Elena looked at Ye Fei in a daze, and for a while, she hid her face and started crying bitterly.

She shook her head vigorously, choked up and said: "My mom didn't leave... she didn't leave...

Wang, you lied to me, right? You must have lied to me, must be..."

Seeing Elena's distressed look, Gu Qingcheng and others felt distressed, but they were helpless.

Because Medea really left, they saw Medea leave with their own eyes last night.

"Sister Elena, don't be sad, please cheer up, Aunt Medea said she will definitely be back.

You and Aunt Medea will definitely be reunited in the future..." Gu Xiaoran comforted with red eyes.

"Yeah, Elena, you have to cheer up and take care of yourself.

If Aunt Medea knew you were so sad and fainted because of it, how sad would she be? "

Gu Qingcheng also offered some comfort.

The other women also began to comfort Elena, hoping that Elena could come out of her sadness.

However, at this time Elena was so sad that she couldn't listen to everyone's words, choked up, and tears kept streaming down.

Ye Fei sighed lightly, and said to Gu Qingcheng and others: "You go out first, I will talk to Elena."

Gu Qingcheng and the others knew that it was useless to stay, so they nodded, then turned and left the room.

After the door was closed, only Ye Fei and Elena were left in the room.

Elena sat on the bed and couldn't stop crying, while Ye Fei sat on the side of the bed, silently looking at the woman, without saying a word.

He was going to wait for the woman to vent the depressed pain and sorrow in his heart.

After all, Elena couldn't listen to whatever she said now.

Cao Xueqin said that women are made of water, which is true.

Elena cried for more than ten minutes, and her tears were almost drained before she stopped crying.

Ye Fei raised his eyes to Elena and said, "Elena, can you listen to me now, right?"

Elena looked at Ye Fei blankly, pursing her mouth, keeping silent.

Ye Fei took a deep breath and said, "Elena, I know this has dealt a great blow to you. I'm afraid I won't be able to stand it for whoever it is.

However, what I want to say is that since this incident has happened and it is a fact, then you should face it firmly instead of being depressed.

The Elena I used to know was so strong, but not so easy to be defeated..."

"Wang... but I just can't help being very sad, sad, this feeling cuts my heart like a knife..." Elena said sorrowfully.

Ye Fei smiled softly and said, "Elena, there is nothing to be sad about this, at least you have already recognized your biological mother.

You also know that she is fine now, but she has returned to her own plane, not really leaving you, is she?

So, you have to believe that our mother will find a way to stay on this plane, and we just need to live a good life, face tomorrow, and wait for her to come back.

Moreover, now is not the time to be sad, we now have to deal with the greatest enemy of the Alliance of Gods.

We need to throw everything out, defeat them, and win the final victory.

Only if we win can we survive, we can hope to survive, and we can reunite with our mother better in the future. Are you right? "

Elena stared closely at Ye Fei's eyes, and she was silent for a while, and her eyes gradually recovered.

Then, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, nodded vigorously, took a deep breath, and said: "Wang, you are right, I shouldn't make unreasonable troubles and make everyone worry about me.

I want to cheer up and quickly improve my strength and defeat the Alliance of Gods!

We must defeat the Alliance of the Gods and survive! "

Seeing Elena's fighting spirit rekindled and refreshed, Ye Fei smiled slightly, touched the woman's head, and said softly: "Okay, change clothes, wash up, let's go for breakfast together.

After eating breakfast, I have to test your cultivation results...Even you, if you don't meet my standards, you can only stay on the island. "

Elena raised the corner of her mouth and said confidently: "Wang, don't underestimate me, I am the daughter of a witch, my blood has been awakened, and my strength is not low."


Ye Fei tweeted, and said, "Then let me see how strong you little witch is!"

After speaking, Ye Fei kissed Elena on the forehead, then turned and left the room.

As soon as Ye Fei walked out of the room, Gu Qingcheng and others who were guarding outside the room surrounded him.

"Ye Fei, how is Elena?" Gu Qingcheng asked hurriedly.

"Yes, sister Elena is all right?"

Gu Xiaoran also quickly asked.

The others also looked at Ye Fei worrisomely.

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Well, don't worry, Elena is not as fragile as we thought.

Let's go, let's go down first, and after Elena washes up, we will have breakfast together, and then I will check the results of your practice during this period of time..."

After speaking, Ye Fei led everyone downstairs to the restaurant.

After Elena went downstairs, everyone saw that Elena was really okay, and everyone secretly admired Elena for being really strong.

After eating breakfast, Ye Fei and his party left the Lost Island and came to Star Island in order not to disturb the residents on the island.

After arriving at Star Island, Ye Fei chose a flat place, glanced at everyone, and said, "Who would like to be the first to be tested?"

Everyone look at me, I look at you, a little afraid to stand up first.

After all, thinking of Ye Fei's terrifying strength, everyone was shocked for a while, fearing that they would not be able to catch Ye Fei's three moves.

Gu Qingcheng glanced at everyone and said solemnly: "Since everyone is unwilling to stand up first, let me take the lead!"

"Sister, come on!"

Gu Xiaoran raised his fist at Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng nodded, then walked towards Ye Fei, and said softly: "Ye Fei, you don't show mercy under your hands, you can do whatever you want!

If I can't catch your three tricks, I can only say that I am inferior to others! "

"Well, this is what you said..."

Ye Fei sighed softly in his heart, with a serious expression: "I won't show mercy to your subordinates..."

The voice did not fall.

Ye Fei's body shook, and directly raised the power of zhenqi above the dust-free state, and a huge sword of zhenqi was condensed in his hand, and golden flames throbbed in his eyes!

Feeling the breath and coercion on Ye Fei's body, everyone was shocked and panicked, their hearts beating faster!

Everyone knows that Ye Fei is serious!

Gu Qingcheng suppressed the fear in his heart, and released all the true energy in his body!

She knew that if she wanted to block Ye Fei's attack, she had to do everything she could, otherwise there would be no hope of catching Ye Fei's three tricks at all!

"Qingcheng, sorry..."

Before Ye Fei's voice fell, his figure suddenly flashed, and suddenly disappeared before everyone's eyes!

When Ye Fei appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Gu Qingcheng!

Ye Fei didn't have any softness, his expression was solemn, and as he approached Gu Qingcheng, he directly swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand and slashed towards Elena!

Huh! !

A sword fell, bringing out a huge golden light blade, with a magnificent momentum and a heavy force, and he couldn't wait to directly split Gu Qingcheng in half!

Feeling the terrifying sword intent of Ye Fei's sword, Gu Qingcheng's pretty face turned pale, and with a violent wave of his arms, he let out a surging ice and innocence!

"Xuanbing Shield!!"

In an instant, I saw a thick ice blue ice shield blocking Gu Qingcheng's body!

boom! !

At the moment when the profound ice shield was formed, Ye Fei's sword had already been severely slashed, and there was a loud noise!

I only heard a "click", this thick, five-to-six-meter-high ice shield cracked directly, breaking into ice scum!


Gu Qingcheng's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to fight with him. He kicked his legs to the ground, and his body violently withdrew from a distance of seventy or eighty meters!

At the moment when Gu Qingcheng retired from the violence, Ye Fei's remaining sword intent was severely smashed on the ground!

Boom! ! ——

The whole earth shook, and a deep and wide gap continued from Ye Fei's side to Gu Qingcheng's side!

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