Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2531: , The realm of heaven and man!

Seeing this scene, Winterburn went crazy!

What a short amount of time, this kid is so strong that he has reached such a realm!

This is no longer a level of battle at all, this is completely unilateral crushing!

Can't beat melee, won't win long-range attacks... Lost, completely lost!


Ye Fei spit out a word faintly, and then gave the order directly with a big wave of his hand.

The five stegosaurus obeyed Ye Fei's order and directly launched the final impact towards Winterburn in the distance!

"Evil's Blade! Shadow Breaking Wind!"

"Devil's hand! Trial!"

"Devil yoke!"

"Bahuang Demon Flame!"

"Evil thunder from the sky!"


Winterburn seemed to be mad, and he played all his stunts and attacked the five roaring giant stegosaurus!

He doesn't know if it's useful, anyway, let's call it out first!

However, what made him desperate was that these attacks were like drizzle to the five stegosaurus, and they had no effect at all, and they couldn't make any waves!

Seeing these five golden dragons approaching towards him, Winterburn was so frightened that he did not continue to attack, but released all his power!

"Burning blood! Ultimate defense!"

Winterburn screamed and bit his finger directly, dripping a drop of blood in the air!

I saw that a blood-red weird circular array suddenly appeared in the air. This blood-red array instantly released a powerful blood-colored energy ray, forming an energy mask to protect Winterborn. in!

In an instant.

Boom boom boom! —

Five consecutive violent shocks exploded, and five stegosaurus slammed into the energy mask condensed on Winterburn's body!

The combined impact of the five stegosaurus was very powerful. The entire island shook, and the sea around the island began to roll and roar, as if it caused a strong earthquake and tsunami!

The bright golden light exploded, directly obliterating the blood red energy mask that Winterburn had shot out!

Even if Winterborn releases all the power, it still cannot withstand the impact of the five golden dragons of Ye Fei!


I only heard a scream of screams resounding across the sky!

I saw that the blood-stained Winterburn fell directly from the sky, and with a "bang", it hit the ground heavily, smashing the ground out of a huge pit!

The ground cracked, splashing gravel dust!

After Winterburn fell, the dark clouds in the sky also disappeared, and the sun filled the earth again!

After the five stegosaurus shot down Winterburn, they returned to the sky above Ye Fei!

Ye Fei waved his right hand to disperse the stegosaurus, and then looked down at Winterborn indifferently!

Now, Ye Fei could no longer feel the coercion and breath of Winterburn.

In other words, the Winterborn at this time was completely scrapped by Ye Fei, and he couldn't even feel any energy in his body.

Gu Qingcheng, Qin Menglan and others also turned their heads and looked at Winterburn, still shocked in their hearts, unable to recover for a long time.

They can't imagine what happened just now...

They couldn't imagine that Ye Fei, who had regained a new life, was so strong that he defeated Winterborn with thunder!

Of course, what Gu Qingcheng didn't know was that Ye Fei had the ability to kill Winterburn in one fell swoop.

However, in order to figure out why Winterborn wanted to kill Elena, Ye Fei temporarily saved his life.

Ye Fei looked down at Winterburn below and asked coldly: "Old Bat, why are you killing Elena, what is your life and death hatred with Elena?"

At this time, Winterburn was covered with blood, and he slowly got up from the ground, his face was covered with blood, and his neatly combed silver hair was also scattered and fluttered with the wind.

Looking at Ye Fei, who looked like a **** above the sky, a touch of determination and pain appeared in his eyes. He pointed his finger at Elena and said bitterly: "Because of this evil planting, I lost my beloved one!

In the past twenty years, I have lived in pain and torment every night and day!

It took me over twenty years to kill tens of thousands of people and take the blood of tens of thousands to revive my beloved!

However, in the end it was nothing, nothing!

Hahaha... an empty... an empty..."

With that, Winterburn seemed to be crazy, crying and laughing again, his voice revealed unconcealed grief, and tears of blood flowed from his eyes.

Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran, Qin Menglan and others looked at Winterburn in a daze, and couldn't help feeling a trace of desolation in their hearts.

Poor people must be hateful, but hateful people are not pitiful?

All hatred has cause and effect.

Although they don't know who Winterburn's favorite is, judging from his painful expression, this man who was like a demon just now can be regarded as a pitiful person with deep affection.

Elena saw Winterburn's painful expression, her eyes were red, and tears continued to flow down.

She didn't know why she was sad, but this kind of sad emotion could not help but surged into her heart like a knife.

Although she looked cold and cold, she had a very kind heart, so she didn't understand why Winterburn would say that she had harmed his beloved.

Elena walked out step by step, crying in her voice: "Old man, I don't know anything, I don't even know who your favorite is, but why do you keep saying that I hurt you? Beloved?

Moreover, your strength is so strong, how could I hurt your beloved...I don't know, I really don't know anything! "

"Of course you don't know anything...because your existence is inherently a mistake!"

Winterburn yelled at Elena, then turned to look at Ye Fei in the sky, and said: "Purgatory King, anyway, my beloved will not survive. Now, I just want to die!

So, it's a man, let me get rid of it! "

"it is good!"

Ye Fei's face was indifferent and said: "Since you want to die, then I promise you!"

With that said, Ye Fei slowly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand, since this guy refused to tell the reason, plus the sin he committed today, death is not a shame!

Therefore, after Ye Fei held the infuriating sword high, he did not hesitate to strike a sword directly at Winterburn below!


With a sword split, a huge golden blade of light fell directly from the sky, like a towering mountain, and like a golden thunder, rolling towards Winterburn!

Under this sword, let alone the current Winterburn, even Winterburn at its peak, facing this sword, will not die and will be crippled!


The sword intent smashed down, and it was just the sword's might that made the ground on which Winterburn stood shook. As for the ground, it was like a bubble, all cracked!

Winterburn watched the huge golden blade of light hit him, his mouth showed a free and relieved smile, then slowly closed his eyes, and murmured: "Medea... I'm here to accompany you..."

At the corner of his eyes, tears flowed down, and the complex thoughts welled up in his heart.

He remembered the happy time with Medea. Although it was short, it made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

However, at this moment nearing death, he regretted and confessed.

If there is another chance to come back, I will definitely not choose to take this step.

After all, Elena is the crystallization of the love between herself and Medea, but she is a killer to Elena...

Shouldn't...really shouldn't!

Perhaps the hope of more than two decades has been lost, perhaps the disappointment has reached the extreme, perhaps...there are not so many...maybe...

Anyway, today I cannot escape death, and only one death can I apologize...

However, at the moment when this sword was depressed, suddenly, a loud and pleasant voice came from afar!


Immediately afterwards, a surging dark magic power made the entire lost island, and even the sea a hundred miles in radius, seem to have fallen into a demon realm!

The whole sky suddenly darkened, which was chilling!

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