Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2532: , Completely crushed!

For a time, above the entire sky, it was like howling ghosts and wolves, and there was a gust of wind, and everything in front of them fell into death and despair!

This power made Ye Fei feel heart palpitations, and even felt that his blood had frozen all at once!

As for Gu Qingcheng and others, they felt that an invisible force was crushed down, making them feel as if they were about to suffocate!

Then, I saw a huge black seven-pointed star black and purple circular light shield, condensing in front of Winterburn, gleaming with bright light, with extremely strong magic power!

boom! ! ——

Ye Fei's sword finally fell, and it slashed heavily on this seven-pointed starlight shield, bursting out with an earth-shattering roar!

The golden sword intent light and the black and purple magic power suddenly burst into bright light, stabbing people's eyes to be unable to open!

However, when the two groups of light disappeared, Ye Fei who stood still in the air was shocked!

The sword intent he swung disappeared. As for the black and purple seven-pointed star shield, there was no sign of damage!

Ye Fei was dumbfounded!

His current cultivation base is in the realm of heaven and human, and he knows how terrifying the power of this sword is.

However, the sword he had just now couldn't even cut this light shield? !

Could it be that this old bat still has a helper? !

But at this time, Winterburn also felt the impact of the two forces just now. He thought he was dead, but he didn't feel any pain.

So, he slowly opened his eyes...

When he saw the black and purple light shield in front of him and the breath that was constantly pouring in from afar, he trembled all over, his eyes were flushed, tears could not stop flowing, and he shouted in surprise and joy: "Beauty it you? Medea, is it you?!

It must be you, it must be you, absolutely can't be wrong! Medea! ! ! "

Winterburn shouted loudly and looked towards the distant sky.

Ye Fei, Gu Qingcheng and the others also turned and looked at the sky with surging dark clouds!

When the black cloud kept approaching, Ye Fei was stunned that his heartbeat was quickening, and his heart was flustered!

This magic is too powerful and terrifying!

He has never felt such a terrifying magic in this world!

As for Gu Qingcheng and the others, who had a low cultivation base, they trembled all over and their faces turned pale!

Soon, that large area of ​​black clouds is pressing down!

Under the black cloud, there was a graceful black figure like a bolt of lightning, which swept over from a distance!

At a distance of more than ten nautical miles, that figure appeared in front of Ye Fei and the others in the blink of an eye!

At the moment when he saw this figure, Ye Fei's eyes flashed with a touch of surprise, surprise, complexity, and confusion, just like seeing a ghost!

As for Gu Qingcheng, Qin Menglan, Xiao Lengyu and others, they looked at the figure in the sky with a dazed expression, and then looked back at Elena on the side, feeling that their brains were about to be messed up!

Winterburn looked at the figure above with tears in his eyes, the joy on his face could not be hidden, and he couldn't even feel the pain in his body!

As for Elena, she looked at the graceful figure infatually, with an inexplicable throbbing and familiar feeling in her heart, as if she and this person have known each other for a long time...

At this moment, standing in front of everyone is a beautiful woman.

The woman is wearing a long black dress, with long amber hair and delicate features, just like the most perfect masterpiece carved by the artist. It is incredibly beautiful.

Especially her pale blue eyes, and her delicate face, are almost indistinguishable from Elena.

If we say that the only difference is the difference in temperament.

Behind this woman are six pairs of black and red wings of light. She stands in the air like a queen high above, giving people the coercive and aura of a superior.

The sudden appearance of this woman made Gu Qingcheng and the others full of doubts.

Who is this woman?

Where did she come from?

Why do you look so much like Elena?

Also, why is Winterburn so excited to see this woman?

Although Ye Fei was also full of doubts, he looked at this woman with a vigilant look, like a big enemy.

He felt that this woman was terrifying, more terrifying than any enemy he had encountered before.

Even facing the second-ranked Wisdom God in the Alliance of Gods, he had never been so scared.

Ye Fei even had an illusion in his heart that this woman could kill herself with just a gesture.

Although this kind of thinking is ridiculous, Ye Fei thinks so in his heart at this time.

This is a deep awe of a strong person who transcends his own cognition.

Ye Fei didn't know whether this woman was a friend or an enemy, so he increased his vigilance, tightly all over, staring at this woman.

Once this woman shows hostility, even if she tries her best, she must fight her!

This woman seemed to see through Ye Fei's thoughts. She turned her head to look at Ye Fei indifferently, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say much, but turned her head to look at Winterburn. The face is complicated.

"Winterborn, why are you doing this? Why are you doing this?"

The woman's red lips lightly opened, and her voice was pleasing to the ear.

At this time, Winterburn was already so excited when he saw this woman's arrival, he cried with joy.

This woman is the one sleeping in the crystal coffin, and also his beloved, Medea.

Although he didn't know why Medea woke up, those were not important anymore.

As long as Medea wakes up, it will be enough, and it will prove that her hard work of more than two decades has not been in vain.

Winterburn wiped his tears and said, "Medea, it's great for you to wake up... You know, during the twenty years you have been sleeping, I have been thinking of you day and night. ,miss you……

I know you are the night witch, in this world, only blood can sustain your life.

Therefore, in the past two decades, in order to wake you up, I killed thousands of people and took their blood...

I know that I have killed thousands of people. I am a big demon who kills people without blinking. I also know that I am guilty...

But, that’s not important anymore, as long as you wake up, everything I did is worth it..."

Upon hearing Winterburn's words, Ye Fei, Elena, and Gu Qingcheng were more puzzled.

Everyone doesn't know what the relationship between these two people is, or what these things Winterburn is talking about, let alone who the Night Witch is.

At this time, Medea sighed softly after listening to Winterborn’s words, and said: "Winterborn, being able to meet and love you, is the happiest thing I have come to this world. NS.

To be able to give birth to a child for you, even if it is to give my life, it is worth it.

But why do you want to kill tens of thousands of people and take the blood of tens of thousands of people in order to wake me up?

You know, I don’t want to **** human blood at all, and you don’t want you to use this method to wake me up..."

Winterburn shook his head vigorously, and said, "Medea, as long as you wake up, you can kill thousands of people, so what?

If I can keep you alive in this world, I am willing to be a devil for a lifetime! "

"You are wrong... a terrible mistake!"

Medea looked at Winterburn with a pained expression, and said: "All you have done will only make me fall into endless pain and self-blame.

I would rather give my life to give birth to this child for you. I just want you to have a spiritual sustenance after my death and be able to raise our children well.

But what about you, why did you come to kill our daughter and why? ! "

Speaking of the latter, Medea's emotions seemed to be a bit agitated, and his voice increased a few decibels.

Moreover, with Medea's emotional excitement, the entire sky of a hundred miles was plunged into darkness. Above that dark sky, there was even more terrifying howling of ghosts and wolves, which was creepy.

However, these words of Medea stunned Ye Fei, Gu Qingcheng and others!

Could it be that Elena is the child of Winterburn and this woman named Medea? !

Ye Fei and the others were shocked... No wonder that Elena and this woman would look so alike, and even the aura on her body is so similar...

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