Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2540: , Excessive sadness!

Zhishen was taken aback for a moment, and said: "King of the gods, have you really decided? You are not going to wait any longer?"

"Wait? Why wait?"

The voice of the king of the gods did not have the slightest emotion, and said: "For this battle of revenge, we have been waiting for two hundred years. Are we going to have to wait for two hundred years?

You know, now it is the weakest generation of the Ancient Alliance... If you want to complete the revenge plan, now is the best time.

I used prophetic magic to calculate. Now, the Ancient Alliance has realized its problem, and almost everyone is practicing diligently.

This is not a good thing for us...So, the sooner you start, you can completely kill the Ancient Alliance in the cradle..."

Zhishen nodded and said, "King of the gods, since you have already decided, then I won't say more.

As you said, now is indeed the best time to completely eliminate the Chinese ancient martial arts and eliminate the ancient alliance. "

The king of the gods gave a "um" and asked faintly: "Now, which of the main gods have left the pass?"

"Return to the king of the gods, now the Hercules, the gods, the gods of rain, the gods of clouds, the gods of war, and the gods of death have left the gate.

The earth gods and eagle gods need to adjust to their energy and body for a while because they sleep for too long.

Star God and Fengshen were slightly weaker in strength, so the four of them absorbed the energy of the divine stone slower.

However, it should not take a few days before the four of them will be able to leave. "Zhishen replied.

"Well, that's good. As long as it's not too long, it doesn't matter if you wait a few days."

The king of the gods nodded and continued: "Zhishen, have you done everything I told you?"


Zhishen replied respectfully: "Our forces distributed all over the world have all assembled and are ready, and only awaiting your order."

"good very good!"

The voice of the king of the gods increased by a few decibels, and then he said with emotion: "Zhishen, it is a great blessing for me to have you by my side."

Zhishen lowered his head and said respectfully: "The king of the gods, it is also my honor to be able to serve you!"

The king of the gods nodded, was silent for a while, and then said: "Zhishen, I always have a question for you."

"what is the problem?"

Zhishen asked suspiciously.

The king of the gods tapped the desk lightly with his fingers, and asked: "Zhishen, my father asked me to lead you against the Ancient Alliance, is it really just for revenge?"


When Zhishen heard this, his face changed slightly.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

The voice of the king of the gods became cold, and an invisible coercion was suddenly released, making Zhishen tremble slightly.

Zhishen knelt on the ground directly on one knee and said: "The king of the gods, the old king of the gods once confessed that before the Chinese ancient martial arts were wiped out, that matter could not be told to you.

Therefore, the king of the gods, I hope you can forgive me, I didn’t deliberately want to hide it from you, it’s just this matter, I really can’t say..."

"Sure enough, you still have something to hide from me..."

The king of the gods said lightly, raising his hand, and an invisible force lifted Zhishen up, and said: "Since my father won't let you speak, then I won't ask you again.

When I destroy Huaxia Guwu, I will personally go to my father and ask for more information..."

"Thank you for your understanding!" Zhishen said in fear.

The king of the gods nodded and waved his hand: "Okay, nothing is going on, you can retreat."

"Yes, the king of gods!"

Zhishen responded, then opened the magic door and left the study.

After Zhishen left, the study became quiet again.

The king of the gods sat behind the desk for a while, then got up, came to the bed, and looked out the window.

After a long silence, the king of the gods sighed softly and murmured: "Father, I can see through people's hearts, but I can't see what you are thinking.

What are you hiding from me? It's really puzzling..."


at the same time.

It was around six or seven in the morning, China time.

Guwujie, an inaccessible area in the northeast.

The mountains here are steep, and the mountains are undulating, soaring into the clouds, straight into the sky.

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight came down, and everything was revived and full of vitality.

The clouds and mist covering the mountains gradually dissipated.

When the clouds dissipated, one could clearly see that five old men were sitting cross-legged on the top of five of the mountains.

These five old men wore clothes of different colors, some with white hair and white beard, some with purple hair, and some with black lips. They all looked different and had different figures.

Although these five old men looked very old, they were all red, with delicate skin and full of energy. They were not like those old men who were dying in the wind.

At this time, the five old men meditated with their eyes closed, and each of them was surrounded by brilliant rays of light, rushing straight into the sky, as if to break through the clouds.

Their bodies and faces were covered with frost, but after a while, they were steamed dry.

In the ancient martial arts world, there are also many warriors who choose to practice in places off the beaten track, which is not surprising.

It's just that the aura and coercion of these five people are quite terrifying, and they are not comparable to ordinary warriors.

Therefore, these five old men are exactly the five most powerful people in the ancient martial arts world of China today, the poison king, the evil emperor, the thousand-handed man, the old monster of Xingyue and the ghost king of Raksha.

As time passed slowly, I saw the light on the bodies of these five people getting stronger and stronger, their breath and coercion getting stronger and stronger.

Rumble! !

As the breath and coercion of the five people increased, the five mountains shook!


Suddenly, Qianshou Rentu, who was long and thin, with slender arms and large palms, let out an earth-shattering shout!

A red light beam shot straight into the sky from his body, and the mountain he was sitting on shook violently!

Click! Click! ! ...

A series of crackling sounds sounded, and I saw that the rocks under the Thousand-Handed Man Slaughter's Throne began to crack every inch, like a spider web, spreading in all directions!

When the red light disappeared, Qianshou Rentu suddenly opened his eyes!

Whizzing! !

As soon as he opened his eyes, two red lights shot out from his eyes!


Thousands of Hands Ren Tu lightly let out a foul breath, slowly stood up, and then turned his head to look at the old monster of Xingyue and the ghost of Raksha on the two large mountains next to him.

At this moment, the two mountains also shook violently!

I saw that on the bodies of the old monsters of Xingyue and Rakshasa, two beams of light, one blue and one black, also soared into the sky, magnificent!

Soon, Old Monster Xingyue and Ghost Lord Raksha also opened their eyes, and two sharp rays of light, one blue and one black, shot out from their pupils!

"Yeah, that's not bad, I thought I could be the first to reach the realm of great achievement from the dust, but I didn't expect the two of you to break through at the same time as me!"

Thousand-armed people tut their lips, and said something to the old monster Xingyue and the ghost of Raksha.

"Chee, Ren Tu, it seems that your talent is the highest, how are we with each other?" Old Monster Xingyue said disdainfully.

"Whatever each other, my talent is higher than you!"

Qianshou Rentu put his hands on his hips and said aloud.

Old Monster Xingyue smiled and said, "Ren Tu, since our current cultivation base is the same, why don't we compare and see who is stronger?"

"Comparation, who is afraid of whom!"

Thousands of Hands Ren Tu proudly raised his head without fear at all.

"Hey, you are going to fight, can you wait for a while?"

Raksha Ghost Lord pointed to the other two mountains not far away, and said, "Don't you think it is strange, why haven't the Poison King and the Evil King have moved yet?

It stands to reason that the talents of both of them are higher than ours. "

"Huh... this is weird..."

Thousand-handed Rentu turned his head and glanced at the Poison King and the Evil King, his face changed slightly, and he was shocked: "I'll go! When did these two guys break through to the Dacheng Realm? Why didn't I feel it? !"

"What?! They have broken through?!"

"How is this possible?!"

Old Monster Xingyue and Ghost Lord Raksha couldn't believe it, they quickly turned their heads and looked over, carefully looking at the Poison King and the Evil Emperor.

After a few seconds, the two of them trembled, and the corners of their mouths twitched. They looked at each other, stupefied as if they had seen a ghost...

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