Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2551: , Mystery mail!

"Boy, what is your decision?"

The dragon lord asked a little nervously.

In fact, when he heard that the alliance of the gods had sent a warning email to Ye Fei, the Dragon Lord was still a little worried, worried that Ye Fei would not participate in this battle.

After all, this battle is undoubtedly a life-and-death battle between Huaxia Guwu and the Western Alliance of Gods, as well as a shuffle battle of the underground world organization.

Once the war starts, it will be devastated, bones will become mountains, blood will flow into rivers, and the number of casualties will be immeasurable.

Ye Fei jokingly smiled and said, "Dragon Lord, are you worried that I will change my mind?"

"Haha, boy, you are a Chinese, or the leader of the Ancient Alliance, and your strength is even more amazing.

Now that Huaxia and the ancient martial arts are in trouble, I don’t think you can stand by and watch it, right? "Long Lord said with a smile.

"Okay, Dragon Lord, don't put a high hat on me."

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "To be honest, Dragon Lord, if it were not for my relatives and friends who were also involved in this battle, I would not have participated.

I don't bother to care about what the alliance of the gods and the ancient alliance are, and who is the final winner, these actually have nothing to do with me.

The sins made by the Ancient Alliance, why do we juniors come to wipe their ass? "

"Boy, that's not what I said. After all, you are also from Huaxia, with our Huaxia blood flowing in your bones.

You are strong and excellent in leadership, can't you think about the common people of the world?

The Buddha has a cloud, saving a life is better than building a seven-level Pagoda. If you have saved tens of thousands of people, that would be a great merit..." The Dragon Lord said in the ground.

"Save the world? Hehe..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said: "Dragon Lord, don't think of me too great, because my strength can't save the people in this world.

The reason why I am willing to join this war is actually very simple. I just want to protect the people I want to protect, the people I cherish.

As for those who have slandered me, hurt me, looked down on me, and ridiculed me... What is their life and death to me? "


Ye Fei's words were stunned and blocked the Dragon Lord with nothing to say.

The dragon master was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Boy, although the ancient martial arts have done something sorry for you, but it has been so long, haven't you forgotten it?

You are the purgatory king that thousands of people admire, Mars, and even the leader of the ancient alliance worshipped by countless warriors...You are powerful and have an extraordinary status. Can't the measure be larger? "

"Dragon Lord, I am not a saint, why should there be such a big measure? Ye Fei has been acting all my life, but I have a clear conscience.

The person who hurts me, I will step on him, so that he can't turn over completely. For those who are good to me, I will keep it in my heart and repay them twice. "

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Okay, Dragon Lord, don't instill any spiritual chicken soup for me here. It's a big deal.

If you don’t say anything about this big battle, I will also participate. As for you, you should prepare quickly, lest you get caught off guard by the Alliance of Gods, that would be bad..."

The dragon lord said with an "um" and said, "Don't worry, I have contacted all the various schools of ancient martial arts, big and small, these days.

Everyone also knows that this is an unprecedented disaster in the ancient martial arts world of China, so they are all willing to work together, abandon the contradictory prejudices of the past, and fight the enemy together. "

Ye Fei smiled and said, "It's pretty much the same. It's really rare that these guys who always like to fight in their dens are willing to put aside their prejudices and contradictions and fight the enemy together."

"Everyone is Chinese, and we can tell which one is more important."

The dragon master replied, and then said: "By the way, kid, I have good news for you."

"What good news?" Ye Fei asked.

"Yesterday, as far as I know, now, the three cultivation bases of the Poison King, the Evil Emperor and the Old Beggar of the Ancient Alliance have broken through the heaven and human realm.

The strengths of Xuanyuan ancestors, Huangfu ancestors, Gongsun ancestors, Ji family ancestors, Thousand Hands Man Tu, Xingyue Old Monster, and Raksha Ghost Sovereign have all broken through the realm of Li Chen Dacheng.

As for the ancestors of the Qin Family, Patriarch Xuanyuan, and Mother Ji, all three have broken through to the realm of Lichen Xiaocheng..." The Dragon Lord said with a smile.

Ye Fei was stunned when he heard it, and said: "It is not surprising to me that the Poison King, the Evil Emperor and the Old Beggar can break through to the realm of heaven and human. After all, their strength and talent are there. If they are serious, they will achieve a breakthrough. .

It's a pity that the three masters of the Celestial and Human Realm can hardly change the entire battle..."

"Boy, this is a master of the Heaven and Human Realm, does the Alliance of Gods also have a master of the Heaven and Human Realm?!" The Dragon Lord asked in shock.

"Yes, and there are a lot of them. I guess it is definitely several times more than the Celestial and Human Realm masters of the Ancient Alliance..." Ye Fei replied lightly.


The dragon master couldn't help exclaiming, "How is it possible?! A master of the heaven and human realm is already quite against the sky...

If the Alliance of the Gods is really as terrifying as you said, don't we have any hope of winning this battle? ! "

Ye Fei furrowed his brows and sighed, "Originally, this battle was a lasting fight for us. The current situation of the battle is very obvious. The enemy is strong and we are weak.

But what can it do? The war has come, we can only fight with all our strength, only by letting go, we have the possibility of winning..."

"Boy, what you said is right, I'm going to notify everyone of the news, so that everyone can prepare in advance."

"Okay, let's do this first, and we will see you in three days."

After Ye Fei finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei sat on the sofa, frowned and fell silent.

Although the Dragon Lord had brought good news to himself, in Ye Fei's view, the strength of the Ancient Alliance still couldn't compete with the Alliance of Gods.

The Poison King, the Evil Emperor, the Old Beggar, plus himself, are just four masters in the heaven and human realm.

This is simply incomparable with the Alliance of the Gods.

I don't know where the beautiful master went, is she also hurrying to practice?

After all, when the beautiful master left before, she told herself that she would appear when the war started.

Moreover, with the talent of the beautiful master, if she really cultivates during this period, then her strength must have broken through to the heaven and human realm.

If there is a beautiful master to join, it can barely fight.

"Wang, what are you thinking, why do you look so unhappy?"

At this moment, Elena came over and sat next to Ye Fei.

"I'm fine."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "By the way, Elena, have you contacted the soldiers in our temple?"

"The contact has been completed, everyone will come back in these three days and guard the lost island." Elena replied.

"Ah, very good."

Ye Fei nodded.

"Wang, do you want to contact Alston and Barr?" Elena asked.

"Of course, I will contact them later and call them all back."

Ye Fei replied and said with a smile: "It has been a while since I taught them Guwu. Now, of course, our brothers have to fight together.

If I don't contact them, I'm afraid those guys will be furious. "

Elena smiled slightly and said: "Wang, although this battle will be very difficult, I will be very worried, but at the same time, I am also very happy..."

"very happy?"

Ye Fei was speechless for a while, and said, "Why?"

Elena blinked her beautiful blue eyes and said, "Because we can finally fight together as we did before.

I think Alston and the others will definitely be very excited, even if they really die in battle, it doesn't matter.

At least, in our lifetime, a few of our brothers and sisters can join hands to fight the world again.

It's a pity, without that girl Laura, I always feel a little incomplete..."


A look of nostalgia appeared in Ye Fei's eyes, and he murmured: "Maybe this girl is hiding somewhere in the world now, and live a carefree life, we don't need to disturb her anymore."

Elena gave a "um", and then said: "Wang, then I'll go to debug the defense equipment on the island first."

"Okay, go ahead, I'll contact Alston and the others."

Ye Fei nodded.

After Elena left, Ye Fei picked up the phone and was the first to call the sea emperor-Auston.

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