Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2539: , Helpless!

Winterburn looked at Ye Fei with a serious face, and said: "Then you tell me first, why do you want to inquire about the Alliance of Gods?

As far as I know, the most powerful organization in the world today is the League of Gods.

Although, two hundred years ago, the Alliance of the Gods lost to your Huaxia Antiquity Alliance, and many people died, but their foundation has not been shaken.

Therefore, the Alliance of the Gods is still above the entire world, it is a very terrifying existence...

I advise you, if nothing happens, it is best not to provoke the Alliance of the Gods..."

Ye Fei smiled helplessly, and said: "Old Bat, it's not a problem to provoke or not. Now, I have forged a vengeance with the Alliance of Gods..."


Winterburn looked shocked and said, "What the **** is going on, tell me."

"Okay, anyway, now I have time, then I will tell you."

Ye Fei nodded, and then in the following time, he concisely explained to Winterburn what had happened since this time...

Two hours later, Winterborn had listened to Ye Fei's narration.

After listening to Ye Fei's words, Winterburn's face sank, his brows frowned, and he said: "I originally thought the Alliance of the Gods would retreat behind the scenes after losing to the China Antiquity Alliance. What a big move.

Unexpectedly, the Alliance of Gods took two hundred years to recover its strength, only to avenge the Ancient Alliance.

Since the Alliance of Gods has decided to go to war with the Ancient Alliance, then this battle must be unavoidable.

Once this battle begins, I don’t know how many more people will die. I’m afraid it’s inevitable that bones will become mountains and blood will flow into rivers..."

"I wanted to stay out of the matter and lead my women to live a comfortable life... But reality doesn't allow me to do that.

After all, my relatives and friends are involved in this dispute, so I have to stand up..."

Ye Fei sighed deeply and continued: "However, although I have killed many gods, I have also fought against the main gods of the Alliance of Gods.

However, I still know very little about the personnel structure and strength of the Alliance of Gods.

So, old bat, if you know anything, you can tell me..."

Winterburn nodded and said: "As far as I know, the strength of the Alliance of Gods was unprecedentedly strong two hundred years ago.

Moreover, the Alliance of Gods is not like what you said, there are only twelve major gods.

However, since the Alliance of Gods now has only twelve major gods, it shows that the battle two hundred years ago did cause them heavy losses.

Because, two hundred years ago, in the alliance of the gods, in addition to the king of the gods, the wisdom **** Skyer, the Hercules Rak, the **** It Sumner, the rain **** Chuck, the cloud **** Yumu, and the war **** Istab, In addition to the **** of death Apche, the **** Kokata, the star **** Saman, the goddess Ischer, the wind **** Kukulkan, there are other powerful gods.

The **** of anger, Leonus, the **** of earth, Gukmantis, the **** of water, Tupeu, the **** of fire, Toshaw, the **** of hunting, Zamargaon... the six major gods of the six beasts and gods are the eagle **** Amte , Coyote Kedi, Samurai Crow, God Monkey Zuke, Sea Pig Kruger, Jaguar Adug..."

After listening to Winterburn's introduction, Ye Fei was shocked by a huge wave in his heart!

It turns out that in addition to the twelve great gods, the Alliance of Gods once had eleven main gods!

With this calculation, the original main gods of the Alliance of Gods amounted to a total of twenty-three!

Terrible, really terrible!

After all, the twelve major gods are already very difficult to deal with, if there are eleven more, then this battle will not be necessary!

Winterburn glanced at Ye Fei and continued: "So, this is why I told you not to provoke the Alliance of the Gods.

Even though nearly half of the people of the Alliance of Gods died in the war that year, there are still half of the main gods. Therefore, the strength of the Alliance of Gods is still strong enough to make people palpitation.

However, the King of Purgatory, I also admire you very much, and I killed the gods and goddesses with my own strength.

Looking at it this way, there should be only nine main gods left in the Alliance of Gods..."

Ye Fei frowned, suddenly thinking of something, and said: "No, there are still twelve major gods in the Alliance of Gods..."

"Why do you say that? Isn't the other gods dead?" Winterburn asked in surprise.

"Not dead, but resurrected."

Ye Fei squeezed his fist fiercely, and said, "Not long ago, people from the Alliance of Gods lifted three coffins from the bottom of the sea.

In the three coffins, there are three people lying, and I see that those guys care about the people in the coffins so much, which is enough to show that the three people lying in the three coffins are the three main gods who died.

However, the bodies of the three main gods were not destroyed, so they were hidden...

At the beginning I only destroyed one coffin, but the other two coffins were taken away by them. Presumably, the two main gods should have been resurrected by them..."

Winterburn nodded and said: "However, fortunately, there are only twelve major gods in the Alliance of Gods, which is a blessing for you and the Ancient Alliance.

Of course, you can't be too optimistic. Now that they have decided to go to war, it means they are ready.

After all, they have failed once, so they will not allow themselves to fail again.

Lord Purgatory, although your current strength is very strong, if you want to fight against the twelve major gods, it is definitely impossible to rely on you alone..."

"Of course I know..."

Ye Fei nodded, looked out the window, and said faintly: "I hope those guys in the Ancient Alliance can fight for their breath, and then they can share some pressure for me..."

Winterburn was silent for a while, then raised his head to look at Ye Fei, and said in a deep voice: "Purgatory King, since you have decided to participate in this battle, then I won't say much.

However, I hope you can survive this battle and protect Elena... You know, I am Elena's father after all, and I really don’t want anything to happen to her..."

Ye Fei looked at Winterburn firmly, and said in a shock: "Don't worry, old bat, unless I die.

Otherwise, I will definitely protect Elena and my women..."

"That's good."

Winterburn nodded and sighed: "Boy, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since you can no longer stay out of the matter, let it go and fight.

We must win this battle and survive. I will pray for you here..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Yes, you must survive well..."


It was more than two o'clock in the morning.

The Pacific Ocean, a hidden corner, the island of death, where the Alliance of Gods is located.

The night is deep, the stars are all over the sky, and the moon is covered by dark clouds.

At this time, in a retro European-style study room in the Palace of the Alliance of Gods, the lights were still on.

Wearing a black mage robe and a hood, the king of the gods, who couldn't see his face, was sitting behind the desk, with a slender white right hand on the table, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table.

The king of the gods remained silent, maintaining absolute silence, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Just waited a few minutes.

I saw a wave of air in front of me.

Soon, a magic door radiating purple light appeared there.

There are many complicated totems and lines carved on this magic door, which are deep and mysterious.


The door was opened, a slender and tall man, wearing a dark gray tailored suit, wearing a pair of vintage glasses, and curly maroon hair combed behind his head, a handsome and gentle looking man walked out of the magic door.

This man is the second main god, wisdom god, and Skyer in the alliance of the gods.

After Zhishen walked out of the magic door, the magic door disappeared in the air.

"Zhishen, you are here."

The king of the gods raised his eyes to Zhishen, and said a little.

"Meet the king of gods."

Zhishen bends down respectfully, then raised his head and asked: "King of the gods, what can you do with me?"

The king of the gods looked at Zhishen closely and said: "I have already decided. After all the other main gods have cleared the barrier, I am ready to go to war with the Ancient Alliance.

Now, we are fully prepared, so it is time..."

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