Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2544: , The three melee!


Northwest, extremely hot place.

There are many volcanoes here, both extinct volcanoes and active volcanoes, and magma erupts several times a year.

Therefore, the rivers and lakes here are not water, but all tumbling lava.

Because of this, no living animals and plants can survive here.

The ancient martial arts world, no matter whether it is a strong or a weak warrior, dare not come here.

After all, the environment here is really cruel, and if you don't pay attention, you will be burned to death by lava, and there will be no bones.

Moreover, in this extremely hot place, there is a huge magma lake, which reaches seven or eight hundred square kilometers.

In this huge lava lake, the golden red lava is rolling and flowing, and the heat waves are rolling, very terrifying.

Because the temperature is too high, the water vapor in the air has been evaporated, and white smoke is being emitted.

Looking around, there is a raised rock of dozens of square meters in the middle of this magma lake.

Although this rock is small, it has not been melted by the lava, but has always existed.

However, this rock has already been burnt red because of the heat waves that have been invaded for many years.

There is no doubt that if you throw a piece of beef on it, it will be cooked in an instant.

If there is only a raised rock in this lake that is not melted, it is nothing unusual.

However, what is shocking is that at this time, on this rock, there is an old man sitting.

The old man sat cross-legged, dressed in a patched burlap linen, and his long gray hair was tied in many small braids.

Although the old man had white hair and beard, his face was red and his skin was delicate, he didn't look like an old man at all.

Therefore, this old man is the current leader of the beggar gang, an old beggar.

The old beggar didn't know how long he had been sitting on this rock, he was motionless, his body was covered with a layer of golden red light, and the terrifying heat waves and splashing magma couldn't get close to his body at all.

Especially on his face and body, he couldn't even see a drop of sweat, which was incredible.

However, at this moment, I saw a golden red glow falling from the sky and hitting the old beggar.

After the golden red glow came down, it slowly passed into the body of the old beggar.

As the golden-red light entered, the golden-red light shrouded in the old beggar's body became more and more prosperous, and the golden-red light that scorched out was like a burning flame.

For a moment, it seemed that the old beggar seemed to be wrapped in flames.

Time passed by every minute and every second.


When the golden red glow in the sky disappeared, the old beggar opened his eyes suddenly, with his palms facing the sky, his head turned upward, and he made a loud shout toward the sky!

This sound is magnificent, like the sound of a dragon chanting from a dragon above the nine heavens!

Especially in the eyes of the old beggar, two golden and red dragon head phantoms appeared, really like the incarnation of a dragon!


The old beggar screamed, and his body jumped up suddenly, reaching a height of forty to fifty meters!

At the moment when he was flying high in the sky, the old beggar slammed his palms up, condensing the strength of infuriating vitality, and then slammed his palm towards the magma lake!

"Jianlong Zhang! Kang Long has regrets!!"

With two palms out, a golden-red mad dragon rushed down straight down!

boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a shocking explosion!

The entire magma lake began to roll violently, dozens of lavas, like thick pillars of fire, soared into the sky, rising to a height of tens of feet!

Seeing the lava like a blazing mad dragon swept toward him, the old beggar's complexion was calm, without any look of fear on his face, but his figure was tumbling in the air, once again raking up another ten or twenty meters!

Then, the old beggar had his feet up and his head down, and his palms directly slapped the lava that was hitting up from the bottom!

"The flying dragon is in the sky!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

Two palms were shot, and a sound of dragon chants resounded through the world!

I saw that dozens of golden and red dragons, with a sense of destruction, rushed towards the lava that soared up into the sky below!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A burst of muffled thunder sounded!

I saw that the lava rising up into the sky was directly crushed by more than a dozen golden-red dragons, as if it turned into raindrops, and fell into the magma lake!

Afterwards, the old beggar twisted his waist and stood still in the air using the Imperial Air Technique. He raised his arms and slowly waved his hands towards the lava below!

I saw that the lava in the magma lake below seemed to be dragged by some violent force, circling quickly, and tumbling!

A magma vortex seems to have formed under the old beggar!

"Lishe Dachuan!!"

The old beggar yelled, and suddenly raised his arms upwards, "Get up!!!"

Wow! !

The lava below seemed to be out of gravity in an instant, and was swept into the sky directly!

A large piece of golden-red lava is suspended in the air, covering the sky, as if forming a big river of lava in the air!


The old beggar lifted his palms, and then slammed out towards the huge lava river!

Huh! !

I saw that the lava lake was tumbling violently in the air, heading towards a volcano hundreds of meters away!

boom! ! ——

In the blink of an eye, the tumbling lava river slammed into the mountain!

In less than half a minute, the entire two- to three-hundred-meter-high volcano was collapsed!

"Six dragons from time to time!!"

Then, the old beggar slammed his arms up, immediately waved his palms, and hit it down!

Boom! !

Two thunderous sounds sounded, and the lava below seemed to have formed six huge waves soaring into the sky, swept through the air, and directly turned into a dragon shape!

Dragon head, dragon body, dragon tail, dragon claws... the whole looks like six giant lava dragons!


When the six lava dragons formed, the old beggar snapped his arms!

Accompanied by the sound of six dragons trembling through the mountains and rivers, the six lava dragons rushed out in anger in all directions, "boom boom boom", directly smashing and burning all six mountains!

At this moment, the old beggar has the power to destroy the world, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands into rain!

The mountains and rivers are cracked, and the rivers and lakes are roaring!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

Boom boom boom! ! ...

In the following time, the old beggar struck out eighteen palms in a row and collapsed more than 20 mountains. With a move, he swept a hundred miles away, far away from the extremely hot place!

After jumping to the ground, the old beggar came to a cave and took out the wine gourd he had hidden here.

After walking out of the cave, the old beggar held his head up, took a few sips of wine, breathed heavily, and grinned: "I don’t touch the wine for a while, it’s just greedy me! Fortunately, the old beggar is savvy. It’s not bad. I have broken through to the realm of heaven and human. Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take to drink wine..."

After taking a few sips of wine in a row, the old beggar was a little reluctant to drink it all at once, so he closed the lid of the wine gourd.

He hung the wine gourd on his body, then raised his eyes to look at the sky, and sighed: "It seems that the time for the last battle between the Alliance of the Gods and the Ancient Alliance is not far away... I don't know who this battle is. Will be the final winner..."

As he said, a look of nostalgia and heaviness appeared in the eyes of the old beggar, and he muttered: "I don't know what happened to Brother Ye...If Brother Ye was there, I'm afraid the Ancient Alliance's winning rate in this battle would be even better. Taller..."

After a heavy sigh, the old beggar lightly touched his feet and used the air-defense technique to fly high above the sky.

However, just when the old beggar was about to leave here, he suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and looked in one direction, squinted his eyes, and muttered: "It's interesting. After a period of time, there are still people in the ancient martial world who have broken through to the heaven and human realm, and there are still two?

Could it be a few old men from the five ancient martial arts families? But that's not right, the talents of those old men are so average, it's too difficult for them to break into the heaven and human realm... Then who would it be? "

The old beggar thought for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought to himself, could it be those guys?

If it were those guys, then he could just compete with them, and try to see how powerful the Dragon Palm is after breaking through to the Heaven and Human Realm.

Thinking of this, the old beggar flashed his figure, turned into a golden red streamer, and swept towards one direction...

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