Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2533: ,shudder!

It turns out... It turns out that Elena is really this woman's child! !

Shocked, confused, and incomprehensible emotions flooded the hearts of everyone!

Especially Elena, when she heard Medea's words, her whole body was stupid!

She stared at Medea blankly, and then at Winterburn, she couldn't recover at all, it felt like she was dreaming!

Since childhood, Elena has been dreaming about finding her biological parents one day in the past two decades.

Moreover, Elena has also been searching for these years, but there is no news of her biological parents.

At the back, Elena had no hope at all.

But today, I actually met my biological parents, and I met in this way on this occasion...

Just when everyone was shocked and there were many questions to ask, but there was no way to ask them.

Winterburn looked at Medea with a grimace, and smiled faintly: "My dear, I know I'm a demon, I'm a bastard, and I know I'm doing something wrong...

If you hate me, please kill me...I am satisfied to see you wake up before death..."

After speaking, Winterburn closed his eyes directly, a smile of relief appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he was not afraid of death at all.


Medea stared at Winterburn closely, took a deep breath, and then said: "Since I have saved you, then I will naturally not kill you. After all, you are the father of our child...

Although I am awake, the energy in my body cannot stay in this world for long.

So, I hope that after I leave, you can fulfill the responsibility of a father..."


Winterburn opened his eyes abruptly and said, "Medea, what do you mean by this? Are you leaving this world?!"


Medea nodded and said, "Although you have allowed me to absorb the blood of thousands of people, it should be said that the energy in my body can support me to survive in this world for ten years.

However, I can’t use this energy. I will release the energy in my body to bring blessings to the relatives, lovers and friends around the dead human beings, so that I can make up for my debt to them..."

" no!!!"

Winterburn shook his head vigorously when he heard that Medea was about to dissipate the energy in his body, and refused to agree.

Medea looked at Winterborn indifferently and said: "I have made up my mind. No one can change it, and neither can you."

Although these words were not loud, they revealed an irresistible pressure, which made Winterburn hesitate to speak.

Winterburn was silent for a while, tears streaming down his face and said: "Medea, why are you doing this?"

"You don't have to say it anymore. This is my decision. I hope you can respect my decision..."

Medea glanced deeply at Winterburn, then vibrated the wings of light and landed from the sky, and then dissipated the wings of light and the pressure on him.

At the moment when Medea dissipated the pressure, all the black clouds in the sky disappeared, and the previous blueness was restored again.

Ye Fei, Gu Qingcheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and felt relieved.

So Ye Fei also jumped to the ground and dispersed the golden sword.

After Medea landed, with a soft smile, he walked towards Elena step by step.

Her smile is warm, like a spring breeze, very elegant.

It is difficult for Gu Qingcheng and others to imagine that such a woman could release such a terrifying coercion just now.

Seeing Medea walking towards her, Elena felt sour in her heart, her eyes became hot, and tears couldn't help but flow down.

She stared at Medea blankly, and she couldn't believe it, her voice choked with a sob: "You...really my mother?"

Medea smiled softly, walked over, stretched out her hand like a white jade, stroked Elena's face, and said softly: "Elena, can't you feel it? You are my child, as long as I Close to you, you will feel a long-lost sense of familiarity.

This is because we have the same blood of the witch and the same breath. This blood is unique and cannot be copied.

Child, as long as your blood is awakened, as long as we are on the same plane, no matter where we are, we can sense each other’s existence..."

As he said, Medea reached out and held Elena's hand, slowly transferred a burst of energy from her body into Elena's palm, then smiled softly and asked: "My child, do you feel it? We? His energy, blood, and breath are all compatible..."

Elena was startled and looked at Medea dumbfounded.

She clearly felt that the energy from Medea merged with the energy in her body perfectly.

In fact, the moment Elena saw Medea, she was almost certain that Medea was her biological mother.

It's just that she couldn't believe that all of this was true.

She was afraid that all this was just a dream, for fear that her mother would not be there when she woke up from the dream.

After all, she waited too long for one day, more than twenty years.

Except for Ye Fei, no one can realize the loneliness and longing in her heart.

Seeing Elena's tears streaming down her face and crying silently, Medea also burst into tears, tears flowing down like pearls.

Medea almost exhausted all his strength and hugged Elena tightly, his voice choked and hoarsely said: "My child, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry...

It’s Mom’s not good... Mom didn’t fulfill her responsibility to give birth to you, but she failed to take good care of you and raise you to grow up..."

Elena shook her head vigorously and choked: "Mom... you didn't sorry me, it's not your fault...

In order to give birth to me, you did not hesitate to pay the price of your life. You exchanged your life for my life. How can I blame you? "


Medea nodded in tears, already unable to say a word, just hope that this gentle time can be longer, and it will be longer.

Ye Fei, Gu Qingcheng and others on the side saw that Elena finally recognized her mother, they couldn't help but moved and were deeply moved.

"Great, sister Elena finally found her mother, it's great..."

Gu Xiaoran wiped his tears and murmured something. .

"Yeah, that's great..."

Gu Qingcheng also nodded, and tears couldn't stop streaming down.

Liu Yiyi even cried directly into tears.

Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran, and Liu Yiyi all remembered the scene when they met their parents, so they felt the same way.

Qin Menglan, Xiao Lengyu and the other women also cried one by one, and their eye sockets became red and swollen.

Even the three rough guys, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu, had red eyes and secretly wiped their tears.

The most beautiful feelings in the world are family, love and friendship.

Because true feelings can move people the most.

As for Winterburn, the moment he saw the mother and daughter Medea and Elena embracing each other, his eyes were wet and a long-lost smile appeared.

Although he wanted to walk over to hug Medea and Elena, he stopped halfway through.

After all, he almost killed his own daughter, and he was not worthy to be the father.

Ye Fei on the side looked at this scene, also sighing.

His eyes were flushed, but his head was held up slightly to keep the tears from falling.

After a while, Ye Fei walked up and said, "Elena, why don't you take my mother to sit in the castle, it's too messy, and it's not a place to chat."

"My mother?"

Medea turned to look at Ye Fei, but frowned slightly.

Ye Fei smiled awkwardly, greeted him, and shouted: "Mom, hello, my name is Ye Fei..."

Medea just glanced at Ye Fei faintly, and then asked, "Elena, what is going on?"

"Mom, go, let's go back to the castle first, and I'll talk to you slowly." Elena said sweetly, holding Medea's hand.

"it is good."

Medea nodded and agreed.

Ye Fei wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart was very restless.

Oh, dear, this mother-in-law is not an ordinary person, just being stared at by her makes people panic!

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