Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2545: , Breakthrough at the same time!

To the northeast of Guwujie.

There are beautiful mountains and clear waters, surrounded by green trees, and the air is fresh and comfortable.

In the depths of a secluded mountain forest, there are five big mountains surrounded by mountains, towering into the clouds, like five giants fighting against each other.

Above these five mountains, waterfalls flowed down like a bright galaxy, impacting down.

If there are outsiders coming, they will not find that there are five caves hidden behind the five waterfalls.

This waterfall is a natural barrier, covering the cave, which is very suitable for warriors to clean and repair here.

At this time, in the caves of these five mountains, there are five old men sitting cross-legged and practicing.

These five old men are exactly the five ancestors of the five ancient martial arts families today, Xuanyuan ancestor, Huangfu ancestor, Gongsun ancestor, Ji family ancestor and Qin family ancestor.

Since a long time ago, Ye Fei was seriously injured, martial arts was abolished, and taken away by a mysterious woman, the five great ancestors have met here to practice, exchange martial arts, and comprehend martial arts.

To this day, it is almost half a year.

At this time, in one of the caves, the ancestor Xuanyuan, who was wearing a black gold-rimmed robe with a blue dragon totem painted on his back, let out a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

He sighed heavily, with a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth, "Where did it go wrong? Why can't I improve it any more?

Is it really the old man that I haven't had the chance, or is it that my talent is not enough?

No matter what, you must not just ask for quickness while practicing...It seems that it is time to leave the customs..."

With that said, the ancestor Xuanyuan stood up, his figure flashed, he walked directly through the waterfall, and gently fell outside.

However, when the ancestor Xuanyuan left the pass, the ancestors of Huangfu, the ancestors of Gongsun, the ancestors of the Ji family and the ancestors of the Qin family all jumped out of the cave.

"Brother Xuanyuan, congratulations, your current cultivation has broken through to the realm of Lichen Dacheng, yes, really good!" Huangfu ancestor said with a smile.

"Brother Huangfu, I should congratulate you too, your strength has also broken through to the realm of great achievement." Old Ancestor Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"Hi, I'm lucky, if I let me go one more level, I'm afraid it will be very difficult." Huangfu ancestor waved his hand.

"Brother Huangfu, now you, me, Brother Xuanyuan and Brother Ji have all broken through to the realm of Lichen Dacheng, and Brother Qin has also broken through to the realm of Lichen Xiaocheng, which is already very scary.

After all, to break into the heaven and human realm, there is nothing to meet, at least I have lived so long, and I have never seen anyone break into the heaven and human realm. "

Old ancestor Gongsun smiled and said, "Now, as long as the five of us are here, why should our ancient alliance fear the alliance of the gods?"

"Ancestor Gongsun is right."

The ancestor Huangfu nodded and said proudly: "Even if the strength of the Western Gods Alliance is strong, it will not be able to resist the five of us joining forces."

"Brother Huangfu, I think that since the Alliance of Gods dared to come for revenge, it is enough to show that they are fully prepared.

Therefore, we cannot be careless, we must proceed with caution. "The ancestor of the Ji family frowned, said.

"Well, Brother Ji is right, this battle can't rely on the five of us alone.

To repel the Alliance of the Gods, we need our ancient alliance, and even the entire Chinese ancient martial arts world, to work together. "The Qin family ancestor said solemnly.


Old ancestor Huangfu laughed loudly and said: "Brother Ji, Brother Qin, you are worrying too much. At the end of the war, it was a contest between the masters of both sides.

Therefore, even if we rely solely on our five great families and eight major sects, it is enough to repel the alliance of the gods..."

The ancestors of the Ji family and the Qin family were silent. The ancestors looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes.

It's just that, because the ancestor Xuanyuan, ancestor Huangfu, and ancestor Gongsun just broke through to the realm of great achievement from the dust, they naturally regarded themselves very high and felt that they were the most powerful, and of course they couldn't listen to what they said.

"Okay, this time of cultivation is over. I should also go back to Xuanyuan's house to have a look. When the battle begins, let's meet again!"

The ancestor Xuanyuan said something to everyone, then jumped up into the sky, performed the Imperial Sky Technique, and left.

Immediately afterwards, Huangfu ancestor and Gongsun ancestor also left.

After the Xuanyuan ancestors left, the Qin family ancestor turned to look at the Ji family ancestor, and said, "Kaiyuan, is there any kid in your Ji family whereabouts during this time?"

"That kid?"

The ancestor of the Ji family was shocked and said, "You are talking about Ru Yue's child Ye Fei, right?"

"It's that kid."

The ancestor of the Qin family nodded and said with emotion, "That kid is the most talented young man I have seen for so many years.

He had such a cultivation level at a young age, and he also killed many **** disciples of the Alliance of Gods, and even severely wounded the Fengshen of the Alliance of Gods...

Now, is there any young man in the ancient martial arts world who can do it? "

"That child is indeed very good, and I am also very pleased that the Ji family can have such an amazing junior..."

The ancestors of the Ji family's eyes were red, and he said faintly: "It's a pity, this child's life is too hard, he was beaten to martial arts at a young age, and even now I don't know whether he is alive or dead..."

"Doesn't your Ji family have the whereabouts of that kid now?" the Qin family ancestor asked.


The ancestor of the Ji family shook his head.

"It's a pity..."

The ancestor of the Qin family sighed deeply, and said, "If that kid's is not abandoned, I am afraid that my cultivation level will at least be above the dust."

"Well, brother Qin, don't be too sentimental."

The ancestor of the Ji family patted the ancestor of the Qin family on the shoulder, and said: "Everyone has everybody's fate...As the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. It is a good thing that Feier's kid is abolished."

"What do you say?"

The ancestor of the Qin family was taken aback for a moment.

"In this way, the kid Feier won't have to be involved in this battle, and this disaster has also been avoided.

After all, once the war starts, the bones will become mountains and blood will flow into rivers..." Ji family ancestor sighed.

"It's right to think so."

The ancestor of the Qin family nodded.

"Okay, let's go. Brother Qin will be a guest at my house. Tonight, our brothers should have a good drink so that we won't drink it later." Ji family ancestor joked.

"Okay, you old fellow, stop the crow's mouth, this battle, our Antiquity Alliance will definitely win!" Qin family ancestor said vigorously.

The ancestor of the Ji family was shocked, and then laughed loudly: "Yes, yes! I will definitely win!"


at the same time.

Some forgotten corner of the Pacific, the lost island.

At this time, it was about ten o'clock in the morning.

In a room of the castle, Ye Fei, Winterburn and the others were all standing in the room, looking at Elena on the bed, anxiously waiting for the woman to wake up.

"Brother Fei, why hasn't Sister Elena woke up yet?"

Gu Xiaoran asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, Ye Fei, didn't you say that Elena will wake up today? How come there is no movement at all?"

Gu Qingcheng also asked.

The other women also looked at Ye Fei coldly, thinking that Ye Fei was fooling them.

Ye Fei smiled helplessly and said, "Is Elena's body really okay? Don't worry, wait a minute!"

"Huh! If Elena doesn't wake up, I will ignore you as a quack doctor!"

Bai Ningbing snorted softly.

"Yes! Agree! Ignore you!"

Su Luoyan also echoed.

When Ye Fei heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry. It was the first time he heard someone say that he was a quack.


But at this moment, Elena on the bed suddenly shouted and sat up directly from the bed.

This shout was so shocking that everyone in the room jumped.


When Ye Fei saw Elena wake up, he rushed over and grabbed the woman's pulse to get her pulse.

Elena clutched Ye Fei's hand tightly, and said nervously, "Wang, where is my mother? I had a terrible nightmare just now, I dreamt that my mother was gone!"

Hearing these words, Ye Fei, Gu Qingcheng and others felt their hearts throbbed.

Unexpectedly, this incident would hit Elena so badly that it made the woman feel that Medea left, everything was just a dream.

After Ye Fei learned that Elena was okay, he let go of the woman's wrist, and then he held the woman's shoulders with both hands, and said in a low voice: "Elena, I know this incident will hit you hard...but, Please face reality... Our mother has really left..."

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