Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2528: , The heart sinks to the bottom!

Soon, from the heads of the two giant dragons to the body of the dragon, they split every inch!

Then, the two giant dragons turned into dots of golden light and blood-red light, scattered from the sky, like meteors across the sky!

Ye Fei looked at the sky with a look of stunned expression, and his heart was bitter!

Can the ridiculous stegosaurus, who is proud of himself and has created countless miracles for himself, not be able to defeat Winterburn?

How do you fight then?

Lost...Is it really going to be lost?

But how can I lose?

If you lose, what should your women and brothers do?

How could Winterborn let them go?

Do not!

You must not lose, you must not fall!

As long as you still have a breath, you must fight to the end!

Thought of this.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, holding the infuriating sword, turned his head and looked at Winterburn, his eyes were full of warfare!

The unyielding flame in his eyes and the unyielding will!

Winterburn saw his evil dragon and Ye Fei's sword dragon die together, only sighed softly, and said: "Purgatory King, this move should be your strongest sword move?

Although your move is indeed very strong, your fighting skills and destructive power are also very strong, but unfortunately, your cultivation is still not enough, so you can't make your every move and every style erupt with stronger power.

This contest is actually over here...Purgatory King, you have lost..."

"I lost?"

Ye Fei smiled desolately, and said in a shocking voice: "I haven't fallen yet, and I still stand proudly between the world and the earth. You said I lost?

As long as I have a breath, I will fight to the end, I, Ye Fei, haven't lost yet! ! ! "

The voice fell off.

Ye Fei stepped on the golden sword, and directly rushed towards Winterburn!

At this moment, Ye Fei had already given up other sword moves in ancient swordsmanship, but simply relied on the power of his flesh to wave the huge sword of infuriating energy in his hand and slash towards Winterburn!

"I really can't help myself!!"

Winterburn was furious, after avoiding several swords that Ye Fei had swung in succession, he also swung the blood knife in his hand to fight Ye Fei continuously!

After fighting for hundreds of tricks in a row, Winterburn was stabbed with several swords, and the blood continued to flow down!

Winterburn also knows that it is difficult for him to beat the young and strong Ye Fei just by close combat!

Therefore, when Ye Fei turned around and was about to continue swinging the knife, Winterburn raised his arms and screamed: "Evil yoke!!!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, Winterburn's eyes changed from the initial scarlet light to black light, which was extremely terrifying!

boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately after that, a sound like the sky fell from the entire sky, making everyone terrified!

Ye Fei frowned, did not stop, and continued to rush towards Winterburn!

But at this moment.

cough! !

A black iron chain with the arms as thick as an adult, exuding black and red light, flew out of the dark clouds, and directly entangled Ye Fei's left arm!

"what is this?!"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, and when he wanted to break free of this chain, this iron chain tightly entangled his left arm, making it impossible for him to break free!

Cough cough! !

At this moment, three more black chains radiating black and red light jumped down from the dark clouds, and quickly entangled Ye Fei's right arm and two legs!

For a while, Ye Fei's whole person was directly bound by four thick iron chains and hung in the air!

Ye Fei looked at Winterburn coldly and said, "Old Bat, you are afraid to fight me close, so you want to trap me?

Haha, you look down on my power too much, right? "


With that, Ye Fei slammed his arms and legs outwards, trying to shatter the iron chain!

However, no matter how much power Ye Fei used, he couldn't break it at all!

Ye Fei looked at Winterborn with a stunned look, a huge wave turned in his heart!

What exactly is this iron chain made of, and how can it be so strong? !

"Haha, Lord Purgatory, don't waste your efforts. It is impossible to break free from my evil demon..."

Winterburn wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: "I said, you can't beat me... Now, I will send you to hell..."

Before he finished his words, Winterburn held a knife in his right arm and slammed it towards the sky, "Heaven is falling from evil thunder!!"

boom! !

In an instant, an evil thunder like a mad snake fell from the sky and hit Ye Fei's body heavily!


Ye Fei snorted and stared at Winterburn, unwilling to appear in his eyes.

boom! !

Another evil thunder fell and struck Ye Fei's body!


When the second evil thunder fell, Ye Fei finally couldn't stand it, and screamed in pain.

"Ye Fei!!"


Gu Qingcheng and the others below saw this scene, so scared that their hearts almost burst, they screamed.

Tears shed tears in everyone's eyes, and they couldn't bear to look again.

They launched shocks time and time again, trying to save Ye Fei, but Winterburn slapped them with a single knife, and directly shook them out, and they couldn't get close at all!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A series of ten or twenty evil thunders continuously smashed Ye Fei's body!

Ye Fei's screams from the beginning, to the end, no sound can be heard...

His whole body was already covered in flesh and blood, and his blood was surging...

Because the body was too weak, the golden light on his body disappeared, the golden flame in his eyes also disappeared, the great sword of true Qi in his hand, and the golden sword under his feet also disappeared...

Gu Qingcheng and other women below all cried into tears, but there was nothing they could do...

Standing still in the sky, Winterburn saw Ye Fei's dying appearance, so he stopped the evil thunder's continued hacking, and instead waved his right arm.

Huh! !

Ye Fei's whole body was like a falling meteor, falling from the sky, and with a "boom", it hit a big mountain!

The entire hill was smashed and his body fell into a pile of rocks!

At this moment, Ye Fei looked at Winterburn in the sky through the gap between the stones, but his eyes were getting dizzy and his head was dizzy. He heard the screams of Gu Qingcheng and others in the distance, but he couldn't move. NS……

Ye Fei felt that every muscle in his body was torn apart, every tendon burst open, and every bone was shattered...

Can't move, really can't move.

At this moment, Ye Fei felt as if he had become a useless person, and all the power in his body was emptied...

However, he was not reconciled, he was so defeated if he was not reconciled, and he died like that if he was not reconciled!

If I really die, neither my own woman nor my brothers will survive!

can not!

I can't die by myself! !

Ye Fei's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and there was a cry of sorrow in his heart!

However, at this moment, Ye Fei felt that the only ray of true energy remaining in his dantian was as if he heard the master's cry in the dark, and began to flow frantically...

Moreover, with the flow of Zhen Qi, the Zhen Qi that was originally like a small ditch slowly turned into a creek...

Ye Fei, lying in the rocks, also quickly noticed this change in his body.

It was this change that gave him a glimmer of hope.

Do you say you want to regain a new life? !

Ye Fei secretly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and began to quietly run the "Sudden Good Fortune Secret Art".

When the Mind Method starts to work, the infuriating energy that has become a stream continues to spread, slowly turning into a small river, then into a big river, and finally directly into a vast ocean...

At this moment, the true qi in his body became full again, and he began to rush in his body frantically, washing every inch of his skin, every muscle, every bone, every tendon, every drop of blood, and even every cell. ...

With the frenzied rush of this true energy, Ye Fei felt that every part of his body was suffering an unimaginable pain, as if it were about to explode!

Ye Fei was suddenly shocked!

wrong! !

The power of true Qi is soft, like a drizzle, it will not make yourself feel pain at all!

But why does the power of true energy make me feel so painful now? !

Could it be that... your true energy has really changed?

Become the power of heaven and earth? !

At this moment, Ye Fei Mingming felt an invisible force from the outside world continuously pouring into his body at the same time!

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