Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2527: , Ultimate strength!

Ye Fei was overjoyed!

It's now!

"go to hell!!"

Ye Fei swept up quickly, holding swords in both hands, and violently slashing towards Winterburn!

A sword smashed, as if to open a mountain and crack the ground, breaking through the entire void!

However, Winterburn saw Ye Fei struck with a sword, but didn't make any movement, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Ye Fei was startled, and didn't understand what Winterburn really meant.

But at this moment, Ye Fei suddenly felt the muffled thunder sound above his head!

When he raised his head subconsciously, he saw an evil thunder that was stronger than before, like a huge tower, smashed down without knowing it!

It's not so much hacked down, it's better to be suppressed!

not good!

In the count!

Ye Fei's heart shuddered, but when he reacted, it was already too late!


Ye Fei screamed sternly, this evil thunder slammed on his chest fiercely, as if to completely smash him into pieces!

With a loud "bang", Ye Fei's body fell straight, smashing the ground directly out of a huge human pit!

Shake the dust and rocks on the ground several feet high!

"Ye Fei!!"

Gu Qingcheng screamed, tears bursting out of his eyes, feeling the piercing pain, and desperately rushed towards Ye Fei.

Qin Menglan and the others were also extremely anxious, and rushed over, wanting to see what happened to Ye Fei.

The evil thunder just now was really terrifying, how could this ordinary person be able to bear it?

However, Ye Fei was holding a sword in his hand, slowly climbing up, his body was stained red with blood, and many places were scorched, still smoking.

Especially in the chest area, there was a **** mouth of 20 or 30 centimeters, the skin was open and fleshy, and the bones were deeply visible. It hurts when you look at it!

However, Ye Fei had already lost consciousness and was numb because of the pain in his body too much!

He covered his head with one hand, and Jin Yan's beating eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled at Gu Qingcheng and the others: "What the **** are you doing here?! Go! Go! Go!"

"Want to go?"

Winterburn jokingly smiled and waved his arm, "Since they are all gathered together, then I won't kill them one by one... let me die!!"

Rumble! !

More than a dozen blood-red evil thunders fell from the sky, and the target was pointed at Ye Fei and the others below, preparing to kill everyone in one go!


Ye Fei yelled angrily, his fighting instinct made him react instantly, and the infuriating giant sword in his hand pointed towards the sky.

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!!"

Click! !

I saw that tens of thousands of golden swords condensed in the sky, converging in an instant, and quickly formed a huge sword and shield, like a golden sun, exuding dazzling golden light, blocking the sky! !

boom! !

When the sword and shield just condensed, one of the evil thunders smashed on it, shocking the sword and shield!

The golden light flashed, and the violent power rushed away in all directions!

However, the defense of the sword and shield in the state of Sword Intent Quadruple Explosion was still very strong, and this evil thunder could not break the defense of the sword and shield!

boom! !

But soon, the second evil thunder smashed on the sword and shield!

The sword and shield shook again, and the bright golden light suddenly became darker!

"What are you doing here? Go away!!"

Ye Fei also knew that the sword and shield could not withstand the bombardment of too many evil thunders, so he only hoped that Gu Qingcheng and others could leave here quickly.

"I do not go!!"

Gu Qingcheng's silver teeth clenched, tears in her eyes.

"We are gone, what do you do?!"

Bai Ningbing hissed.

"Yes, die together!"

Qin Menglan's eyes were red, and she gave a sweet voice.

"Wang, I will stay with you, whether you live or die..."

Elena said lightly, she was determined to die.

The other women and Lu Qinghong were not willing to go, they wanted to accompany Ye Fei to bear it together!

How could they watch Ye Fei endure this huge pain without paying attention?

Although Ye Fei was moved in his heart, it was obviously not the time for hypocrisy at this moment!

The "rumbling" thunder is still blasting from above, and the sharp and violent evil thunder is desperately bombarding the sword and shield!

The sound resounded through the sky and the sky!

Ye Fei frowned, looking at the increasingly dim sword and shield, and said solemnly: "If you don't leave, how can I let go and fight him?

As long as I don't want to die, this bit of lightning can't kill me! ! "

Boom! !

But the moment when the last violent thunder fell!

Only a loud "click" sound was heard, and this golden sword and shield broke open!


Ye Fei shouted angrily, raised his left arm, and directly struck out a palm wind, shaking Gu Qingcheng and the others away!

Immediately, Ye Fei turned around, swung his sword directly, and slammed a sword toward the several evil thunders that fell!

Huh! !

A sword swung out, although several evil thunders were destroyed, but the other evil thunders smashed Ye Fei's body one after another!


Ye Fei roared in pain, the skin on his body was split, the blood vessels burst open, and the blood flowed down unstoppably!

At this moment, Ye Fei's entire body was dyed red, and there was no place in his body for a long time!

Although Ye Fei's body has a strong recovery ability and his body is quite tyrannical, even an iron man can't stand the bombardment of these dozens of evil thunders!

"Ye Fei!!"


Everyone screamed with tears in their eyes.

"Damn it! Fight it!!"

Ye Fei bit his teeth, enduring the severe pain of his body, stepped on his golden sword, and flew high into the sky in the face of the dozens of evil thunders that had been smashed again! !

"Sword Intent Quadruple Explosion!! Wild Ancient Sword Dragon!!!"

A sword stabbed...


The sound of a dragon chant resounded throughout the world, as if it were passed from the ancient times, shocking everyone's soul!

I saw that a strong golden stegosaurus with a length of 100 meters appeared in the air, tossed and soared, and rushed towards Winterburn in the sky!

The appearance of the stegosaurus directly blocked Ye Fei's bombardment from a lot of evil thunders!

Perhaps it was bombarded by evil thunder, this domineering stegosaurus was stimulated, roared frantically, and continued to rush towards Winterburn!

Winterburn was shocked, and he didn't expect Ye Fei to be able to perform such a sword move!

The key is that this stegosaurus composed of tens of thousands of golden swords is not afraid of its own evil thunder!

Feeling the terrifying coercion of this stegosaurus, Winterburn did not dare to drag it further, but instead released all the dark power in his body!

In an instant, Winterburn seemed to be shrouded in a huge shadow!

Above his head, there seemed to be a black dragon head phantom!

"The evil dragon destroys the world!!!"

Accompanied by a loud shout from Winterburn.


There was another sharp dragon chanting sound.

I saw that a blood-red dragon with a length of 100 meters broke through the dark clouds and appeared in the sky, tumbling in the air, and hitting the stegosaurus head-on!

The stegosaurus was exuding golden light all over his body, and his breath was as strong as the sun, like a nine-day dragon!

The blood-red light radiated from all over the blood dragon, and the breath was so yin to evil, like an abyssal evil dragon flying out of the eternal abyss!

One righteous and one evil two giant dragons in the sky, dark clouds hovering above, and lightning flashes above, shocking everyone on the island!

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, everyone thought it was hallucinations, or you were watching a movie!



Ye Fei and Winterborn screamed at the same time.

The stegosaurus and evil dragon roared and rolled, with the momentum of stirring the situation, directly launched the most violent collision!

boom! ! ——

A roar that shook the earth and the earth sounded!

Two rays of light, one gold and one red, bloom over the entire island like a ray of sunshine!

Dark clouds gathered over the entire Lost Island, making the Lost Island completely plunged into darkness, and only two groups of dazzling light emitting from the sky above the back mountain can be seen!

After an impact, the two dragons were bounced out, and then rushed toward each other again!

Every time it hits, it is like a thunder rolling in the sky, sweeping a tornado of hundreds of feet!

boom! !

Boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

After hitting ten times in a row...

I saw that the bodies of the stegosaurus and evil dragon split directly...

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