secretly frightened, but fortunately he was hiding fast, or else he would be hit again!

However, Ye Fei had no time to rejoice, and a few evil thunders fell above his head!

"Depend on!!"

Ye Fei pointed his **** at Winterburn, and then ran away frantically!

However, those evil thunders seem to have spirituality, no matter where Ye Fei runs, they will follow wherever they go!

Ye Fei moved on the ground for several consecutive moments. After avoiding those evil thunders, he immediately stepped on his golden sword and rushed towards Winterburn in the sky!

This time, Ye Fei approached Winterburn with great ease, and it seemed that the evil thunder that came down from the dark clouds had decreased a lot!

Ye Fei didn't think too much, only if after playing for so long, Winterburn's power was weakened!

So, in a flash, Ye Fei had already arrived in front of Winterburn, the distance was only ten meters away!

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